Egg yolk

Egg yolk is a food product, which is a symbiosis of nutrients, vitamins, mineral compounds necessary for the development of each organism. Its chemical composition and color depend on the bird feed.

The yolk supplies lecithin and vitamins A, B, E, PP, D, K to the human body, normalizes the level of “bad” cholesterol, the functioning of the gallbladder, brain, nervous system, and has a positive effect on liver cells. The heat-treated product does not overload the digestive system and has a high degree of digestibility (up to 95%).

Interestingly, the proportion of yolk in a chicken egg is 27-32%, protein – 56-61%. At the same time, 10-12% of the mass falls on the shell through which the chicken breathes. More than 7500 pores are concentrated on the egg shell, most of which are located at the blunt end of the product. It is through these holes that carbon dioxide and moisture are removed from the egg and oxygen enters.

Useful Properties

A bird’s egg is a supplier of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, phospholipids, macro- and microelements necessary for the nutrition of the embryo. On home and farm yards, ducks, geese, quails and chickens hold the laurels. Each type has its pros and cons.

In terms of carbohydrate content, the leaders among birds are geese and ducks (1,2%). The second place belongs to chickens – 1%. In quail eggs, this indicator is completely absent. At the same time, the amount of cholesterol in their yolk is 13% more than in other birds. However, it is balanced by phospholipids, choline, lecithin, necessary for the nutrition of nerve cells.

The smaller the egg, the higher the cholesterol concentration. So, in the yolk of a quail, this indicator reaches 0,4 mmol / l, geese – 0,25 mmol / l, chickens and ducks – 0,11 mmol / l. Poultry eggs increase the body’s defenses, prevent bile stagnation, normalize digestion, strengthen bones, improve memory and prevent beriberi. The goose product (202 kcal) has the highest nutritional value due to the abundance of fat (13%) in the composition. The second and third places are shared by chicken (162 kcal), quail (158 kcal) eggs, which is why they are considered dietary and approved for use in the process of losing weight.

The yolk of duck eggs helps to strengthen teeth and bones, goose eggs – to improve vision, prevents the appearance of cataracts. Chicken and quail have a balanced mineral composition, maximum digestibility, make up for the deficiency of phosphorus, potassium, iron in the body, which is especially important for people suffering from low hemoglobin and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Regardless of the type, all eggs are the strongest allergens, so they should not be abused. In addition, salmonella bacteria may be present in the raw product. In order not to become infected with an infectious disease, the yolk, like protein, is not recommended to be consumed fresh. It must be heat treated.

Despite the variety of choices for a daily diet, only a chicken product is suitable. The yolk of other species of birds is allowed to be consumed, but not on a permanent basis.

Chemical composition

Egg yolk is a source of vitamin E that supports the health of the human reproductive organs. As an antioxidant, it fights cancer cells by destroying free radicals. Its effectiveness in improving the condition of hair, nails and skin is noted. The yolk is of particular value for pregnant women, as it reduces the likelihood of malformations in the fetus.

Currently, there is an opinion that cholesterol, concentrated in eggs, is a danger to human health. Indeed, the yolks contain saturated fats that are unhealthy for the body. However, they are balanced by valuable polyunsaturated ones, which normalize lipid metabolism, regulate vascular tone, prevent metabolic and cardiovascular disorders, provide the synthesis of anti-inflammatory prostaglandins, and improve microcirculation.

Egg yolk delays the rapid passage of food through the stomach into the intestines. Due to which the accumulation of glucose slows down, little insulin is produced, less subcutaneous fat is formed.

The mass of one egg depends on the type of bird and is:

  • quail – 10 g;
  • guinea fowl – 25 g;
  • chicken – 50 g;
  • pheasants – 60 g;
  • turkey – 75 g;
  • duck – 90 g;
  • goose – 200 g;
  • emu – 780 g;
  • ostrich – 900 g.

The yolk accounts for one third of the mass of the egg. The uniqueness of the yellow fraction of the product lies in the content of an active anti-sclerotic agent – lecithin, which nourishes the nervous and brain tissue. In addition, the substance is necessary for the proper functioning of the biliary tract and liver, and the regulation of the distribution of adipose tissue.

Nutritional value of raw egg yolk
ComponentsContent in 100 g product, g
Fats (g)26,5
Proteins (g)15,9
Monounsaturated fatty acids11,738
Saturated fatty acids9,551
Essential Amino Acids7,869
Replaceable amino acids7,758
Polyunsaturated fatty acids4,204
Carbohydrates (g)3,6
Mono – and disaccharides0,56
Chemical composition of raw egg yolk
NameThe content of nutrients in 100 g product mg
Choline (B4)820,2
Pantothenic Acid (B5)2,99
Tocopherol (E)2,58
Riboflavin (V2)0,528
Retinol (A)0,371
Pyridoxine (V6)0,35
Thiamine (V1)0,176
Folic acid (B9)0,146
Niacin (B3)0,024
Cholecalciferol (D)0,0054
Cyanocobalamin (B12)0,00195
Phylloquinone (K)0,00007
Phosphorus (P)390,0
Calcium (Ca)129,0
Potassium (K)109,0
Sodium (Na)48,0
Magnesium (Mg)5,0
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)2,73
Zinc (Zn)2,3
Copper (Cu)0,077
Selenium (Se)0,056
Manganese (Mn)0,055

100 g of fresh egg yolk contains 322 kcal, 1,094 mg of lutein and zeaxanthin, 0,088 mg of beta-carotene, 0,038 mg of alpha-carotene and 0,033 mg of beta-cryptoxanthin. Natural carotenoids reduce the likelihood of developing cataracts.

Why is fresh eggs harder to separate from the shell? The fact is that their contents adhere much more tightly to the film of the hard shell.

Harmful properties

Despite the high biological value, the product is not recommended to be abused. The safe daily allowance is 2 yolks for women and 4 for men. In this case, they will enrich the body with useful components without harming health. If these indicators are exceeded, the risk of weight gain and obesity increases.

Remember, yolks contain a lot of fat and cholesterol, the excess of which can lead to problems with the cardiovascular system. In addition, eggs can be contaminated with a dangerous microbe – salmonella, which causes an acute infectious disease. This condition is accompanied by a violation of the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, blood circulation due to which the hands and feet become cold, blood pressure decreases, body temperature rises, intense vomiting begins, loose watery stools up to 10-20 times a day. Diarrhea leads to dehydration.

In case of loss of 10% of the moisture contained in tissues and organs, hypovolemic shock develops. With a further increase in this indicator and reaching the mark of 20%, irreversible processes occur, the patient dies. If left untreated, salmonellosis gives severe complications: the functioning of the kidneys, the heart muscle is disrupted, causes vascular collapse, and provokes the progression of purulent pathologies, such as peritonitis, abscess.

Yolk is contraindicated for people with cholelithiasis, as it can cause spasms, colic, and exacerbation of the disease. In addition, eggs should be excluded from the diet of allergy sufferers, since the protein contains aggressive components – ovalbumin and ovomucoid, which are not destroyed even during heat treatment.

It is believed that the quail product is safer than chicken, but this is a myth. Partridge eggs also contain ovomucoid.

Interestingly, yolk allergy is much less common than protein allergy, since the yellow fraction allergen is neutralized by high temperatures.

eggs in bodybuilding

Professional athletes carefully monitor their diet, because they know how important proper nutrition is to obtain the desired result. The main goal of athletes is to build muscle mass. To complete the task, you need to adhere to the established training regimen, make up for the deficiency of nutrients after class, focus on protein foods or all kinds of supplements: gainers, proteins. However, adherents of a healthy diet always insist that the human body perceives nutrients better from natural products than from chemical cocktails produced synthetically.

Eggs are considered the most affordable source of high-quality, easily digestible protein, which contains essential amino acids necessary for muscle growth. However, is there any benefit from the yolk for athletes? Yes. When building muscle mass, it is no less valuable than protein. First, it also contains amino acids. Secondly, the yolk improves protein digestion.

What is the right way to eat eggs?

The raw product may contain a harmful microorganism, salmonella, so it must first be boiled. In this case, the egg must be cooked soft-boiled (the state when the yolk remains in liquid form). So it retains a maximum of nutrients, lecithin is not destroyed.

Remember, one chicken yolk contains up to 5 g of fat, so athletes need to stop using the product during the “drying” process.

Protein Separation Methods

The easiest method to separate the components of a raw egg is with a special pear. To do this, just take a plate, gently break the product. After that, the pear is squeezed, releasing air from it as much as possible, its neck is brought to the yolk, ensuring their contact, and the fingers are slowly unclenched. The device instantly “sucks” the yellow fraction into itself.

Other ways to separate the egg yolk:

  1. Make small holes on both sides of the shell. Lean your lips against one of the resulting holes and blow out the protein.
  2. Break the shell in the middle of the egg on one side with a knife, slightly separate the halves, transfer the yolk from one part to another over a plate. During these manipulations, most of the protein will pour into the container.
  3. Make a paper funnel like for seeds, put it in a glass. Then crack an egg right into it. Through a small hole in the funnel, the protein will drain into the glass, and the yolk will remain in the paper bag.

In the process of separating the egg into its constituent components, it is necessary to remember the fragility of the product. The yolk is in a bag with a thin protective film. Sharp movements, the use of sharp objects can violate the integrity of the shell, as a result, the liquid yellow fraction will mix with the protein and then it will be impossible to separate it.

Protecting hair health

Egg yolk is a pantry of useful nutrients that strengthen and restore the structure of strands, stimulate their growth, relieve dandruff, and prevent hair loss. Masks, shampoos based on it refresh and tone the hair, make it supple, smooth and shiny.

For cosmetic purposes, use the yolk of fresh eggs, preferably domestic. It is suitable for nourishing all types of hair. However, it should be remembered that the product dries quickly in the air, so it will take time to wash it off the strands. In addition, the yolk has a characteristic odor that is easy to remove after rinsing the hair with water.

During egg masks, it is recommended to cover the head with polyethylene, this will slow down their drying, and simplify the rinsing procedure.

To achieve a stable, noticeable result, the procedure for hair using the yolk is recommended to be carried out at least 2-3 times a week. Shampoo and masks are applied to wet hair with light movements, gently massaging the scalp. The therapeutic composition is left for 3 to 15 minutes, after which it is washed off. To return the natural strength and shine, the curls are rinsed with an acidified composition no more than 2 times in 7 days. To do this, add 1000 ml of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to 15 ml of water. Excess moisture is removed with a cotton towel, dried naturally. In no case should you use a hair dryer after the procedure. Hot air can damage curls, make them dry and brittle.

Folk recipes:

  1. Shampoo for strengthening hair. Ingredients: 10 ml purified water, 2 egg yolks, 3 drops of pine essential oil.
  2. Composition for moisturizing and nourishing dry, weakened hair. Ingredients: 5 ml beer, 1 egg yolk, 15 ml baby shampoo.
  3. Hair loss remedy. The components of the treatment mixture: 60 ml of carrot juice, 1 egg yolk, 15 ml of lemon juice, 15 ml of vegetable oil.
  4. Nourishing mask. Ingredients: Avocado puree, 1 egg yolk.
  5. Mask for hair growth. Ingredients: 15 ml of burdock oil, 5 ml of cognac, 2 egg yolks, 15 ml of castor oil, 30 ml of honey, 20 g of yeast. The prepared mass is placed in a water bath, after the composition becomes warm, it is distributed from the roots to the ends of the hair. The head is insulated with a plastic bag and a terry towel. Unlike previous products, the mask is kept for 1,5 hours, after which it is washed off with warm water.

In addition to hair care, the yolk is used in the cosmetic industry for nourishing and moisturizing dry dermis. In this case, the combination of the yellow fraction of the egg with olive oil is considered a win-win option, which ensures maximum absorption of nutrients and hydration of the skin. To improve skin tone, the yolk is mixed with fruit or vegetable puree.

In no case should owners of dry skin use formulations with citrus fruits containing aggressive acids, as they intensely tighten pores, cause irritation, and exacerbate the existing problem.


Egg yolk is a useful product that supplies proteins, fats, carbohydrates, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A, E, B, D, K, PP, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, selenium, manganese, zinc, copper, lecithin in human organism. It has a beneficial effect on vision, prevents the growth of cancer cells, brings vitality, supports the work of the heart, nourishes nerve cells, improves the condition of skin, nails and hair. The benefits of the yolk depend on the amount consumed. Since the product contains cholesterol, it is not recommended to eat more than 2 eggs per day for the fairer sex and 4 for men.

Raw yolk is of the greatest value for the human body, however, it may contain parasites, therefore, for safety reasons, it is recommended to subject it to heat treatment. A soft-boiled egg contains an active anti-sclerotic substance – lecithin, which prevents the formation of harmful plaques.

Interestingly, in terms of nutritional qualities, the yolk is superior to fresh milk and fresh meat. Therefore, the product is recommended for daily use by all people who do not have allergies and gallstone disease. Otherwise, the positive effect of its use is completely leveled, pathological conditions develop that require medical intervention.

Sources of
  1. Technical expert – GOST R 52121-2003 Edible chicken eggs. Specifications (as amended)
  2. Vostrikova S. M., Tretyakov M. Yu., Deineka V. I., Deineka L. A., Shaposhnikov A. A. – Carotenoids of poultry egg yolks // Nauchnye Vedomosti BelSU. Series Natural Sciences. – 2011 – No. 9 (104), Issue. 15/2. – S. 219-226.
  3. Saifitova A. T., Vysotin S. A. – Features of eggs and egg products // International Student Scientific Bulletin. – 2018 No. 2. – P. 17-19.

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