Educational campaign “Embarrassing diseases, let’s overcome the taboos”

Why are there still diseases that are taboo for us? Which of them are socially considered shameful? What is the problem of stigma and who is it most often affected? These and many other questions are answered by Warsaw Press in the 3rd edition of the educational campaign “Shameful diseases, let’s beat the taboos”. The main partner of the event is the Foundation for Social Education. The campaign was published together with Gazeta Wyborcza on December 1. Medonet became the Media Partner of this event.

List of discussed problems and speaking Experts:

 · Foundation for Social Education-in dwugłosie Dr n. Społ. Magda Ankiersztejn Bartczak and Agata Kwiatkowska talks about when the HIV test will become normal and how the business world supports building social awareness about HIV;

Prof. Andrzej Horban – National Consultant in the field of Infectious Diseases, speaks on the evolution of HIV infection and the challenges we face in this area

Prof. Brygida Knysz – President of the Polish AIDS Scientific Society answers the question whether we are accustomed to HIV?

· Anna Marzec Bogusławska – MD An epidemiologist, Director of the National AIDS Center, in turn, looks at the prophylaxis in the context of HIV infection in Poland

Mateusz Liwski – from the Res Humana Foundation, in his speech on the Coalition on December 1, emphasizes that only by joint efforts we are able to counter the HIV epidemic

Prof. Joanna Narbutt – from the Department of Dermatology and Venereology, Medical University in Łódź, in turn, deals with the topic of psoriasis, an embarrassing skin disease that often makes patients stigmatized. With the new therapeutic possibilities of patients, is there a chance to confront the social image of the disease?

Dr Irena Walecka- Head of the Dermatology Clinic of CSK MSWIA in Warsaw emphasizes that psoriasis is not an infectious disease, and the development of medicine allows patients to look into the future with hope

Prof. Agata Szulc – President of the Polish Psychiatric Association – deals with the topic of schizophrenia, its social image and the fact that patients with mental illnesses are not accepted.

We invite you to read the full version of the campaign:

Embarrassing diseases 

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