
Here are the developmental activities for every day, which I compiled for my daughter Katya when she was about two years old. The classes turned out to be fascinating for both Katya and me, I repeated and developed them, as a result, with some adjustments and variations, I have been using these exercises for several years.

Why do you need it? Something, perhaps, will come in handy in finished form, something will help you come up with your own. If you have your own good finds, share them, talented parents should help each other!

Day №1

  1. Montessori: Magic bag. A bag with 8 objects familiar to the child (comb, spoon, ball, etc.) The child guesses without looking.
  2. Sport: Throw the ball into the basket, when hit, take a step back. (2nd option — in a small box — clothespins)
  3. Mathematics: Count backwards. “The rocket takes off ..2,1,0 — launch! And toss the baby up»
  4. Imagination: Depict an animal. Show how an elephant moves, how a grasshopper jumps and plays the violin, how a cat, a mouse moves and washes, how a bear eats honey, how a butterfly flutters from flower to flower, how a sparrow flies and jumps, a sparrow chirps, an eagle flies, a horse beats with its hoof, a pig looking for something to eat, the bull gores with horns.
  5. Memory: Guess the object. An adult chooses any object in the room for himself and describes it to the child — where it is, how it looks, what it is intended for, what material, what color, what it feels like, smells, does not smell, etc. The child must guess. To complicate — the child himself asks questions. Draw a map.
  6. Speech: opposites (Day-night, sun-moon, cold-hot, summer-winter).
  7. Attention: Puzzles.
  8. Logic: «What is he?» An adult takes any item and ask the child to describe it. The ball, what is it? Round, rubber, light, large, green.
  9. Experiments: Sinking — not sinking.
  10. Reading: a) singing b) learn two or three words, c) playing with cards.
  11. Preparing your hand for writing: Drawing — paints (rain, Christmas tree, balls, cucumber, bun, comb, ladybug, fly agaric, snake).
  12. Music: Tambourine — repeat to the beat .; + disc «Smile».
  13. Street: Draw different lines on the asphalt — in a zigzag, wave, with right angles, a spiral — these are paths. Run along the tracks.
  14. For a good mood: Hide and Seek. The child is hiding, the adult is looking for him. Then switch roles. The driver must count to five (One, two, three, four, five, I’m going to look for who didn’t hide, I’m not to blame).
  15. Finger Games: “This finger went to the forest (stretch the little finger); found this mushroom finger (nameless); This finger began to clean; this finger began to cut; Well, this one took and ate — that’s why he got fat.
  16. Articulatory gymnastics: «Ball» — inflate both cheeks, then the left and right alternately.
  17. Bathroom: Let’s launch boats. You can make them from paper, foil, shells, walnuts, shells, juice bags, plastic boxes. Passengers will be small toys from kinders or soldiers. Arrange «natural disasters» for the boats floating in the basin. Blow on them, imitating the wind, water from a watering can, like rain, or let in a real storm.

Day №2

  1. Montessori: Sweep, mop the floor. Wipe the dust.
  2. Sport: «Islands» — made of paper — jump to the islands, crocodiles and various horror stories swim around.
  3. Mathematics: Path (swipe).
  4. Imagination: What am I doing? Imitate various actions: I play the piano, the guitar, the pipe, the drum. Rocking the baby, kissing, stroking the head, cursing with my finger, stirring the soup, tasting, eating, drinking, sweeping, washing, yawning, brushing my teeth, doing gymnastics, etc. Complicate: the child repeats the actions; show in turn.
  5. Memory: Put three or four (gradually increase) toys (cards) on the table, ask to remember, then close your eyes, remove one toy and ask which toy ran away. Complicate — swap, ask which toy is in the wrong place.
  6. Word: Make a small one out of a big one. Elephant-elephant, chicken-chicken, blanket — blanket, bed-bed, sofa — sofa.
  7. Attention: «Our mouths are silent, our hands speak.» The child must answer questions using only his hands: to say “yes”, you need to raise your hands up, “no”, spread them apart. Questions: Does a cat have four legs? Does it snow in summer? Can dogs fly? Can you throw trash on the ground? Etc.
  8. Logic: Name some kind of geometric figure, and the child has an object corresponding to this figure — a rectangle — bread, TV, table, etc.
  9. Experiments: «Spill equally.» A jug of water, three transparent glasses. The task is to develop water equally.
  10. Reading: Steam locomotive. Put the locomotive on the shelf — the golden cube A. Say that all the cars in the locomotive will be with the letter «a». Show how to find the side with the letter «a». (This letter is written only on large cubes). When the locomotive is built, it must set off, but for this all the trailers must be read — pa, na, ta, la, etc.
  11. Preparing your hand for writing: make a picture out of plasticine — the sun, flowers, grass, river.
  12. Music: Sing songs together in ionic.
  13. Street: Long jump. Put two sticks on the ground in parallel and try to jump over them.
  14. For a good mood: «Blind chicken.» Blindfold your eyes with a handkerchief and go from one room to another without hitting anything.
  15. Finger Games: “This finger is grandfather (knead and rub the thumb), this finger is grandmother, this finger is dad, this finger is mom, this finger is me, that’s my whole family.
  16. Articulatory gymnastics: «The balloon burst» — inflate both cheeks, then slowly exhale the air through a small hole.

Day №3

  1. Montessori: water the flowers.
  2. Sport: «Bridge» — walk along the bridge (from puzzles, on a stick, rope).
  3. Mathematics: a) Teach — where is the left arm / leg, where is the right. b) count the flowers on the window.
  4. Imagination: Emotions. Depict various emotions with facial expressions. What kind of mother (what mother does) — sad, sad, cheerful, frightened, joyful, calm, angry, sleepy, tired, crying, laughing, smiling, loving.
  5. Memory: Hang cards around the room, allow the child to consider. Then ask — find me a giraffe, etc.
  6. Speech: «One-many.» Wolf, and if there are many wolves, wolves. Calf-calves, piglet-pigs, foal-foals, puppy-puppies, hare-hare, goat-kids, turkey-turkey poults, duckling-ducklings, lion-lions, pig — pigs, feather — feathers, boots — boots, man — people, flower — flowers, etc.
  7. Attention: Take pictures cut into 3-4 parts. The challenge is to get it right.
  8. Logic: «There were fables.» Can a crocodile fly? And why? Can he fly in an airplane? Can a little girl drive a car? And why? And if her dad put her on his knees? Can a cake be salty? And why? And if mom mixed up the banks? Etc.
  9. Experiments: The magical property of water. Materials: water, glove, bag, ball, glass, bottle, sponge. The child learns that water takes the form of an object.
  10. Reading: write the words on the board — fly, cat, hedgehog, already, ear, nose, mouth.
  11. Preparing your hand for writing: Coloring.
  12. Music: Zheleznova (woof, woof, meow).
  13. Street: Bicycle.
  14. For a good mood: a game of ghosts. The child is given a large sheet (or an old diaper — cut holes). A child wrapped in it turns into a wild but cute ghost and wanders around the apartment with terrifying sounds.
  15. Finger Games: a) “Hedgehog, prickly hedgehog (weave fingers into a lock, shake to the beat of the verse), where are your needles? — Here they are (raise all fingers upright three times, but do not disengage your hands). Hedgehog, hedgehog prickly (wiggle in this position to the beat of the verse), Remove the needles — Op (sharply hide all fingers, press your hands to yourself)! b) Touch in turn with each finger of the left hand with the finger of the right: “Two kittens met: meow-meow, two puppies: av-av, two foals: yoke-go, two tiger cubs: prr, two cows: moo.
  16. Articulatory gymnastics: How does the dog get angry? (furrow eyebrows, prr) how surprised is mom? (raise eyebrows, squint eyes). Bite the tip of your tongue with your teeth. Make lips, and then tongue with a pipe.
  17. Bathroom: Sharp eye. Launch a small plastic box or sand mold into the bath. Throw buttons in turn, trying to hit the floating box. Who will make more accurate hits.

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