Educational campaign “Caring for seniors – Seniors of the XNUMXst century”

Another edition of the Warsaw Press campaign, “Caring for seniors”, has just started. It is a compendium of knowledge addressed to seniors. Through the participation of many experts, we will present them ready-made answers to their questions, related to the most common health problems they have to deal with. We also want to inspire them to enjoy each subsequent day and show them how actively they can use their time. The campaign aims to show them the possibilities open to the senior of the XNUMXst century.

The latest facts can be found in the next 5th edition. Experts of Geriatrics, Rheumatology, Cardiology and Nutrition honored with their presence. Director of the Institute of Food and Nutrition Prof. dr hab. n. med. Mirosław Jarosz, the main expert on seniors’ diet and the creator of the Healthy Nutrition Pyramid, presented its updated version this year. In this edition of the campaign, a special section of advice – nutritional curiosities for seniors, run under the patronage of the Institute of Food and Nutrition, will be created on a dedicated portal. Prof. dr hab. n. med. Piotr Jankowski, XNUMXst Department of Cardiology and Hypertension, raised the issue of heart disease. Vice-Rector of the Jagiellonian University for Collegium Medicum prof. dr hab. med. Tomasz Grodzicki discussed the problems with hypertension among the elderly part of the society. Whereas the Head of the Clinic and Polyclinic of Geriatrics, prof. dr hab. med. Tomasz Targowski shared his knowledge about the fragility syndrome – a new disease syndrome typical for seniors, and prof. dr hab. n. med. Eugeniusz Józef Kucharz spoke about ailments and prophylaxis of bones.

The campaign is also supported by the friendly Little Brothers of the Poor Association. Director Joanna Mielczarek talks about the fight against the loneliness of Seniors. Agnieszka Łochowska, President of Creative Seniors, “Ruch i Zdrowie”, speaks about popular physical activities. The Active Senior Foundation also presents details of its activities aimed at activating the elderly.

The artist of the Polish stage, Krystyna Prońko, who inspires with her energy and cheerfulness, also honored with her presence.

All articles can be read at We invite!

This time, the substantive patronage was taken by the Food and Nutrition Institute, and Medonet became the media partner.

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