Effective candles for thrush

Candles, or suppositories, are used for local treatment of vaginal thrush in women, reducing the intensity of the symptoms of the disease. Their action is based on the penetration of the active substance into the vaginal mucosa. This reduces inflammation of the tissues, the causative agent of candidiasis dies.

Antifungal drugs used in modern gynecology are available in various forms – topical agents (creams, suppositories) and drugs taken orally (tablets, capsules). Means for oral administration are most often used in the treatment of complex forms of candidiasis, with frequent relapses and complications.

The most effective suppositories from thrush, acting on a type of fungus that is sensitive to them. The resistance and sensitivity of the fungus is determined as a result of bacterial culture, separated from the vagina. In the chronic form of thrush with frequent relapses, its treatment may be ineffective due to the developed resistance of the fungus to drugs. [1],  [2],  [3].

Rules for the use of suppositories against thrush

Treatment of a sexual partner is a prerequisite for complete recovery, since a man can be a carrier of candidiasis and endure it in a latent (hidden) form. If a permanent sexual partner is not treated, a woman will receive a new portion of the fungus at the first unprotected intercourse.

During treatment, sexual intercourse is prohibited, in extreme cases, condoms should be used. To improve the absorption of the active substance of suppositories, it is recommended to insert suppositories as deep as possible into the vagina.

In case of recurrence of thrush, it is necessary to analyze the possible causes of its occurrence during a medical consultation. If risk factors are not eliminated, candidiasis will occur regularly.

Candidiasis in some cases becomes an indicator of the addition of other infections – gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, bacterial vaginosis, bacterial vaginosis (a characteristic symptom is discharge with the smell of stale fish).

The course of treatment of a fresh disease without complications may be limited to the use of a single suppository, while in the chronic course of thrush, a multi-stage complex treatment may be required. [7].

  • Suppositories are not used during menstruation, with the exception of Sertaconazole (Zalain) and Povidone-Iodine (Iodoxide, Betadine).

  • Lomexin, Zalain are used once.

  • 3 suppositories each – Pimafucin, Livarol, Gino-pevaril (Econazole).

  • From 5 to 14 suppositories – Iodoxide, Irunin, Macmirror, Nystatin (Terzhinan and Polygynax), Clotrimazole, Miconazole (Ginezol).

Additionally, you should carefully observe intimate hygiene, do not wear synthetic underwear, do not use scented pads or scented toilet paper, cosmetics for intimate hygiene.

The duration of the course of treatment, the effectiveness and contraindications to the use of suppositories from thrush depend on their composition and concentration of the active substance. Any drugs for the treatment of candidiasis should be taken as prescribed by a doctor, otherwise the risk of side effects is high.

Effective suppositories from thrush in 1 day


Packing price with 1 suppository – from 600 r.

Active substance – sertaconazole nitrate, a derivative of imizadol and benzothiophene.

Pregnancy Use: since the drug is used once, and Zalain does not act systemically, in each case, the possible benefit to the woman and the risk to the health of the fetus or infant (when used during lactation) are analyzed. There are no data confirmed by studies on the dangers of the drug for pregnant and lactating women.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the components of suppositories.

Side effects: itching and burning in the vagina (do not require discontinuation of the drug), allergic manifestations.

Advantages and disadvantages: positive properties of the drug – the possibility of a single injection, effectiveness, use throughout the entire menstrual cycle, disadvantage – high cost [8], [9].


Lomexin (Fenticonazole), price for 680 r for 2 vaginal capsules.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, menstruation, pregnancy.

Side effects: slight irritation (does not require discontinuation of the drug), allergic manifestations (skin rash, erythema, urticaria).

Advantages and disadvantages: plus – the remedy is effective, minus – it is not used during pregnancy [10], [11], [12], [13].

Candles for 3 days of treatment

Livarol and ketoconazole

Livarol (price for 5 units – 660 r, for 10 units – 950 r).

Contraindications: 1 trimester of pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, use with caution in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects: itching and hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa, irritation, skin rash, urticaria.

Advantages and disadvantages: positive properties – quick effect, no allergic reactions, a confirmed diagnosis is required to prescribe the drug, minus – with prolonged use, the pathogen becomes resistant to the active substance [14], [15], [16], [17].


Primafungin (250 rubles for 3 pieces), Pimafucin (250 rubles for 3 pieces, 550 rubles for 6 pieces)

Impact on the health of a pregnant woman and her fetus: the drug is approved for use.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity.

Side effects: slight irritation of the vaginal mucosa.

Application: 1 suppository in the vagina, the course of treatment is 3-6 days.

Advantages: the drug is not dangerous for use during pregnancy.


Gino-Pevaril (price 550 r for 3 pieces with a dosage of 0,15 mg, and 750 r for 15 pieces with a dosage of 0,05 mg), Elzhina (550 r for 9 pieces), Ifenek

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity, 1st trimester of pregnancy (enters the systemic circulation), lactation, use with caution in the 2nd-3rd trimester,

Side effects: mucosal hyperemia, skin rash, itching.

Advantages: effective remedy for thrush [18], [19], [20], [21].

The best candles for thrush with course treatment

Irunin and itraconazole

The price of Irunin vaginal tablets is 500 rubles for 6 pieces, and 950 rubles for 14 pieces.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity, lactation, 1st trimester of pregnancy. Use with caution in the 2nd or 3rd trimester

Side effects: itching, skin rash, burning (do not require discontinuation of the drug).

Advantages and disadvantages: plus – the drug is effective in relapses of candidiasis and resistance to other drugs against candidiasis, minus – it is not used to treat pregnant women [22], [23].

Macmirror complex

Macmirror complex (nystatin + nifuratel) price for 8 vaginal capsules – 1100 r.

Pregnancy Use: the drug is approved for use.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Side effects: occasionally skin rash, itching.

Advantages and disadvantages: plus – possible use during pregnancy, minus – high cost [24], [25].


500-1000 r for 7 suppositories. Analogues: Ginezol 7, Mikozon, Daktarin, Gino-Daktanol

Combined products: a combination of Miconazole with Metronidazole – Neo-Penotran (580-680 r for 14 pcs.), Klion-D 100 (price 170-220 r), Metormikon-Neo (300-350 r for 14 pcs.)

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, lactation, 2-3 trimester of pregnancy with caution, diabetes mellitus, herpes, liver failure.

Side effects: itching and burning in the vagina, discomfort, diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea.

Advantages and disadvantages: positive qualities – effectiveness in relapses, a wide spectrum of action, minus – the risk of use during pregnancy.


Fluomizan (active ingredient: dequalinium chloride) is used as an antiseptic in gynecology (sanitation of the vagina before surgery and before childbirth, bacterial vaginosis, vaginitis caused by thrush). The cost is 610 r for 6 vaginal tablets.

Contraindications: ulcers of the cervix and vagina, the period before the onset of sexual activity, 1-2 trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects: allergy, irritation of the vaginal mucosa.

Cheap candles from thrush


Clotrimazole (from 30 r), Candizol, Candibene, Candide B6, Kanesten.

Противопоказания: hypersensitivity, 1st trimester of pregnancy, lactation.

Side effects: pain in the abdomen and during intercourse, burning and itching in the vagina, cystitis, frequent urination, vaginal discharge, headache.

Advantages and disadvantages: positive properties – low cost of the drug, minus – side effects often appear, resistance develops rapidly in strains of the fungus [26], [27], [28].


Nystatin (price from 185 r for 10 suppositories with a dosage of 500000 units), polygynax (370 r for 6 suppositories), Terzhinan (640 r for 6 suppositories), drugs have an increased risk of developing dysbacteriosis.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, pregnancy in the 1-3 trimester.

Side effects: nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, chills, abdominal pain.

Advantages and disadvantages: positive properties – the fungus does not develop resistance to Nystatin, is used for recurrent thrush, has a low cost, minus – many side effects, a long course of treatment, the need to apply 2 times a day [29], [30].


Price: Yodoxide (330 r for 10 pieces), Betadine (470 r for 7 pieces, 600 r for 14 pieces)

Противопоказания: 1st trimester of pregnancy, thyrotoxicosis, thyroid adenoma, hypersensitivity, use with caution in the 2nd-3rd trimester of pregnancy, with renal failure, with lactation.

Side effects: allergic reaction, hyperemia locally.

Advantages and disadvantages: plus – it is used in a complex for bacterial vaginosis, it is possible to use it during menstruation, minus – a large number of contraindications.

Pros and cons of using suppositories for thrush

Advantages of topical preparations in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis:

  • The agent is injected directly into the focus of the spread of fungi, which accelerates the therapeutic effect of treatment with modern agents (Zalain, Livarol).

  • A number of drugs can be used once, which is very convenient for use;

  • Topical agents have reduced absorption, which significantly reduces the incidence of side effects.

Disadvantages of topical preparations:

  • There are restrictions during treatment on sexual contact;

  • Suppositories contaminate underwear;

  • Means are ineffective in complex forms of candidiasis, additional oral medications are required, a second course of treatment is required;

  • Potent combination drugs have side effects such as vaginal dysbacteriosis (Terzhinan, Polygynax), additional therapy with suppositories containing lactobacilli (Lactobacterin, Vagiflor, Laktonorma, Ecofemin, Atsilakt) is required. Therefore, after a course of antimycotic and antimicrobial drugs, it is advisable to use the second stage of thrush therapy, aimed at restoring the intimate microflora.

Candles from thrush during pregnancy

In pregnant women, general and local immunity is often reduced. The result of this is thrush. In pregnancy, it is difficult to choose a safe drug for the treatment of candidiasis, since many antifungals do not have safety data.

Approved suppositories for pregnant women:

  • Candles with the active ingredient Natamycin (Pimafucin, Primafungin).

  • Combined drug with active ingredients Nystatin and Nifuratel – Macmirror complex;

  • Preparations for use exclusively in the 2-3 trimester of pregnancy – Nystatin, Clortrimazole, Pimafucin, Gyno-Pevaril, Gynofort vaginal cream, time-tested Borax in glycerin (sodium tetraborate in glycerin). Medicines are used with extreme caution if the risk to the fetus does not outweigh the risk to the mother.

  • When prescribing by the attending physician in the 2nd-3rd trimester of pregnancy, Terzhinan should be taken into account that it contains the hormonal drug Prednisolone, and can be used in cases where the health of the mother is at greater risk than the health of the child.

Vaginal creams as an additional treatment

In addition to suppositories for thrush, dosage forms such as creams are used:

  • Econazole: Ecodas cream (250 r), Elzhin cream – 550 r;

  • Fenticonazole: Lomexin cream (670 r);

  • Clotrimazole: Canison – 170 r, Clotrimazole cream – 300 r, triderm – 770 r;

  • Isoconazole: Travogen cream – 770 r;

  • Butoconazole: cream Clindacin B prolong – 660 r.

After treatment with drugs against the fungus, patients are prescribed funds to replenish the number of lactobacilli on the vaginal mucosa:

  • Vaginal capsules with lactobacilli Atsilakt, Laktozhinal;

  • Candles with bifidobacteria Vagilak are used 2 times a day, the course of treatment is from 5 to 10 days;

  • Bificol for oral administration, course of treatment 10 days.

[Video] Gynecologist online – how to properly approach treatment so that thrush never comes back to you:

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