Effect of nicotine on health and beauty
Effect of nicotine on health and beautyEffect of nicotine on health and beauty

Nicotine addiction is not only a burden on our wallet but also on the body. Despite the high awareness of the harmfulness of nicotine, the number of smokers is not falling. What effect does smoking have on health and beauty?


Nicotine and health and beauty

Controversial, highly addictive, and harmful—nicotine—was recognized in 2016 by the World Health Organization as a versatile, devastating drug. From a scientific point of view, it is a chemical compound from the group of pyridine alkaloids. It is found, among others, in tobacco leaves, hence it is closely identified with cigarettes. Nevertheless, it is also found in small amounts in peppers, eggplants and tomatoes. Let’s take a look at how it affects our health and beauty.

Health and nicotine

It is not without reason that we called nicotine a controversial stimulant, because in small amounts it is a stimulator of adrenaline and causes pain relief, increased heart rate or reduced hunger. From this point of view, one could think that these are advantages, while they are only lures that lead to addiction causing multi-organ destruction of the body.

Closely related to nicotine, smoking cigarettes is a “legal” addiction, therefore it is mistakenly read as harmless and moderately harmful. Meanwhile, in smokers, nicotine damages the nervous system, reduces the body’s efficiency, causes respiratory disorders, and also effectively contributes to vascular failure. It’s no secret that smoking cigarettes contributes to cancer. What’s more, it should be noted that cigarette smoke is just as dangerous for passive smokers. The insidious nicotine that is found in cigarette smoke instantly gets into the upper respiratory tract of everyone in the room where cigarettes are smoked. Absorbed by the mucosa, it immediately reaches the alveoli.

Cigarette smoking not only increases the risk of cancer, but also reduces fertility, increases the risk of strokes and heart attacks, and makes it difficult to maintain pregnancy. The spectrum of destructive action is reflected in virtually every organ of the body. Smokers suffer from periodontal disease, and more often suffer from kidney and liver diseases.

Beauty under the sign of nicotine

Smoking cigarettes directly affects our beauty. It’s hard to believe that at the turn of the 70’s and 80’s of the last century, every lady had to inhale the proverbial smoke. Nicotine accelerates skin aging twice, reduces the level of vitamin E, and vitamins A and C, which are considered the strongest and natural antioxidants. This automatically translates into the appearance of your skin, hair and nails. Instead of a healthy and radiant complexion, nicotine gives us an earthy color resulting from permanent hypoxia. Even smoking cigarettes – specifically its mechanism – causes what we absolutely do not want, i.e. characteristic facial wrinkles around the mouth. What’s more, it is also broken capillaries, less elasticity and elasticity of the skin, as well as greater susceptibility to stretch marks and cellulite. How it’s possible? Damaged and poisoned skin cells are unable to produce either elastin or collagen.

Health and beauty absolutely do not go hand in hand with smoking cigarettes. Ways to fight nicotine can be found in the article «How to quit smoking cigarettes effectively?». Nicotine does not have a mild face that could show it as something that, when controlled, allows you to get any benefits. On the contrary, it is the ivy that entangles and diminishes our freedom.

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