Egg liqueur Advocaat: concept, history and homemade recipe

Liqueur Advocaat (Advocaat, advocatenborrel) is a Dutch alcoholic drink based on eggs, sugar and brandy, considered a type of eggnog (traditional Christmas egg drink). The liqueur has a rich bouquet and velvety taste, similar in texture and aroma to custard. The fortress varies from 14 to 20 degrees. The composition of the drink includes egg yolks, aromatic spirits, sugar, honey, brandy, vanilla, and sometimes cream. The brand does not belong to one manufacturer, it is produced by such companies as Bols, DeKuyper, Verpoorten, Warninks.

Etymology and history. Advokaat in Dutch means, of course, “lawyer”. The fact is that the liquor was originally called advocatenborrel – “drink of lawyers”, since its texture is ideal for “wetting the throat” during protracted public speaking. Over time, the difficult-to-pronounce name was reduced to a simple “lawyer”.

Egg liqueur Advocaat: concept, history and homemade recipe

There is an original version that the drink originated in the Caribbean or South Africa, and avocado fruits were used to make it. Over time, the distorted name of this plant became the name of the liquor. At the end of the XNUMXth century, the Dutch brought the recipe to Europe, replacing avocados with egg yolks. Interestingly, “avocado” sounds in Dutch Advocaatpeer, so the version is not so groundless.

How to drink liquor Lawyer

In Belgium and Holland, a thick liqueur based only on egg yolks is sold, small quantities of this variation are exported to Germany and Austria. The drink is so dense that they do not drink it, but eat it with a dessert spoon, like ice cream. Such a “Lawyer” is too sugary to consume it in its pure form: more often they are spread on waffles or pastries.

Export “Lawyer” is much less thick; a whole egg (yolk and protein) is used for its preparation. Liquor is cooled and drunk in its pure form from glasses as a digestif or aperitif, also used in cocktails. Sometimes cinnamon and nutmeg are added to pure liquor.

Egg liqueur Advocaat: concept, history and homemade recipe
Lawyer DeKuyper

Cocktails with Advocate liqueur

  1. Snowball (Snowball). Two and a half parts of “Lawyer”, half a part of cognac, 6 parts of carbonated lemonade, lime juice to taste. Mix everything in a shaker.
  2. Fluffy Duck (Fluffy duck). Equal parts Advocate, white rum, cream, lemonade to taste. Mix everything in a large cocktail glass, serve with ice.
  3. bombardino. A drink popular in Italian ski resorts. 2 parts “Lawyer”, part brandy, whipped cream, winter spices to taste. Serve warm, in a mug.

Home liquor Lawyer

“Lawyer” is a name that is not protected by origin, it is not even a trademark or brand. By type, the drink is very similar to the Slavic eggnog, only with alcohol. It is easy to prepare at home.


  • egg yolks – 10 pieces;
  • sugar – 200 gram;
  • cognac (brandy) – 250 ml;
  • spices – to taste.

Cognac can be replaced with rum or whiskey (but not Scottish peat-smoked). Nutmeg, cinnamon and vanilla are suitable as spices.

Classic recipe

1. Carefully separate the yolks from the whites, otherwise lumps will appear in the liquor.

2. Mix all the ingredients with a mixer or beat with a whisk until smooth.

3. Slowly heat the resulting mixture in a water bath, stirring until the liquid thickens to a thick cream.

If heated too quickly, the yolks may curdle!

4. Remove the finished liquor from the stove, cool to room temperature and pour into bottles for storage. Close hermetically.

5. Put in the refrigerator. It is advisable to let the drink brew for 3-5 days before tasting to improve the taste.

Shelf life of homemade liquor “Lawyer” – up to 3 months (necessarily in the refrigerator). Fortress – 15-18%.

Egg liqueur Advocaat: concept, history and homemade recipe

Another Advocate liqueur recipe (with egg yolks, condensed milk and cognac) on video.

Liquor Lawyer (Advocaat) at home – a simple recipe

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