Education and mental health are intertwined. A mentally healthy person more easily acquires good breeding, good breeding contributes to good mental health.
There is an interesting opinion that most psychological problems could be removed and they simply would not have arisen if people had received a real upbringing: they would have known how to behave in public, how to behave at the table, how to give gifts, how to behave in case of misunderstandings … And not only would they know this, but they would be accustomed to behave this way — from childhood.
The girl is sitting at the table, they give her a sandwich and offer tea. The answer is a crooked, dissatisfied face: “I don’t want … And the tea, I suppose, is hot!” It is clear that this is bad manners, because well-mannered people, even when they refuse what is offered, thank you — both in words and face. But the fact is that in the absence of good breeding, the girl gets used to reacting to everything with a disgruntled face.
Why would such a negative habit develop? — These are the features of the Russian mentality …
Time after time she does not like one thing, then another. What are the prospects? Negative attitude, functional (and later anatomical) negativity, damaged relationships with loved ones, inability and unaccustomed to manage their emotions. Against such a background, getting a spoiled mood, losing significant people and earning depression is elementary.
And a well-bred girl accustoms herself to a positive outlook on the world and people, learns to see the good in people, her face evokes a positive response from people, and her attitude towards people is respectful and simply pleases. Obviously, these are preconditions for the future of mental health.
Opinion of Emilia Vasilievna Goncharova
Good manners is the ability not to interfere with others, not to cause inconvenience, not to spoil the mood, not to make unnecessary fuss around oneself. The focus of attention from one’s own person since childhood purposefully shifts towards the people around. By training this ability, we train from an early age in a person the ability to allocate a sufficient amount of energy to maintain himself in a collected, taut, working condition.
Mental health is the constant generation of internal energy at a level that makes it possible to solve one’s own problems on one’s own, allowing one not to be afraid of the emergence of these problems, not to fall into a stupor and not to fall into depression.
Based on these formulations, the relationship between good breeding and mental health, it seems to me, is obvious.
When good manners spoil mental health
- Crooked patterns of good manners
Education in different cultures is different, and not always the specific patterns of behavior of a given society or family are optimally associated with mental health. If in this culture it is believed that a well-mannered woman is obliged to tear her hair (an option is to cry bitterly and stop enjoying life) for forty days (an option is three years) after her deceased husband, then such good manners in this respect does not add mental health.
- formal upbringing
If upbringing is assimilated only as a letter, but not as a spirit, worn like an outer shell and internally alien to a person, then it turns out to be more of a burden than a help.
- Education against the backdrop of internal protest
It happens that upbringing and the acquisition of upbringing occurs against the background of an internal protest of the one who is being brought up. The child does not want to learn the norms of culture, seeks to do everything across. The reasons for this are different: both the innate characteristics of the child, and the influence of the child’s (teenager’s) environment, which broadcast the installation «Adults are enemies, do not obey adults!»