Recently, scientists have suggested that middle-aged and older people should not consume milk. But this was not their final conclusion, after conducting some research, they found that one of the most common and popular dairy product affects the development of cancerous tumors.
Overseas specialists working in the field of nutrition published their work in one of the scientific publications, which stated that one milk product is harmful to humans. At the same time, they emphasized that he is in great demand by society. Before this study, no one even suspected its negative effect on the body. Despite the fact that dairy products are useful and necessary for the normal development of the body, it can cause cancer.
Experts have established that dairy products contain various biochemical substances. They have a different effect on cancer cells, increasing or decreasing their division.
To confirm this, they conducted a study. It involved 2000 patients with diagnosed breast cancer and 1200 healthy women. The experiment consisted in the fact that for a year, day after day, they wrote down all the milk products that they consumed. In addition to the name, their number was also indicated.
After graduation, scientists studied these data and established a certain pattern: yogurt can reduce the risk of breast cancer, but hard cheese, on the contrary, increases this risk.
That is, women who love yogurt, reduce the risk of oncology by 39%. But women who are not able to live without hard cheese and a day increase it by 53%.
The result of the above is this: hard cheeses contain a lot of biologically active substances that can cause oncology.