Effects of nutrition on human health
Until a person gets sick, he thinks little about his health. But when this happens, the person rushes to look for medications that can relieve him of the symptoms of the disease. Experience shows that once “addicted” to drugs, a person does not want to give them up ever. At the same time, he absolutely forgets about such an effective means as therapeutic diet food, which can perfectly replace medicines.

Medicines have many side effects. They are not able to cure the disease, but only to eliminate its symptoms. In order not to spend money on medicines, you can use the principles of dietary nutrition.

From birth, our body receives the necessary components from food. Without them, he will not be able to constantly renew his cells and develop. Substances such as essential amino acids, fats, proteins, vitamins and carbohydrates affect organ health and overall health.

The diseased body doubly needs a rational, properly composed, nutrition. Thus, therapeutic diet food becomes the main impetus for recovery. About fifty food components, such as amino acids and minerals, are necessary for the body, and it cannot produce them on its own.

Many trace elements and nutrients, such as vitamins, fiber and cellulose, without which the body cannot function normally, are capable of producing certain organs and intestinal microflora. But even this will become impossible without the right diet. It is believed that the intestines are responsible for 80% of immunity.


All nutrients needed by the body should be regularly supplied with food. If the body has to independently produce them for its life, then various disturbances in its work may occur. Therapeutic diet food is the ratio of components that ensure the normal functioning of all systems and organs. There are many ready-made formulas for such nutrition, but it is better if each person, through experience, determines the one that is right for him.

It is best to exclude from your daily diet those foods that have already been proven to be harmful. These are all kinds of soda, chewing gum, various semi-finished products, industrial confectionery products, alcoholic beverages and more. Instead, enrich your diet with wholesome, and most importantly, natural foods. These are various fruits, vegetables, legumes and iconic, natural unrefined vegetable oils, nuts, fish, liver and more. Remember, industrial processing destroys the benefits these foods contain.

It must be remembered that industrial liver pate and self-made is heaven and earth. After all, at home you can take unrefined oil and other natural products, and the industry produces products that are replete with various chemical additives. The same goes for dumplings. Stored dumplings can raise blood cholesterol and interfere with digestion.

When you’re at home, it’s best to prepare a delicious, healthy, natural, healthy lunch for the whole family. After all, rational nutrition with the correct balance of nutrients is the key to health and a long life of a person. Unfortunately, the environment in which we live is not always favorable, therefore therapeutic diet food, like anything else, will help us to resist its destructive effects. In addition, it enhances brain activity and improves physical performance.

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