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Currently in Russia there is a steady tendency towards an increase in the frequency of female infertility, which is not only a medical problem, but also a serious socio-demographic problem. For more information, turned to a specialist, reproductive physician at the IVF reproductive health clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences Olga Aleksandrovna Kravtsova.
Olga Aleksandrovna Kravtsova, reproductive physician at the IVF Clinic for Reproductive Health, Candidate of Medical Sciences
– Why today IVF does not always help to solve the problem of infertility?
– In our work, we often meet patients who are unable to get pregnant through IVF for a variety of reasons. Some women may have no ovaries from birth, others have undergone ovarian surgery. In addition, there are women who carry serious genetic diseases that are inherited. Often women over 40 years old also need donor eggs due to the poor quality of their own. Each of these women is capable of bearing a fetus in the event of a donor egg transplant.
– Who are these egg donors?
– Many are asking the question: what should be the donor? So, egg donors can be physically and mentally healthy women who have undergone a medical and genetic examination, aged 18 to 35, who have their own healthy child and have no contraindications to stimulation of superovulation and follicle puncture.
– Who needs ART programs with donor oocytes?
– These are patients who do not have oocytes. This may be due to natural menopause, premature ovarian failure syndrome, resistant ovary syndrome, condition after oophorectomy, radio- or chemotherapy, genetic diseases; as well as patients who had 3 or more unsuccessful repeated attempts to carry out the IVF and IVF / ICSI programs with an insufficient response of the ovaries to stimulation of superovulation, repeated receipt of low-quality embryos, the transfer of which does not lead to pregnancy.
– How is the training program going?
– Preparation for the program is standard. All program participants, regardless of whether it is a donor or a recipient, undergo a full examination in accordance with Order 107n, according to which all ART centers operate, in order to identify the presence of contraindications for entering the program in order to exclude any complications during it.
– And in more detail?
– The program itself with donor eggs is carried out according to the following scenario. The couple selects an oocyte donor that suits them. The doctor then synchronizes the patient’s and donor’s menstrual cycles to start the program. When the follicles reach a certain size, controlled ovulation occurs, a follicle puncture is performed from the donor. Then comes the last stage of the program – IVF. The resulting eggs are fertilized with the spouse’s sperm and transferred, as a rule, on the 3rd or 5th day after fertilization into the uterine cavity of the patient, whose endometrium by this time is in the so-called “implantation window” – the period of establishment of active interactions between the embryo and the endometrium leading to blastocyst implantation and pregnancy.
– And if a couple does not have the opportunity to find a donor on their own?
– Currently, in connection with the development of oocyte vitrification, it has become possible to create a bank of donor oocytes and use them for patients at the right time, which eliminates the need to wait for the donor and the stage of synchronization of the donor and the patient.
Clinic for reproductive health “IVF”
Samara, 443030, Karl Marx Ave., 6
8-800-550-42-99, free in Russia