Edible dogwood – fruit, medicinal properties, cultivation, how to eat

Edible dogwood, although now forgotten, is slowly returning to favor. It was appreciated centuries ago because its healing properties can be used in various ways, and its cultivation is really simple. Nowadays, few people know about the beneficial effects of this plant, and the bushes on which the fruit grows are most often found in the fields and forest glades, and they are consumed mainly by wild animals. What medicinal properties does edible dogwood have, how to eat it?

Edible dogwood – what do its fruits hide?

Edible dogwood is a plant whose beneficial effects were appreciated a long time ago, and its red fruits are used in various ways. They were especially popular – they are small, oblong and red. They contain a lot of mineral elements, including iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and manganese. There are also other substances needed by the body, such as beta-carotene, flavonoids and organic acids, and above all, vitamin C.

Edible dogwood – other properties

Edible dogwood can help fight anemia. It is an excellent source of iron, which is the main component of hemoglobin contained in erythrocytes. It is responsible for carrying oxygen in the blood. If the body lacks iron, it risks hypoxia and the malfunction of most organs, leading to serious consequences. This is when anemia occurs, known as anemia, with symptoms such as pale skin, weakness, brittle hair, insomnia and headaches. Dogwood fruit not only allow to reduce the severity of these symptoms, but also thanks to the supply of iron to the body, improve the condition of red blood cells, and as a result – they can again bind the right amount of oxygen.

Edible dogwood is also an excellent support for the body in other disease states. An example may be a cold – dogwood fruits contain large amounts of vitamin C, therefore preparations with its content are an excellent option to strengthen immunity in the period of the highest incidence, e.g. in autumn and winter. That’s not all – dogwood also has anti-inflammatory and constipating properties – it is perfect for fighting diarrhea and regulating the work of the digestive system. Dogwood also regulates the work of the kidneys – thanks to the fact that it has a diuretic effect, it increases the excretion of water and sodium from the body, so it helps to heal urinary tract infections.

Edible dogwood – in what form to eat it?

Edible dogwood is a plant in which the fruit is by far the most valuable part. You can dry them, make decoctions and juices from them. For example, in problems with the stomach and intestines or diarrhea, it is most often eaten sok or dogwood decoctionthat soothes these ailments quickly. You can also often meet with «doghouse“, that is tincture of dogwood (flowers or fruits of this plant). It is used as an antipyretic drug or as a syrup to increase immunity and protect against colds. Alternative medicine enthusiasts also argue that compresses with a decoction of dogwood fruit they fight migraines and rheumatic pains. However, you have to be careful – dogwood consumed in too large amounts translates into an increase in insulin secretion, so patients who have a problem with controlling sugar levels should refrain from using it.

Edible dogwood – cultivation and fruit

Edible dogwood is a plant that can often be found in wild areas – fields, meadows and forests. It is a shrub or a small tree with a thin trunk. Edible dogwood has small white flowers that bloom in February and March. The fruit of the edible dogwood is red, small, oblong in shape and with a hard skin. They have a tart taste that can be compared to cranberry or sour cherry. Dogwood fruits have large seeds, so they should not be eaten, as it may result in problems with defecation. Before making the tincture, syrup or drying the fruit, it is best to cut the fruit and remove the stones. You should never get rid of the skin, because it is one of the most valuable ingredients of the fruit in terms of the content of beneficial ingredients. The fruits are harvested from July to October – they can be frozen, and during the period of illness, they can be used to make fresh juice or jam. Dried fruit can also be added to tea – a hot drink prepared in this way will definitely restore the situation to normal! It is also worth reaching for such a specificity in the case of indigestion – abdominal pains will go away in a flash.

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