Egg noodles

Noodles are not in vain associated with Asian cuisine. The dish came from Japan, China, Vietnam and Thailand. Noodles could not be elevated to a cult like Italian pasta, but true connoisseurs adore the dish not for the form, but for the content. Among its varieties are buckwheat, rice, wheat and egg. Let’s take a closer look at the last option.

Of all the types of noodles, it is egg noodles that Europeans will like the most. It is made from wheat flour and eggs, which is very similar to traditional pasta. The product acquires a yellowish color and has independent taste qualities – it can be eaten even without sauce, without complaining about the lack of taste or structure. Egg noodles are suitable for adherents of a healthy lifestyle. It is not fried in a pan with sauce, but served separately with additives if desired. Many chefs compare the product with Italian tagliatelle, the only difference between them is the shape and size.

General product characteristics

Noodles are one of the varieties of pasta. It looks like long narrow strips of dough, made from flour (wheat or rice) and kneaded with water. Egg noodles differ from other types of composition – it includes eggs or egg powder.

The origin of the word “noodles” is still confusing to scientists. According to Vasmer’s etymological dictionary, the term originated from the Turkic language. The historical and etymological dictionary of P. Chernykh states that “noodles” originates from the verb “lap”.

Noodles belong to the Asian culinary tradition. Chinese noodles are considered the oldest in the world (the first mention dates back to the second millennium BC).

The product can be prepared using various technologies. In everyday life, the product is rolled into a thin layer, after which the dough is independently cut into narrow strips. On an industrial scale, this happens with the help of special automated knives and surfaces. In the culinary arsenal, there are even special meat grinders that scroll the dough, squeezing out perfectly thin and even strips of noodles.

The product is prepared by boiling in boiling water without / with seasonings or in various broths. Most often, the dish is combined with sauces and vegetables / meat / fish. The set of accompanying ingredients depends on the specifics of the restaurant, the cuisine used and the personal preferences of the consumer.

What you need to know about egg noodles

The appearance of Asian noodles is slightly different from other pasta. First of all, a miniature size catches the eye – flattened, flat strips, the width of which is 1 millimeter. It may seem that such jewelry work requires a special dough, but the basis for the noodles are the simplest ingredients – water, eggs or egg powder, salt and flour (wheat is most often used for a balanced taste and high nutritional value).

To prepare the product, you can use both whole eggs, and separately the protein or yolk. The color of the finished product directly depends on the eggs. Yolk noodles will be a rich yellow color, while white noodles will look grayish or half transparent.

Regardless of the color and content of yolks / proteins, the liquid in which the Asian delicacy is boiled always remains crystal clear.

There are whole special schemes for making egg noodles. Some of them exclude the use of liquid – only eggs, flour and spices are used for shaping as needed. Such noodles are especially valuable in terms of taste and energy value.

Can egg noodles be considered a healthy food?

It all depends on the degree of processing of the product and component components. If the flour was made with only quality flour (wholemeal/durum wheat), eggs, and filtered water, then noodles are great as a healthy side dish. If the preparation used premium flour, thickeners, starch, various preservatives and flavor enhancers, then the product goes into the category of gastronomic garbage. How to find out? Get into the composition. Remember the main rule – the shorter / clearer the composition, the better and more useful the product. Properly enter the product in your KBJU, and you can enjoy your favorite dish at least every day.

To be absolutely sure of the quality and benefits of the dish – cook it yourself. So you can control all the cooking processes and create unique noodles with a touch of personality. You should not experiment with flour or egg powder. Spices – this is a real field for gastronomic searches. Eliminate ordinary table salt from the recipe and introduce the abundance of spices that seems to you the most advantageous.

Do not forget to properly combine noodles with vegetables and a meat / fish side dish in order to saturate the body with quality until the next meal.

The chemical composition of the ingredient

Nutritional value of dry egg noodles (per 100 grams)
Caloric value384 kCal
Proteins14,16 g
Fats4,44 g
Carbohydrates67,97 g
Alcohol0 g
Cholesterol84 mg
Ash1,12 g
Water9,01 g
Vitamin composition of dry egg noodles (in milligrams per 100 grams)
Retinol (A)0,017
Beta Carotene (A)0,002
Calciferol (D)0,3
Tocopherol (E)0,37
Fillohinon (K)0,0005
Thiamine (V1)1,13
Riboflavin (V2)0,43
Choline (B4)78,7
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,91
Pyridoxine (V6)0,22
Folic acid (B9)0,23
Cobalamin (B12)0,00029
Nicotinic acid (PP)10,6
Nutrient composition of dry egg noodles (in milligrams per 100 grams
Potassium (K)244
Calcium (Ca)35
Magnesium (Mg)58
Sodium (Na)21
Phosphorus (P)241
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)4,01
Manganese (Mn)0,86
Copper (Cu)0,3
Selenium (Se)0,078
Zinc (Zn)1,92

Recipe for egg noodles with green vegetables

We need:

  • egg noodles – 80 g;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • chili – 2 pieces;
  • zucchini – 2 pcs;
  • asparagus (previously blanched in boiling water) – 2 pcs;
  • fresh green peas – 50 g;
  • fresh spinach – 100 g;
  • olive oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • coconut milk – 100 ml;
  • salt / pepper / favorite spices to taste.


Cook pasta until al dente (cook 1 minute less than directed on cooking instructions). Heat a frying pan, add olive oil to it, fry the garlic and chili peppers. Once the vegetables are soft and golden brown, add chopped zucchini, green peas and asparagus (previously blanched) to the pan. Saute vegetable mixture until tender. At this stage, spices do not need to be used – they will be required in the final part of the preparation.

Once the vegetables are ready, pour the coconut milk into the pan and bring the mixture to a boil. Pour the egg noodles into the simmering coconut vegetable broth. Reduce the heat and heat the dish until the noodles are completely cooked. Enter your favorite spices, periodically try the dish and adjust the flavor palette.

Serve immediately, garnished with fresh spinach leaves.

How to choose and store the product

Buy a product that requires a long cooking time. Packages with the inscription “quick lunch in 5 minutes” do not lead to gastronomic pleasure without problems, but to serious consequences for the gastrointestinal tract.

Always pay attention to the ingredients. If it does not contain unfamiliar prefixes or preservatives, you have a quality product in front of you. Now pay attention to the components. The composition should include:

  • wholemeal flour (it is also from durum wheat);
  • egg / egg powder / egg whites / egg yolks (depends on the manufacturer, does not affect taste or structure);
  • pure water;
  • a limited list of spices (salt is most often used).

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to protect yourself from a fake. Falseness can be noticed only in the process of preparation. Quality noodles will hold their shape, while fake noodles will fall apart after a few minutes in boiling water. To avoid this, buy egg noodles from certified outlets and always choose a well-known manufacturer that values ​​its own reputation.

It is best to store the product in industrial containers. Place the sealed container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in a dark, cool cabinet. The shelf life of traditional egg noodles should not exceed 30 days.

How to cook instant noodles

Quick breakfasts are equally popular all over the world. Disputes regarding their composition and energy value will last forever, just like the noodles themselves and the people’s love for them. Quality egg noodles are not always found in authentic Asian stores. Most often, we notice it on the shelves of supermarkets in translucent packs with the inscription “full lunch in 5 minutes.” How are such noodles made and what is the secret of its special taste?

The product is manufactured at huge industrial facilities. Despite the fact that the process is automated, dozens of employees monitor the preparation of noodles. The room is divided into several compartments or floors. The first of them is a flour storage room. Production buys flour from the right supplier, stores it in warehouses, and sieves it before direct use and prepares it for further processes. The flour cleaning process is most often fully automated: huge containers are engaged in cleaning and sifting, after which eggs and thickeners are added to the finished product. These components affect the structure of the product, make it more dense and viscous. Moreover, without eggs and thickener, the noodles will fall apart after 10 minutes of contact with boiling water.

Thickeners may vary depending on the manufacturer’s policy. To track this aspect, carefully read the composition on the package.

Wheat-egg mass is sent to a special machine that kneads the dough and doses the product. Most often, a mixture of salt and filtered water is added to the dough. The dough is stirred for 15 minutes, and sent to a separate compartment for ripening. Ripening can take from several minutes to several hours. The time interval depends on the scale of production and the policy of the manufacturing company.

The finished dough is sent to the rollers. A huge press rolls the dough into several thick sheets. There are several such shafts and after the last one the dough becomes very thin (thickness is slightly less than 1 millimeter). A thin layer is cut into threads using special round knives (the process is automated).

Then moisture is removed from the noodles – the method of removal depends on the manufacturer. The product can be dried/deep-fried and so on. Getting rid of moisture protects the product from the growth of microorganisms, for which a humid environment is favorable. The threads are cut into the necessary blocks, doused with air, after which the dry noodles are sent to the cooling chamber. Under the influence of air, the noodles cool down to a temperature of 30°C.

The finished noodles are subjected to a thorough inspection. Employees make sure that it does not break or acquire an uneven pattern. Also, the product is inspected for the presence of wet / greasy stains.

After that, the noodles are sent for packaging. The stacking robot packs the finished briquettes, the employees inspect their quality and integrity. After simple manipulations, ready-made food products are collected in huge boxes and sent to sales outlets.

Can you eat instant noodles

All foods that have undergone heavy industrial processing and are almost immediately ready to eat, as a rule, have the following characteristics:

  • long implementation period;
  • unjustified abundance of sugar and salt in the composition;
  • the presence of trans fats, preservatives, gluten and flavor enhancers.

Such a composition clearly indicates a low nutritional value of the product and a high degree of danger to human health. Abundant consumption of such food can lead to: obesity, exacerbation or development of acne, cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes mellitus, internal inflammatory processes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some of the E-additives found in instant noodles can be fatal. Among the most dangerous additives are: E-102, 110, 124, 133, 211, 320, 621.

Nutritionists recommend giving up fast food in favor of homemade food or going to a quality establishment. Remember that nutrition is an important aspect of human life and affects our livelihoods.

Opt for a healthy heart, minimal visceral fat, and optimal digestive performance. Approach nutrition scientifically and be healthy!

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