Summer is the season for berries and mushrooms. But if the berries grow at the right time in the right place, as long as there is warmth and moisture, then the mushrooms are very capricious in this regard. Of course, any mushroom picker has “fish” places, but it is not known whether mushrooms will grow there this season. It happens that it was warm and it rained, but there were no mushrooms. Various mushrooms are found in the forests and copses of the Southern Urals. But not all of them are edible. Let’s talk about the most famous.

When it is warm in June, and not very hot, it often rains, the first Ural mushrooms appear – dabki, boletus, boletus. Boletus and dabka grow in the “young” forest – overgrowth of young birch trees, which in modern times have grown violently on the site of former fields. Oil and boletus prefer coniferous forests, planting Christmas trees. Right there, in the birch woodland, you can meet the king of mushroom lands – white mushroom. But for the Ural forests, he is a rare guest, but the very best!

When the time of tubular mushrooms departs, the time of lamellar mushrooms approaches. The very first russulas appear, all colors of the rainbow. But it’s still not the best mushroom. Knowledgeable people are waiting for dry mushrooms. So in the Urals they call a white load, which in other places is not taken for a load, but in vain, oh, in vain. A real mushroom is called raw here, and they don’t really like it. They rarely grow, require serious processing, and the taste cannot be compared with dry ones. But here a large number of dishes are prepared from dry ones, and other varieties of mushrooms are not suitable for them. The places where milk mushrooms grow are worth remembering. Because next year they will grow there again. If they want.

Finding mushrooms is a real art. Milk mushrooms grow in families, if you find one, look nearby – you will definitely find his comrades. They grow in birch forests, under leaves, in tubercles. Only a trained eye will notice these same tubercles.

Dry milk mushrooms are salted and marinated. They cook local delicious soup – Georgian soup. They are fried with young potatoes and green onions, since it ripens just in time for the beginning of August, by the beginning of the collection of milk mushrooms. They make dumplings, local dumplings with milk mushrooms.

Well, milk mushrooms have also departed, mushroom pickers are now waiting for the hit of the season to appear – again. Although milk mushrooms can pamper more and more, they have the peculiarity of growing in periods, sometimes there are three periods during the summer-autumn. Honey mushrooms will go in September. They grow in clearings, on stumps, sometimes even just in the grass, or on a tree trunk. They grow up in families. They say they can be confused with false mushrooms, but, in my opinion, this is unlikely. It has a special, incomparable aroma. No mushroom smells like that. Honey mushrooms are pickled, dried. Dried mushrooms are used to make pies in winter. Pickled mushrooms are a delicacy in and of themselves.

Silent hunting for some becomes the most favorite hobby of a lifetime.

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