Effective Hemorrhoid Treatment

Methods for preventing hemorrhoids are simple. First, you need to minimize the amount of time you spend in a sitting position. Adding physical exercise to your daily routine is not at all difficult, because walking and refusing to use the elevator are suitable as physical activity, and not just visiting the gym with a personal trainer.

Secondly, you need to normalize the stool, paying attention to both the food eaten and the diet. Do not forget that all these are not temporary measures, but a new way of life, which will help not only stop the development of hemorrhoids, but also prevent many other diseases.

If the problem already exists and hemorrhoids interfere with living a full life, you should seriously think about treatment. In not too advanced cases, various local remedies for hemorrhoids can help, for example, one of the drugs “Relief”.

This is a series of topical remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Depending on the symptoms, the doctor will help you choose the most suitable drug. All drugs “Relief” created on the basis of natural shark liver oil, which contains biologically active substances, zinc, iron, copper, vitamins A, E, D, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids. Funds “Relief” help to eliminate erosion, cracks and reduce bleeding.

Also in the composition of various drugs in the line “Relief” contains additional active ingredients that allow them to have specific effects. For example, Relief ointment and suppositories, which contain the vasoconstrictor component phenylephrine, are good for bleeding, swelling, itching and discomfort.

It is important to choose the most appropriate form of the drug. For internal hemorrhoids, suppositories are usually prescribed, and ointment is more suitable for treating external hemorrhoids. Swelling and bleeding are unpleasant symptoms, but when acute aching pain appears, all other manifestations of the disease fade into the background. In this case, it is better to use candles. Relief Advance with the active anesthetic component benzocaine. It begins to have an analgesic effect within a few minutes after application. “Relief Ultra”, thanks to its composition of hydrocortisone, helps to relieve inflammation in the first place and has an analgesic effect.

Do not forget that the treatment started on time can save you from many unpleasant consequences in the future. Take care of your health and live a fulfilling life!


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