Effective antibiotics for sinusitis for adults
Top 10 effective antibiotics for sinusitis for adults, which are prescribed by doctors. Together with expert Tatyana Pomerantseva, we compiled a list of the best and most inexpensive products and discussed in what cases they are used and how they are chosen.

Runny nose is one of the most common symptoms of many infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract. In most cases, the cause of this disease is a respiratory virus that does not require special treatment. However, sometimes a runny nose can be a symptom of a serious illness caused by bacteria. Then the appointment of antibiotic therapy is a mandatory stage of treatment.

Sinusitis – inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary paranasal sinus. Another name for the disease is maxillary sinusitis. In 90-98% of cases, the cause of sinusitis are viruses. However, in 2-10% of cases, sinusitis is caused by bacteria that require antibiotic therapy.

Consider the most effective and inexpensive antibiotics for sinusitis in adults, which are approved by practitioners and are prescribed to patients.

List of top 10 best and inexpensive antibiotics for sinusitis according to KP

1. Amoxiclav

The drug is prescribed for infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The composition includes the antibiotic amoxicillin from the group of broad-spectrum penicillins. Amoxiclav is prescribed without prior sowing from the pharynx for microflora in uncomplicated sinusitis without severe concomitant diseases.


  • respiratory infections;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • infections of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, connective tissue.

Amoxiclav is contraindicated in hypersensitivity to penicillins. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is allowed, subject to an assessment of the risks to both the mother and the fetus. In case of serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, the drug should be taken with caution.

2. Flemoxin Solutab

The active substance is amoxicillin, an antibiotic from the penicillin group. The drug is available in various dosages (125-1000 mg) and in the form of water-soluble tablets that do not decompose under the influence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, but are absorbed as much as possible.


  • respiratory infections;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • infections of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, connective tissue.

Flemoxin Solutab is contraindicated in case of allergy to penicillins, lymphocytic leukemia, infectious mononucleosis. It is used with caution during pregnancy, lactation, serious diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.

3. Beauty

The active substance is cefuroxime. The drug has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Zinnat is available in the form of tablets and granules for the preparation of a suspension that is taken orally. Sometimes, to achieve maximum effectiveness, Zinnat is prescribed together with the injection Zinacef, which contains the same active ingredient cefuroxime in the form of a sodium salt. This is the so-called “step” therapy, when treatment begins with injections with a gradual transition to tablets.


  • infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Zinnat is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to beta-lactam antibiotics. It is taken with caution during pregnancy and lactation, with serious diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract.

4. Suprax Solutab

The active substance is cefixime. The drug is effective against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Available in the form of tablets that dissolve easily in water.


  • infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • urinary tract infections.

Suprax Solutab is contraindicated in case of allergy to penicillins and cephalosporins. It can be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation with a mandatory risk assessment for both the mother and the child.

5. Spectracef

The active substance is cefditoren. The drug is prescribed for respiratory tract infections, effective against pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae.


  • infectious diseases of the respiratory system;
  • infectious diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to cephalosporins and other beta-lactam antibiotics, with renal and hepatic insufficiency. Do not use Spectracef to treat children under 12 years of age. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is used only in extreme cases.

6. Vilprafen Solutab

The active substance of the drug is josamycin. Vilprafen Solutab is available in the form of water-soluble tablets with a dosage of 1000 mg, which have a sweet taste and a pleasant smell of strawberries. Vilprafen is prescribed for allergies to beta-lactam antibiotics.


  • respiratory tract infections;
  • oral infections;
  • infections of the urinary and genital organs;
  • infectious diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

The drug is contraindicated in case of allergy to macrolides and liver failure. During pregnancy and lactation, Vilprafen is prescribed in extreme cases, if the intended benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the child.

7. Clacid

The drug from the group of macrolides, effective in the treatment of bacterial sinusitis. Available in the form of granules for suspension. The active substance is clarithromycin. Klacid is prescribed for patients with an allergic reaction to beta-lactam antibiotics.


  • infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • acute otitis media;
  • infectious diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to macrolides and other components of the dosage form. Not used in patients with hypokalemia (low levels of potassium in the blood) and severe liver failure. Contraindicated in women during breastfeeding.

8. Macropen

The active substance is midecamycin. The drug is available in the form of tablets and granules for suspension. It is actively prescribed for allergic reactions to penicillins and other beta-lactam antibiotics and resistance to other antibacterial agents.


  • respiratory infections;
  • oral infections;
  • urinary tract infections;
  • infectious diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Macropen is contraindicated in case of allergy to macrolides, as well as in renal and hepatic insufficiency. Can be used with caution during pregnancy and lactation.

9. Ceiling

The active substance is levofloxacin. Tavanic is available in tablets and refers to alternative drugs for the treatment of bacterial sinusitis. At the same time, it is one of the most effective if other drugs cannot be prescribed due to allergies or resistance.


  • infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, including community-acquired pneumonia;
  • infections of the genitourinary system;
  • infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

Tavanic is contraindicated in allergic reactions to fluoroquinolones, in epilepsy. During pregnancy and lactation, the use of Tavanic is unacceptable, since the active substance adversely affects the development of the cartilage tissue of the fetus and child. For the same reason, the drug is not prescribed to children under 18 years of age. It is used with caution in diabetes mellitus, impaired renal function and a tendency to convulsions.

10. Moflaxia

The active substance is moxifloxacin. The drug is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 400 mg. For sinusitis and other infections of the upper respiratory tract, it is used when it is impossible to prescribe other antibiotics.


  • infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract;
  • intra-abdominal (intra-abdominal) infections;
  • infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

The drug is contraindicated in case of allergy to fluoroquinolones, during pregnancy and lactation. It is used with caution in cirrhosis of the liver, a tendency to arrhythmias, in diseases of the central nervous system, which are accompanied by convulsions.

How to choose antibiotics for sinusitis in adults

Independent choice of antibiotic therapy is not acceptable! Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor individually, taking into account the clinic, anamnesis, laboratory and instrumental data.

Most importantly, you need to decide – are antibiotics needed at all?

We list the main symptoms that will allow us to suspect a bacterial infection:

  • symptoms (nasal congestion, headaches, general weakness) by 4-5 days do not weaken, but only intensify;
  • body temperature does not drop below 37,5 degrees;
  • discharge from the nose becomes yellow-green and becomes abundant;
  • in the paranasal sinuses there is a feeling of fullness and pressure;
  • soreness appears around the nose and eyes.

The “gold standard” for diagnosing a bacterial infection is sowing from the nose for microflora and sensitivity to antibiotics. Only then can you be sure of the correctness of the prescribed therapy.

The main differences in antibacterial drugs are in the mechanism of their action.

  1. Penicillins and ceflosporins inhibit the formation of proteins necessary for building the cell wall of a microorganism;
  2. Macrolides stop the growth and reproduction of bacterial cells;
  3. Fluoroquinolones interfere with DNA synthesis in the microbial cell.

Also, antibiotics are divided into first-line drugs, second-line, alternative. The appointment of each group is carried out strictly according to indications.

It is best to entrust the treatment to a specialist and avoid serious complications in the future!

Popular questions and answers

We discussed important issues related to the prescription of antibiotics for sinusitis, with therapist Tatyana Pomerantseva.

Can sinusitis be cured without antibiotics?

– The cause of sinusitis in 90-98% of cases – viruses. This does not require specific treatment, but only symptomatic to alleviate the general condition.

Only 2-10% of cases of sinusitis are caused by bacteria. Only then is antibiotic therapy necessary. Therefore, it is possible to cure sinusitis without antibiotics, you just need to be sure that the cause is not a bacterium.

Is it possible to buy antibiotics for sinusitis without a prescription?

— No, all antibacterial drugs are prescription drugs.

Only a doctor after examination, collection of complaints and anamnesis of the disease, laboratory and instrumental data can choose the right antibiotic.

What to do if antibiotics do not help with sinusitis?

Unfortunately, this is one of the most frequently asked questions. In most cases, antibiotics are ineffective because the cause of the disease is a virus. Another reason is the wrong selected drug or dosage. Antibiotic resistance (resistance to antibiotics) is common, so a preliminary nasal culture with microorganism susceptibility testing is a necessary diagnostic method.

Sources of:

  1. Clinical recommendations “Acute sinusitis” 2021;

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