Beautiful, firm buttocks are a serious reason for pride. But how do you get them if you don’t move much and sit all day? offers a special complex for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, which will help to even out unpleasant body fat.
Exercise No. 1
For what: we swing the muscles of the thigh and “work out” the back.
How to do: lying on your stomach, lift your hips and hold them in weight, resting on the floor with your socks. Pull the socks towards you and begin to slowly lift your straight right leg with the heel up. Hold for 10 seconds, change legs. Do not bend your knees, the hip joint should work. Repeat 20 times.
Exercise No. 2
For what: the muscles of the buttocks and thighs work. This exercise is often called the “glute walk” and is considered one of the most beneficial for the buttocks.
How to do: we sit on the floor, legs extended forward, arms in front of us. Without moving our legs, we “crawl”, lifting and advancing either the right thigh or the left. We do the exercise back and forth. If you do this exercise hard on the floor – sit on the mat, although there is a possibility that you will “crawl” with it.
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By the way: even walking up the stairs will give the muscles of the buttocks and legs extra flexibility and improve your endurance. If you have enough breath, step up the step. The back is straight, the knees are relaxed, the feet roll gently.
Exercise No. 3
For what: with the help of the well-known exercise under the uncomplicated name “swing” we force the thigh muscles to work, which will help burn body fat.
How to do: stand facing the wall and take a straight, tense leg to the side. Toe on yourself, stretch your heel up and do not swing, but a short and slow movement. Mahi does not have to be done near the wall. Exercise can be done at the windowsill, at the table, and even on a gymnastic ball.
Exercise No. 4
For what: we make the hips and buttocks work to the fullest.
How to do: Lie on the floor with the letter “L”, keep your legs straight. Slowly lift one leg up, pull the toe towards you, the heel up. Repeat 15 times and roll over to the other side.
By the way: the gluteus maximus muscle is one of the strongest in the human body. Its main function is to straighten the hip when, for example, you get up from a chair or climb stairs. If the gluteus maximus muscle is too weak, the pelvis is pushed forward, and there is a danger of lordosis of the sacral spine. A well-trained gluteus maximus muscle works with the abdominal muscles to stabilize the pelvis.
Exercise No. 5
For what: each of the variants of the famous exercise strengthens the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and waist.
First option: lie on the floor, squeeze your buttocks, lift your pelvis. Lower the pelvis down, and then lift (at this moment, try to tighten the buttocks additionally), returning it to its original position.
The second option: lie on the floor with your knees together. Raise your pelvis and then lower it, but do not touch the floor. Squeeze your buttocks and push your pelvis up. Try to strain your buttocks as much as possible.
Exercise No. 6
For what: this exercise is good for the hips, buttocks, and even the waist.
How to do: get on your knees. The back is straight, the hips and spine are in a straight line.
Without helping yourself with your hands, sit on the floor to the right (knees and shins remain motionless), stand up, and then sit to the left. It will be difficult, but you have to endure! Repeat 20 times.