Effective cough syrups for children from a year
Experienced parents know: first we thin the sputum, and then we remove it from the body. This can be done with cough syrups. ” Healthy Food Near Me” will tell you how to choose the best one and show several effective drugs, and our experts will share their opinions and advice

Cough is a protective reaction of the body, a reflex that helps restore airway patency by clearing them of sputum, dust, smoke or a foreign body. Other irritants can also cause coughing, such as cold or dry air, nasal mucus, allergens, inflammation, and certain medications (1).

But the first association with a cough is SARS. Such records can be found in the medical record of each child. And some regularly visit the doctor with complaints of a runny nose and cough. According to statistics, children under 5 suffer, on average, 6-8 episodes of SARS per year (2).

The abbreviation hides various diseases: nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, laryngopharyngitis, acute infection of the upper respiratory tract, unspecified. In addition, coughing can be a symptom of a number of other diseases: bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, gastroesophageal reflux, pneumonia, etc. 

Two types of cough are often distinguished: non-productive (dry) and productive (wet, sputum) (3). And cough for each of the above diseases may be different. With nasopharyngitis, a wet cough often provokes mucus that flows down the back of the throat. Laryngitis can be manifested by a rough dry cough, and tracheitis is characterized by a sonorous, obsessive, frequent cough that exhausts the child. With pharyngitis, the cough is dry, unproductive, frequent, which is why the baby can be seriously tormented. Whooping cough is characterized by a nocturnal paroxysmal cough with long, deep sighs. A productive cough is often observed in bronchial asthma or cystic fibrosis (4).

To establish the cause of the cough on your own is unrealistic. Therefore, if symptoms appear, contact your pediatrician immediately.

Rating of effective cough syrups for children – for information and so that there is something to talk about with a doctor. 

Rating of the top 4 best and inexpensive dry cough syrups

The treatment for a nonproductive cough is to make it productive. To do this, physicians sometimes prescribe mucolytics, which thin sputum through a direct action on the secretion itself and/or the airway mucosa (5). These substances include acetylcysteine, erdosteine, some plant substances have similar properties. We talk about some cough syrups that are suitable for children from 1 year old.

1. “Prospan”

Plant Based Syrup: The active ingredient, ivy leaf extract, is known to reduce the viscosity of sputum. In addition, the drug helps to facilitate breathing by expanding the lumen of the bronchi. 

The syrup is used in the treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by a cough with sputum difficult to separate. 

Since the composition does not contain sugar, dyes and alcohol, it can be used from birth. Contraindications are minimal. However, before starting treatment, be sure to consult a doctor.

The minimum course of treatment, according to the instructions, is 1 week. The dosage depends on the age and characteristics of the disease, you can measure the right amount of the drug using a measuring cup.

We remember about possible allergic reactions and a laxative effect (there is sorbitol in the composition).


Active substanceIvy leaf extract
Volume100 and 200 ml
appointmentCough with sputum difficult to separate in acute and chronic respiratory diseases
AgeSince birth
ПротивопоказанияHypersensitivity to components, sucrase-isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption
Measuring capYes  

Advantages and disadvantages

May be effective for any cough; suitable for babies; understandable composition.
Short shelf life after opening.
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2. “Doctor Theiss”

A herbal preparation from Germany can also be used to treat cough in children from 1 year old. It is based on plantain extract, which has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, enveloping effect. The manufacturer added honey and peppermint oil to the composition, which help to relieve irritation and pain from dry cough. The drug can also be used to alleviate a productive cough. 

The “set” of contraindications is minimal, as with most similar drugs.

Babies should be given ½ teaspoon every 3-4 hours (no more than four times a day), you can drink it.

This syrup stands out in the segment of similar products with a large volume – practical for families with children. 


Active substancePlantain extract 
Volume100 and 250 ml
appointmentdiseases of the respiratory tract with a violation of the formation and / or discharge of sputum
AgeWith 1 year
ПротивопоказанияHypersensitivity to the components of the drug, age up to 1 year, sucrase-isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption
Measuring capNo 

Advantages and disadvantages

Natural and simple composition; economic volume; can be used in pregnant women and during lactation.
Inconvenient mode of application; hard to find for sale.
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3. «Ambrobene-Stoptussin»

This medicine is in the form of drops for oral use. The combined preparation contains two active substances: butamirate and guaifenesin. Butamirate acts as a local anesthetic, helping to relieve a debilitating cough. Guaifenesin increases the amount of secretion, reduces the viscosity of sputum, helps to quickly remove mucus from the bronchi. This is one of the few remedies that can treat dry cough in children from 1 year old. 

The medicine is given 3-4 times a day, after diluting it in 100 ml of liquid. The number of drops depends on body weight, the instructions have detailed instructions.

It is worth considering the risk of side effects, such as nausea, headache and dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea. 

Whether these drops are suitable for your child, only the doctor will answer based on the diagnosis and other circumstances.


Active substancebutamirate, guaifenesin 
Volume10, 25, 50 ml
appointmentdry cough of various etiologies
Agefrom 6 months
Противопоказанияhypersensitivity to components, myasthenia gravis, children under 6 months of age, first trimester of pregnancy, lactation
Measuring capno (there is a measuring syringe)

Advantages and disadvantages

Powerful composition; you can choose the optimal dosage (by weight); suitable for babies from six months.
Inconvenient mode of application.
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4. «Travisil»

Combined preparation based on plant extracts. Ingredients: vascular justice, ginger, licorice, turmeric, and about 15 other plant names. Active substances of plant origin are designed to relieve inflammation and irritation with a dry cough, to facilitate sputum discharge. The menthol in the syrup will help relieve pain. Important: the composition contains sucrose – if this substance is intolerant, you should choose another drug. Take with caution in diabetes.

Due to the natural composition, “Travisil” can be used for the symptomatic treatment of cough from 1 year. The instructions indicate that it is recommended to take the drug for 2-3 weeks. Whether this format of treatment is suitable for your child – find out from your doctor.


Active substanceplant extracts
Volume100 ml
appointmentrespiratory diseases, accompanied by cough with sputum difficult to separate
Agewith 1 years
Противопоказанияhypersensitivity to components, children under 1 year of age
Measuring capno

Advantages and disadvantages

Natural composition; pleasant taste (according to reviews); a small list of contraindications and possible side effects.
Requires a long course of treatment; not very convenient lid; hard to find for sale.
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Rating of the top 4 best and inexpensive wet cough syrups

The treatment of a wet cough is to relieve inflammation and quickly remove sputum, eliminating its accumulation in the bronchi and the development of complications.

In this case, syrup can also help, but any treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, having previously established the cause of the cough. Important: do not use cough suppressants during treatment with expectorants – they can only aggravate the situation.

1. “Evkabal”

Cough syrup with a natural composition can help with wet and dry coughs. Plantain and thyme extracts soothe inflammation, have an antimicrobial effect, and contribute to a more efficient sputum discharge. 

Babies from 1 year old for the treatment of wet cough are given a teaspoon of undiluted syrup twice a day. If the disease proceeds without complications, the duration of application is usually two weeks. The attending physician may give other instructions, including dosage.

Before purchasing a medicine, read the list of contraindications – it is quite impressive. For example, it is not recommended to use syrup for fructose intolerance, allergies to celery and birch pollen (a cross-reaction is possible), for reflux disease, severe liver and kidney diseases, etc.


Active substanceplantain and thyme extracts 
Volume100 ml
appointmenttracheitis, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis
Agewith 1 years
Противопоказанияhypersensitivity to ingredients, fructose intolerance, hypersensitivity to plants of the labiaceae family, celery and birch pollen; gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, severe liver or kidney disease; pregnancy, lactation and children under 1 year of age 
Measuring capno

Advantages and disadvantages

Natural composition; pleasant taste (according to reviews); can help with any type of cough.
Long term treatment.
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2. “Bronchicum C”

The active ingredient in this syrup is thyme extract, known for its beneficial properties. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect, helps to reduce the viscosity of sputum and remove it from the body faster. Recommended for use as an expectorant. Rose oil in the composition of the syrup has antiseptic properties, helps relieve spasms. However, the composition contains ethyl alcohol, sugar and flavorings – if such ingredients confuse you, you should look for another cough remedy.

The instructions indicate that the syrup can be used even in children from 6 months old, the dosage is the same as for adolescents 11-12 years old. But it is better to consult a doctor. Contraindications are typical, and side effects are rare, usually in the form of allergic reactions.


Active substancethyme extract 
Volume100 ml
appointmentinflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, accompanied by cough with sputum difficult to separate
Agefrom 6 months
Противопоказанияhypersensitivity to components, fructose intolerance, glucose-fructose malabsorption, deficiency of sucrase and isomaltase enzymes; chronic heart failure in the stage of decompensation, severe violations of the liver or kidneys; alcoholism; pregnancy, breastfeeding and children’s age up to six months
Measuring capYes 

Advantages and disadvantages

natural ingredients; a wide range of activities; minimal risk of side effects.
Alcohol, sugar and flavorings in the composition; many contraindications.
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3. “Linkas”

Vegetable cough syrup originally from Pakistan, according to the manufacturer, helps with colds, is effective for coughing with bronchitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis.

The composition of the drug is rich: extracts of adatoda, licorice, pepper, violet, hyssop, alpinia galanga, cordia, marshmallow, jujube, osma, as well as mint and clove oils, citric acid. On the one hand, such a combination should give a powerful therapeutic effect, on the other hand, the risk of allergies increases, moreover, it will be difficult to understand what exactly the body has reacted to. However, the manufacturer promises that allergic reactions are rarely recorded.

The syrup reduces the intensity of cough, makes it productive, has a mucolytic and anti-inflammatory, expectorant effect. The composition does not contain alcohol, the drug can be used for the symptomatic treatment of cough in children from six months. Usually, babies are given ½ teaspoon of syrup three times a day for a course of 5-7 days. 


Active substanceextracts of adatoda, licorice, pepper, violet, hyssop, alpinia galanga, cordia, marshmallow, jujube, osma, as well as mint and clove oils
Volume90, 120, 150 ml
appointmenttracheitis, tracheobronchitis, bronchitis, unproductive cough with acute respiratory infections and influenza
AgeFrom 6 months
Противопоказанияhypersensitivity to the components of the composition, infancy (up to 6 months)
Measuring capYes 

Advantages and disadvantages

Rich and natural composition; minimal risk of developing “side effects” and a minimum of contraindications.
Not a very convenient treatment regimen (take the drug three times a day).
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The medicine is available in the form of granules (for adults) and syrup (for children from 1 year old). The drug contains carbocysteine, which regulates the viscosity of sputum and its volume, and also helps to remove it from the body. Facilitates breathing and promotes normal sleep by reducing nocturnal coughing fits. In fact, this is a universal remedy for getting rid of dry and wet cough.

The syrup is used to treat bronchitis and bronchial asthma, tracheitis, adenoiditis, rhinitis and other respiratory diseases. Contraindications are typical for most of these drugs: glucose malabsorption or sucrase / isomaltase deficiency, intolerance to syrup components, 1 trimester of pregnancy and lactation, age up to 1 year, and peptic ulcer during an exacerbation.


Active substancecarbocisteine 
Volume100 ml
appointmentbronchitis, tracheitis, bronchial asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, COPD, otitis media
Agewith 1 years
Противопоказанияintolerance to components, glucose malabsorption or sucrase-isomaltase deficiency, 1st trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding period, age up to 1 year, peptic ulcer during exacerbation
Measuring capYes 

Advantages and disadvantages

May be effective for any cough; a wide range of activities.
High consumption (one package may not be enough for a course of treatment).
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Reviews of doctors about cough syrups for children from a year

According to pediatrician, immunologist, allergist Irina Semenenko, cough syrups do often come to the rescue, but this is not a panacea. And an incorrectly selected drug can lead to a lengthening of the cough episode and even to a worsening of the condition. 

– If you yourself choose a cough medicine, be guided by the naturalness of the composition. Mono-compositions of preparations on a natural basis, even if incorrectly selected, in addition to a reaction to the active substance in the form of an allergy, will not bring deterioration. Perhaps they simply will not give the effect of therapy. But preparations with a synthetic base, and even combined ones, should be used only as prescribed by the doctor, emphasizes Irina Semenenko. – There are still drugs of central action, they are mainly prescription drugs and are used in severe cases of reprisal cough. More often with whooping cough. There are analogues of drugs of central action, but not of narcotic origin, such as Sinekod, Omnitus, Codelac neo – they suppress the cough reflex and should be used only according to indications and as directed by a doctor with an individual duration of therapy. 

In any case, if the cough on the background of taking the syrup does not go away within five days or does not become easier, does not change its intensity, coughing attacks do not decrease, this is a reason to change therapy, not syrup. It is necessary to establish and eliminate the cause of the cough. If the doctor just constantly changes syrups and does not look for the cause of the cough, this is already a reason to change the doctor. For example, with nasal congestion, the use of cough suppressants is ineffective and impractical if the cause of mucus separation along the back of the pharynx is not eliminated. That is why it is more important to find and eliminate the cause than just taking syrups. Moreover, there are very few reasons to take syrups.

Pulmonologist, candidate of medical sciences Iryna Solokha I agree that not in all cases there is a need for cough syrup. 

– Cough is a protective mechanism, at a certain stage of the disease – a sign of its natural course. And a strong, generally healthy body is able to cope with this task on its own. It is only necessary to help him, to create favorable conditions. Ensure free nasal breathing by regularly moisturizing and “rinsing” the nose, cleansing the nasal passages of mucus with an aspirator, if the baby is not yet able to do this himself. We do not forget about chest massage, plenty of warm drinks, healthy nutrition and regime moments, – says Irina Solokha. – The question of prescribing any “cough” remedy should be decided by the doctor on the basis of the collected anamnesis and an objective examination. Moreover, when it comes to the first medicines in a baby’s life, I do not recommend choosing medicines on your own. If we talk about compositions, the fewer components in the preparation, the safer it is in terms of possible allergic reactions and other side effects. There are also homeopathic remedies: Stodal, Rengalin, but they can be taken from 2 and 3 years of age, respectively. These are “pharmacy” forms. Only a doctor can choose the optimal and safe drug for the baby.

How to choose cough syrup for children

To select the optimal treatment tactics, it is necessary to establish the cause of the cough. This can only be done by a specialist – based on the anamnesis, physical examination, and, if necessary, laboratory research methods are used (4).

Usually, syrups are used to treat cough in children, which can be based on vegetable and synthetic components. The former, as a rule, can be used for long-term treatment, they have fewer contraindications. Therapy with synthetic drugs is often limited to 4-7 days, during this period the effect of the drug should appear. 

In any case, it is not worth treating a child on your own, using the advice “from the Internet”. If the baby is worried about coughing, you need to contact the pediatrician. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe tests or refer you to a narrow specialist.

Popular questions and answers

If a child often coughs and even wakes up from the urge at night, this cannot but disturb the parents. And, of course, it raises many questions. Our experts answer the most popular ones.

How to distinguish a dry cough in a child from a wet one?

– Dry cough is often obsessive, annoying, interferes not only with the child, but also with others. The intensity may vary. The most frightening dry cough, of course, is with whooping cough. In second place is a cough with simple tracheitis or pharyngitis. The child coughs so often that sometimes it seems to parents that he is terribly ill, but in fact such a cough is provoked by dryness of the mucous membrane and irritation of the cough receptors, – notes Irina Semenenko.

– It is important not to start treatment with antitussive drugs without a doctor’s prescription, – reminds Irina Solokha. – One way or another, mucus is formed during the inflammatory process, and it must be removed in a timely manner. The body copes with this task with the help of coughing. Suppressing it in this case would be wrong. With the unjustified use of antitussives, it is possible to provoke an unfavorable course of the disease and complicate the treatment.

What can replace cough syrup?

– First of all, we are talking about the treatment of the underlying disease. It often saves just creating comfortable conditions for a coughing child: humidity in the room is 60-70% at a temperature of 18-20 degrees, regular ventilation and wet cleaning of the room during the illness period without detergents, – Irina Semenenko answers. – It is also possible to use inhalations with saline solution without the addition of drugs. But in no case should you use mineral water for inhalation, and in nebulizers – decoctions of herbs and essential oils. This will lead to a negative effect on the bronchial mucosa and damage to equipment.

– It is necessary to exclude “dry food” from the child’s diet: cookies, crackers, and the like. Such “goodies” provoke irritation of the mucosa. Limit any confectionery – they slow down the healing process, advises doctor Irina Solokha. – To alleviate the condition, it is recommended to give warm (37,0 degrees) water, alkaline drink – for example, warm mineral water without gas. As reflexology, you can use hot foot baths, as well as rubbing the chest and calf muscles with your hands. Essential balms can also be used. Effective drainage, vibration massage of the chest, breathing exercises in a playful way: amplitude movements of the arms, body. All this in combination activates the internal potential of the body and helps to cope with the disease.

What to do if the child’s cough does not go away?

– The answer to this question is extremely simple – to seek medical help without collecting the advice of “experienced” ones: if something helped one child, it does not mean that it will help another. And this is lost time and peace of the child and parents, exhausted by the cough, – emphasizes Irina Semenenko. 

– If the cough does not go away within 5-7 days – you should contact the pediatrician, – says Irina Solokha. – If the cough persists against the background of drug treatment, it may make sense for an additional examination and consultation of a narrow specialist – an otolaryngologist, an allergist or a pulmonologist. To a greater extent, this applies to children older than a year. It is necessary to determine the cause of the problem, because coughing is only a symptom of the pathological process, and you should always look “at the root”.

Sources of

  1. Cough. General Practice Guide // Association of General Practitioners (Family Doctors) of the Federation. 2015. URL: https://www.volgmed.ru/uploads/files/2018-9/88994-kashel_2015.pdf
  2. Acute respiratory viral infection. Clinical recommendations // Union of Pediatricians, Euro-Asian Society for Infectious Diseases. 2021/ URL: https://www.pediatr-Our Country.ru/information/klin-rek/proekty-klinicheskikh-rekomendatsiy/%D0%9E%D0%A0%D0%92%D0%98%20%D0%B4 %D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8%20%D0%A1%D0%9F%D0%A0_1.06.2021.pdf
  3. E.A. Vishneva, R.M. Torshkhoeva, A.A. Alekseeva, K.S. Volkov. Medical tactics for coughing in a child // Pediatric pharmacology. 2011. №3. pp. 94-97. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/vrachebnaya-taktika-pri-kashle-u-rebenka/viewer
  4. A.R. Denisov. Approaches to the treatment of cough in children // Medical Council. 2020. №1. pp. 64-69. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/podhody-k-terapii-kashlya-u-detey/viewer
  5. N.G. Kolosova, V.D. Denisova, A.R. Denisova, I.V. Grebeneva, A.Yu. Sedov. The role of herbal preparations in the treatment of cough in children // Medical Council. 2022. No. 16. pp. 58-63. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/rol-rastitelnyh-preparatov-v-lechenii-kashlya-u-detey/viewer

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