Doctors advise us not to eat eggs because of the cholesterol in their yolk. Meanwhile, scientific research proves …
Doctors advise us not to eat eggs because of the cholesterol in their yolk. Meanwhile, scientific research proves that eggs are not only a source of valuable vitamins, minerals and nutrients, and that cholesterol in them has little effect on its level in the blood. Therefore, during Easter, let us not refuse to eat eggs in a traditional way.
A priceless composition
It has long been known that eggs have not only taste and nutritional value. They are also extremely healthy. Eggs are a rich source of vitamins, they contain valuable amino acids that are the building material for our body, as well as zinc, calcium and iron.
For a long time, nutritionists have recommended limiting the consumption of eggs due to the cholesterol they contain, although the views on the role of cholesterol supplied to our body with the diet are not clear.
Cholesterol is a compound that plays an important role in our body – it is a precursor of steroid hormones, bile acids, vitamins, it is also an essential component of many tissues, especially nervous tissue. This compound can be supplied to the body with food (exogenous cholesterol), but it is also synthesized in our body, mainly in the liver (endogenous cholesterol). The daily production of endogenous cholesterol is estimated at about 1-3 grams, and only half of this compound in our body comes from the diet. The problem begins when the cholesterol level in the blood exceeds the legal limit. Among other things, this may contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. In such cases, doctors and nutritionists recommend drastically reducing the cholesterol in the diet.
The whole truth about the egg
One egg contains around 200 mg of cholesterol, which is not a lot compared to its endogenous production. Moreover, according to the latest research, egg cholesterol, even with a consumption of two eggs a day, has little effect on blood cholesterol levels. According to some scientists, the presence and proportion of fats contained in eggs to cholesterol help regulate the work of the liver and maintain the correct level of cholesterol in the blood.
Smoking, drinking alcohol, being overweight, inactivity, a diet high in animal fats, full-fat dairy products, and sweets all contribute significantly more to high blood cholesterol.
Nevertheless, people suffering from lipid metabolism disorders or at risk of atherosclerosis should limit the consumption of eggs, and basically their yolks.