Effective antifungal drugs
Nails turn yellow and exfoliate, dandruff appeared, thrush overcame? All these are symptoms of a fungal infection, which means that treatment is indispensable. We will deal with experts what effective antifungal drugs exist, and how to choose them correctly

Mycoses or fungal infections are a very common disease. Fungi usually affect the skin, mucous membranes, and nails, but can also affect internal organs. Fortunately, effective antifungal drugs can cope with almost any disease. The main thing is to choose the right tool.

Ranking of the top 10 best and inexpensive antifungal drugs according to KP

Together with our experts, we have compiled the top 10 effective antifungal drugs, which are easy to find in pharmacies. The list includes antimycotic agents that have proven themselves among doctors and patients. However, our rating is not a buying guide. Antifungal drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the nature and stage of the disease.

1. Nizoral cream

Cream “Nizoral” is used to treat dermatophyte and yeast infections of the skin, including fungal infections of the feet and hands. The active substance ketoconazole eliminates itching and irritation at the initial stages of treatment, even before the appearance of signs of recovery. Cream “Nizoral” is applied to the affected area and adjacent skin 1-2 times a day or according to the scheme recommended by the attending physician. In addition to the cream, there is also an antifungal shampoo “Nizoral”.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to ketoconazole, pregnancy and lactation.

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2. Exoderil solution

The solution for external use contains naftifine hydrochloride, a substance that, with regular use, accumulates in the nails and skin and causes the death of the fungus. The drug also has antibacterial activity and reduces the risk of secondary bacterial infections. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to get rid of itching and irritation.

Contraindications: allergy to naftifine, pregnancy, lactation.

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3. Lamisil cream

The active substance terbinafine inhibits the activity of a wide variety of pathogenic fungi. Cream “Lamisil” is prescribed for the prevention and treatment of athlete’s foot, multi-colored lichen and yeast infections of the skin. The drug is used 1 or 2 times a day: apply a thin layer on clean, dry skin. Lamisil also produces other dosage forms – in the form of tablets and spray for external use.

Contraindications: age up to 12 years, lactation, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

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4. Pimafucin suppositories

Pimafucin vaginal suppositories contain the antibiotic natamycin, which is effective against a wide range of fungal infections. The drug is most often used to treat vulvitis and vulvovaginitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida. In chronic and recurrent infections, Pimafucin is additionally prescribed in tablets and in the form of a cream for external use.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

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5. Loceryl nail polish

An effective antifungal drug is available in the form of a clear varnish1. In addition to varnish, the package contains a nail file and alcohol swabs for treating nails. Loceryl is used to treat nail fungus caused by both common and rare fungal infections.1. After application, it completely penetrates the nail plate within 24 hours and provides a therapeutic effect for 7–10 days.1. The therapeutic coating is not washed off with water, does not interfere with work and sports.

Contraindications: pregnancy, breastfeeding period, allergy to drug components1.

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6. Terbinafine tablets

An antifungal drug in tablets with a dosage of 125 and 250 mg is prescribed for the treatment of fungal diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, nails and scalp2. After administration, terbinafine is rapidly distributed in the body and accumulates in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, nail plates and hair follicles.2. The average duration of treatment is several weeks. There is also a spray and cream “Terbinafine” for external use.2.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, age up to 3 years, renal failure, severe liver disease, lactose intolerance.

7. Clotrimazole cream

An antifungal drug for external use acts at the site of application, is practically not absorbed into the blood and does not have a negative effect on the body. Cream “Clotrimazole” is intended for the treatment of fungal skin diseases. The cream is applied to clean, dry skin 2-3 times a day, the recommended duration of treatment is at least 3 weeks. In addition to the cream, the manufacturer produces ointment, gel and solution for external use, as well as vaginal cream, tablets and suppositories.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to clotrimazole, use during pregnancy and lactation only in exceptional cases, as prescribed by a doctor.

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8. Livarol candles

Livarol vaginal suppositories contain 400 mg of ketoconazole and are used to treat acute and chronic vaginal candidiasis. The dosage regimen is 1 suppository per day, the duration of treatment is at least 3-5 days.

Contraindications: age up to 18 years, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

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9. Diflucan capsules

Capsules “Diflucan” contain 150 or 50 mg of fluconazole. The drug is used in the treatment of mycoses caused by yeast, yeast-like and mold fungi. Most often, Diflucan is prescribed for vaginal candidiasis, but can be used in the treatment of mycotic lesions of the skin and nails.

For the treatment of most diseases, a single dose of 1 capsule is sufficient. In chronic pathologies, the drug is taken 1 capsule 1 time per month or according to the scheme recommended by the doctor. In addition to capsules, an injection solution and Diflucan powder are produced, from which a suspension is made for oral administration.

Contraindications: age under 3 years, lactase deficiency, hypersensitivity to fluconazole, taking drugs such as erythromycin, pimozide, terfenadine.

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10. Oflomil varnish

The active ingredient of the drug is amorolfine hydrochloride, which inhibits the activity of both common and rare pathogenic fungi. After applying the varnish on the nail, the active substance penetrates the nail plate within 24 hours and acts for 7-10 days.3. Lacquer “Oflomil” effectively fights fungal infection and restores the aesthetic appearance of the nail. Together with the varnish in the package there is a nail file and alcohol wipes for nail treatment.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to amorolfine and other components of the drug.

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How to choose antifungal drugs

A banal but true answer is to consult a doctor who will diagnose and prescribe a medicine. With self-diagnosis, it is very easy to make a mistake, because fungal infections are similar in symptoms to many other diseases. For example, the same “thrush” may turn out to be bacterial vaginosis, which requires a completely different therapy. In addition, we must remember that prolonged inappropriate treatment aggravates the course of the disease.

The easiest way to diagnose a fungal infection of the nails, although errors are possible here. If you are still treated on your own, please note that ointments, gels and creams do not work on nails, only liquids and varnishes. An important point that many do not take into account is that the affected part of the nail must be removed before applying the drug. If this is not done, the medicine simply will not reach the lesion. In case of damage to the matrix (zone of active nail growth), along with local remedies, therapy with tablets and injections is required4.

Popular questions and answers

Popular questions about how antifungal drugs work and how to use them correctly are answered by our experts: pharmacist Nadezhda Ershova и sanitary doctor Nikolay Dubinin.

How do antifungal drugs work?

– Speaking in general terms, the mechanism of action is based on the binding of the active substance of the drug to the cell membrane of the pathogenic fungus. This leads to the destruction of various cellular structures, primarily the cytoplasm and nucleus, disruption of the integrity of the pathogenic cell itself and its death.

According to the type of action, 2 types of drugs are distinguished:

• fungicides destroy the fungus by destroying its cells;

• fungistatic drugs inhibit the growth and reproduction of the fungus.

Such a division is rather arbitrary, since most drugs in a small concentration have a fungistatic effect, and in a higher concentration they cause the death of the fungus.

What types of antifungal drugs are there?

– Drugs for fungal infections are of natural and synthetic origin. They are classified according to the method and mechanism of action, side effects.

By appointment, antifungal drugs can be divided into 3 types:

• preparations for the treatment of skin diseases;

• drugs that are used in the defeat of the nail plate;

• Means against systemic fungal diseases that affect the internal organs – this group also includes vaginal suppositories and tablets.

According to the method of application, antifungal drugs of systemic and local action are distinguished.3. For the treatment of fungal infections, local remedies are most often used in the form of ointments, creams, solutions for external use, nail polishes.5. Systemic preparations are capsules, tablets and injection solutions5.

The main advantage of local therapy is the absence of side and toxic effects observed with the use of systemic drugs.3. The disadvantage of local therapy is that when the drug is applied to a surface (for example, a nail), it does not always reach the pathogen – a fungus located in the nail bed, and even more so in the matrix3. If the matrix is ​​affected, treatment with topical agents is notoriously ineffective. With the defeat of many or all nails, it is advisable to prescribe systemic drugs.

Do I need to take antifungal drugs after antibiotics?

– There is an opinion that taking antibiotics must be accompanied by the use of antifungal drugs so that diarrhea and thrush do not develop. However, this opinion is erroneous.

Candidiasis, as a specific effect with prolonged use of antibiotics, is quite likely, and it really needs to be treated using special drugs. But there is no evidence that taking antifungals prevents diarrhea and thrush.

You should also not forget that antimycotic agents for internal use are quite toxic to the liver and other internal organs. Finally, antifungal drugs, when taken with antibiotics, change their activity, which can reduce the effectiveness of treatment.

Sources of:

  1. Register of medicines of Russia. Lotseril. https://www.rlsnet.ru/tn_index_id_7601.htm
  2. Register of medicines of Russia. Terbinafine. https://www.rlsnet.ru/tn_index_id_30712.htm
  3. Vidal. Reference book of medicines. Oflomil lacquer. https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/oflomil_lak
  4. Fungal infections of the skin. G. A. Plakhotnaya. Sechenov University I.V. Kurbatov, 2009. https://www.sechenov.ru/pressroom/publications/gribkovye-infektsii-kozhi/
  5. Mycoses of smooth skin. Zh. V. Stepanova. Journal “Attending Doctor” dated 16.12.2002/2002/12. https://www.lvrach.ru/4529851/XNUMX/XNUMX

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