Edyta Górniak gained weight because she lacked iodine? The doctor explains

Iodine is an element necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Its lack or deficiency can cause serious diseases. The most important is the state of homeostasis, i.e. balance, which is often difficult to achieve. The singer Edyta Górniak recently admitted that it was, inter alia, the lack of iodine made her gain weight. Does this element really play a key role in maintaining a healthy weight and what other properties does it have?

  1. The thyroid gland loves iodine, but obtains it from the outside. It does not do well when there is too much or too little of it
  2. Consuming iodized salt should meet our daily requirements for this element. However, it should be remembered that in some diseases it must be significantly reduced, especially since salt is present in almost all processed products
  3.  Iodine comes in various forms – for external use and for oral medications. Lugol’s solution is used in high concentration to disinfect, and in trace amounts to block the functioning of the thyroid gland. This was the case in April 1986, during the explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

Edyta Górniak – did iodine help her lose weight?

Edyta Górniak, one of the most recognizable stars of Polish music, explains that she has recently gained weight not only because of a less active lifestyle, but also because her body lacked iodine. The culprit of this – as he claims – was the move to the mountains.

«My thyroid is ravenous with iodine. …

The singer went to the seaside to inhale iodine. The latest photos show that she lost weight, but unofficial information shows that the star is still on a diet.

Is it possible that this element that our thyroid loves helps in shedding kilograms?

As the endocrinologist Sylwia Kuźniarz-Rymarz admitted in an interview with Medonet, the dose of iodine at the seaside is indeed low, and the absorption through the respiratory tract is also negligible. In addition, contamination causes this iodine to precipitate as heavy metal salts.

– This benefit of the sea now boils down more to humid air, wind, sun than actually the action of iodine itself – she emphasized.

Is your thyroid okay? You can check it easily. Perform the thyroid test package available at Medonet Market.

Iodine – what is it?

Iodine is an inorganic element and an indispensable component of thyroid hormones. Without it, it has no chance to function properly. Endocrinologist Dr. Magdalena Jagiełło explains on her blog doktormagda.pl that “this gland loves iodine”.

«Unfortunately, every kind of it, including those that do not serve it. She catches it from the blood without restraint. Of course, it has some mechanisms to protect against its harmful excess, but this does not mean that it can handle any amount of this element. It is safe to say that the thyroid gland is never indifferent to this element »writes the doctor on her blog.

Iodine – we are condemned to supply it from the outside

Our body does not produce this element. That is why we have to provide it with food or by taking supplements. The endocrinologist Sylwia Kuźniarz-Rymarz reminded that table salt is the richest in iodine, but we must be very careful about it, because in many diseases, e.g. cardiological, it is inadvisable. In addition, it is not without significance that almost all processed products contain salt, so it is easy to go too far with it. Fish and eggs are also rich in iodine. However, Himalayan salt will not provide enough of this element. According to the specialist, it fulfills a decorative function rather than a health one.

– Consumption of table salt, in reasonable amounts, protects against iodine deficiency – admitted endocrinologist Sylwia Kuźniarz-Rymarz.

How much iodine does our body need?

Our body needs 50 micrograms of this element daily. Its supplementation, however, is higher and for an adult it amounts to an average of 150-200 micrograms.

– In pregnant and lactating women, this is the amount that the daily dose should be. The consumption of table salt here will not cover this need. Regardless of the condition of the thyroid gland, apart from hyperthyroidism, of course, this element must be supplemented – said the endocrinologist.

Iodine is used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism (Graves’ disease, nodular goiter), but also in neoplastic diseases of the thyroid gland. Then he is faced with the task of completely or partially damaging the thyroid parenchyma in order to get rid of the lesions.

Iodine is one of the minerals present in the Brine for inhalation and baths, SOLANKA z ZabŁOCIA, which can be purchased at a promotional price on the Medonet Market.

What is the risk of iodine deficiency?

Iodine deficiency can lead to hypothyroidism and, consequently, other complications. In this case, when this element is not enough, the body does not have a substrate for the production of thyroid hormones. They are the most important element of the system that protects the basic metabolism. The rule is simple. Too little hormones causes hypothyroidism and disturbs metabolism. Here is a simple path to obesity. That is why it is often said that “the thyroid gains weight”.

– It is known that our body will always strive for homeostasis, i.e. balance. She does not like excess or shortage – summed up the endocrinologist Sylwia Kuźniarz-Rymarz.

Iodine deficiency can also lead to changes that we know well from the times of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. During adolescence, a juvenile goiter may develop. The thyroid gland enlarges and, as a consequence, thyroid nodules may develop. This carries a risk of thyroid cancer.

– The lumps detach their action from the axis associated with THS stimulation and begin to live their own life, causing hyperthyroidism – explains the doctor.

Too much iodine can cause autoimmune diseases

In contrast, an excess of iodine, as studies have shown, causes iatrogenic, i.e. artificially induced hyperthyroidism. You can treat yourself to it at your own request, if you go overboard with the amount of this element. Overdosing on it is also a factor in inducing various autoimmune diseases. It can aggravate thyroiditis – Hashimoto’s or Graves’ disease.

– Hyperthyroidism is a threat to life and health – warns Dr. Jagiełło on the blog.

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