
Education by life is an influence on the personality and behavior of a child that occurs outside the direct educational influences on the part of parents and other adults.

Types of life education

Education by life occurs when a child learns from his own experience, from his own mistakes. Education by life is also the influence of the environment and environment on the personality of the child. This is the child’s way of life. This, too, is an influence on the child not by words, but by the personality of the educator.

All this in the aggregate is usually more significant than direct educational influences from parents and other adults. They educate not only and not so much educational influences, but the environment and lifestyle.

family rituals

Family rituals are the unwritten laws of the family, reproduced by force of habit and belief. that’s right. Every family has its own rituals — these are the little things that are always done and about which no one is discussing whether it should be done or not. This refers to such trifles as greetings and goodbyes, taking off shoes when entering an apartment, washing hands before eating, brushing teeth, buckling in a car, etc. See Family rituals

Rules for a child

There are rules governing the relationship between parents and children in every family. In some family, these rules are set by the child himself: “You are obliged to do everything that I will cry to you about!”, In another, angry parents: “Whatever it occurred to me now, then you should do it!” Rules are what was once established and become habitual. Then we call it relationships. If we do not set the rules for the child, the child himself sets them for us. See →

Kind of memory

The importance of family memory.

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