Education of a little boy

Help your boy to thrive

Moms smile and talk to their baby girl more. Results ? Boys generally speak later and less well than girls. They will act out their emotions. The girl is crying, the boy is fighting. It is necessary from an early age to encourage him to talk about his emotions, to get him out of his silence, to put words into his actions.

Don’t be too critical of your boy

He is hyper sensitive to criticism, especially those that concern his behavior. Underline her nonsense, without adding any more (avoid for example: “Your little sister would never do that! You make mum unhappy” …).

Adopt a synthetic language

Are little boys from Mars (and girls from Venus)? You have to speak to them in direct, concrete, logical sentences, without getting lost in the explanations.

Develop the feminine side of your boy

Teach him to match colors, to style his hair, to take care of him… which a father will not necessarily do. This is very positive for the future, because your boy, who has become a man, will be able to open up to a certain sensuality, sensoriality. You should not be afraid to “feminize” it, masculinity is transmitted by the parent of the same sex – the dad or a father figure.

Set limits for your child

It’s more complicated with a little boy, less close to you and more “attractive”. But it is necessary.

Also read the dossier “Mothers have authority too! “

Don’t do everything for your boy

Don’t go buttoning his pants when he asks to do it himself, push him to dress himself, to shower himself, accept him to walk away from you. Don’t reinforce his need for you.

See also the video “Teach him to dress himself”

7 / Be a “social” model.

Foster mother, of course, is good. But today the mother can also be a social identity model, she can support her son in his ambitions. It is more and more frequent to hear boys say “Me, I want to do the job of mom!” “

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