Effects of perinatal injuries as a cause of child development disorders

How we come into the world largely determines our future health, mental condition and the quality of interpersonal relationships. Therefore, it is not surprising that the event which is childbirth is perceived by us as the most important in life. Although we wish it would always be exemplary, we know that this is not always the case. How to prevent the effects of perinatal complications?

Perinatal injuries

Childbirth is an enormous effort for both mother and baby. A small man, coming into the world, is subjected to enormous pressure, so it is not difficult to be injured. Additional risk factors are the disproportionate ratio of the child’s head to the size of the woman’s pelvis; childbirth assisted by tools (forceps, delay) and possible misconduct by the obstetrician. Unfortunately, there are many possibilities and even a caesarean section cannot guarantee that a child will not suffer perinatal injuries. What is such an injury? It includes damage to the baby’s tissues and organs caused by mechanical forces during childbirth, and the overall response to these damage on the part of the body. These two conditions can lead to cerebral palsy, autism, and mental retardation over the long term. Of course, it should be remembered that the situations listed here are not the routine of every birth, but intervals from the norm, and none of the women should be negative before their baby is born, especially if so far no abnormalities that could contribute to the birth of her baby have been found. to such a situation.

Which should worry

Difficult childbirth does not always show signs in the first moments of a baby’s life. It often develops properly until their parents notice some disturbing symptoms. They are more weepy, they don’t want to sleep, they have poor coordination, they don’t speak, their teeth grow late. Despite the passage of time, the development distance between the child and peers grows. There are clear disorders of speech and motor functions, the child has hearing and vision disorders, headache attacks and even seizures.

These symptoms are the result of hypoxia in the baby that occurs during childbirth. It is a serious and irreversible disease that poses a threat to the development of the most important organ shaping the human personality and regulating the work of the whole organism – the brain. Although after verifying these symptoms, parents will often hear: it is autism, cerebral palsy or mental retardation – it should not be taken as a sentence.

How to overcome the effects

A group of specialists gathered under the banner of «Dr. Vel »has been dealing with this issue for years. Based on the experience of working with children diagnosed with developmental disorders who experienced certain abnormalities in childbirth, the group developed a multitherapy, which, as one of the few, focuses not only on the symptoms of diseases, but on the effects of these symptoms. The specialists concluded that in a situation of perinatal trauma, the cervical spine of the child is at risk of damaging the first two vertebrae and their connecting apparatus. As a result of displacements within this area, the blood circulation in the basal part of the brain is disturbed, the dynamics of the cerebrospinal fluid is disturbed and, consequently, the pathology of the organ itself is disturbed. These changes occur slowly, without causing concern to parents in the first weeks of the child, and may manifest themselves even after the first year of life.

The rehabilitation itself is able to remove the symptoms of cognitive disorders. The regenerative effect is based on the removal of pathologies of the cervical spine, which leads to the restoration of nerve impulse transmission, the removal of oxygen deficiency in the brain and spinal cord, and the removal of the effects of organic diseases of the nervous system (such as paresis, contractures, muscle weakness). Specialists of the team “Dr. Vel ”conducts multi-therapy, combining the above-mentioned types of influence and achieving positive dynamics in the process of rehabilitation of children.

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