Egg liqueur Advocate: with what and how to drink

Lawyer (Advocaat – gol.) – egg-milk liqueur based on grape spirit or ordinary cognac brandy, generously flavored with sugar or honey. The strength of the drink ranges from 14-20 degrees. The rich yellow color of industrial liquor variants is achieved not only by the presence of a fair amount of egg yolks in it, but also by the addition of special dyes.

The main producers of the drink are: Warniks, Lucas Bols, De Kuyper and Verpoorten.

Find out the egg liqueur recipe.

Drink History Lawyer

In the middle of the XNUMXth century, the Dutch colonists who settled in Suriname managed to briefly capture a number of neighboring territories that were part of Portuguese Brazil.

During their short reign, the Dutch adopted from the local Indians the recipe for a drink made by mixing fire water, milk and avocado pulp.

The idea quickly took root in Suriname, and then the liquor reached the metropolis.

But no matter how hardworking the Dutch tried, they did not succeed in growing overseas fruits in the cool climate of their native country.

In this regard, some folk craftsman thought of replacing avocados with egg yolks, which was done with great success.

However, despite the fact that the avocado disappeared from the recipe itself, it remained in the name of the liquor.

The common at that time Spanish name for this exotic fruit: “aguacate” for the European ear turned out to be consonant with the usual name of the legal profession.

It’s funny that even in the official encyclopedias of the late XNUMXth century, the “legal” name of the liquor was explained by its beneficial effect on the throat, allowing lawyers to make long speeches in court.

Varieties of liquor Lawyer

The drink we are interested in is divided into two categories:

  1. Thick Lawyer is popular in Holland, as well as in the Austrian Tyrol, where the liquor subsequently found its next homeland. Its density is such that a teaspoon is often needed when consumed.

  2. Liquid Advocate is usually exported. In its consistency, it resembles Baileys.

How and with what they drink Lawyer

This classic dessert drink, in its thick incarnation even replacing dessert, is enjoyed by sweet tooth in its pure form at the end of the meal. In this case, ordinary liquor glasses are used, and if necessary, a small spoon. Undiluted Counsel may be kept at room temperature or lightly refrigerated; but without ice.

If a pure drink seems too sugary, it can be served in a wide glass, mixed with cream and sprinkled with grated chocolate.

In addition, the addition of this liqueur to coffee and hot chocolate is widely practiced.

Finally, Advocaat is a welcome ingredient in many dessert cocktails, such as the flag of Ukraine.

In all of the above cases, ice cream, chocolate and sweet cookies will serve as a pleasant addition.

Relevance: 13.09.2017

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Brands of liqueurs

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