Effective leadership: what determines the success of the company

What qualities should a leader have and what should one pay attention to in business when forming a team of professionals? Psychoanalyst and professor in the field of personnel management Manfred Kets de Vries talked about what will help establish effective communication in a company and why women are often more successful in entrepreneurship.

About my work and mission

I have global plans: I want to change the world for the better. I have been studying leadership issues for a long time and consulting top managers of leading companies around the world. I share with them ideas that change their perception of business and life in general. So, by solving problems at the local level, I hope to make a difference around the world.

About ideas that will help create the company of the future

Many are looking for a leader who will be fully responsible for everything that happens in the company. This approach to management is inefficient, and I have prepared several scientific publications on this topic. It is necessary to form a team where each employee will be valuable as a professional and have the right to vote.

One of the key concepts in my work is «authentic organization». What does it mean? This is a company that develops a culture of mentoring and builds interaction between colleagues on the basis of cooperation. It is important that in the process of work everyone can express their point of view.

How to revive a company during a recession

The success of the company directly depends on human resources, and I advise you to focus on the younger generation. Do not forget also about intercultural communication. The infusion of «fresh blood» and the use of the experience of other countries can revive the business. This approach creates the conditions for the emergence of creative solutions necessary for the successful operation of the company in the business market.

On the concept of «internal theater»

It is a set of parameters that influence a person’s personality and the decisions they make. The internal theater of a leader as a separate psychological type is especially complex.

Having studied sources in the field of psychoanalysis, I integrated psychoanalytic knowledge with the basic concepts of management. As a result, I was able to develop a set of tools that help to «stage» the leader’s internal theater so that his decisions are effective both for him personally and for the company as a whole.

About the key themes influencing the «internal theater» of the leader

In matters of effective management, the topics that I call eternal are relevant, namely: sex, money, death, happiness. From the point of view of art, these are the key themes of any tragicomedy. Psychoanalysis offers a holistic view of everything that happens in the world and with us personally, complex decisions can always be reduced to a set of simple parameters.

About positive thinking

Have you noticed that people who run big companies are usually emotional and enthusiastic? In a situation of making responsible decisions that force you to take risks, the ability to maintain a positive outlook on things is a very useful quality.

Usually, if a person managed to survive a serious test, he begins to take a different attitude to life: he appreciates every moment of it and makes well-considered decisions. Instead of panicking or becoming discouraged in a crisis, he understands that as long as he is alive, everything is in his hands. Such an inner attitude, the ability to control difficult situations and treat them with a sense of humor are necessary for someone who occupies leadership positions.

About a typical portrait of a Russian entrepreneur

It seemed to me that you tend to hold back emotions for a long time, but then they still break out and, like a blast wave, destroy everything around. It usually happens at the most inopportune moment. In addition, the Russians are suspicious — perhaps this is the consequences of the Soviet period.

But you also have advantages: you know how to improvise in situations that seem hopeless. In this you have no equal, and this quality is very important for successful entrepreneurial activity.

On whether the success of the company depends on the gender of the top manager

Previously, the effectiveness of a person was evaluated by IQ, but this is not true. If this were the case, company owners could simply invite honors from mathematics departments to leadership positions. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is also important for effective communication. It is known that women have those qualities on which the level of EQ directly depends. And if men have to practice a lot to learn how to read the emotional state of the interlocutor, women do it intuitively.

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