A lot of moms have gone through the same thing! And just like you, they complained of swelling. Now they remember how they swelled up from day to day, rolled and not walked, how they could not get out of bed without help, and looking at their ankles, they did not believe that they were once shapely and that they would still be so.
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1/ 9 Bothersome but normal
Swelling in pregnancy is usually normal. Nearly three-quarters of future mothers struggle with them. They appear at the end of the second trimester and during the third. – Because you are tired, because you have been standing or sitting for too long, because the unbearable heat outside the window. If they are small, they disappear after a night’s rest, they affect the feet and hands, no cause for concern.
2/ 9 Where do they come from? What are they for?
Although you may find it hard to believe, swelling isn’t just to make your life difficult. When they appear after the 36th week of pregnancy, consider them as a message from the body: “I am ready to have a baby.” Ready, that is, prepared for various circumstances, such as losing a large amount of blood during childbirth. Water accumulated in the tissues is then absorbed into the blood vessels, thus eliminating the loss of body fluids. Another cause of swelling is the increased blood volume during pregnancy (by about 20 percent, i.e. from one to one and a half liters) – it is mainly needed by the uterus and placenta.
3/ 9 Rest!
And as often as possible, changing position at the same time! Get up, take a walk, twist, move, wave your feet, lay down … Preferably with slightly raised legs, because this way you facilitate the drainage of blood from the legs. The position on the left side is also good (thanks to this, the enlarging uterus will not compress the inferior vena cava, which is located on the right side of the spine and will not cause blood stagnation in the legs). Blame the growing uterus for the swelling (from the end of the first trimester it grows a centimeter per week!), The weight of which is felt by the iliac veins. Instead of circulating between the feet and the heart, the blood stops in the vessels of the legs (remember what happens when you build a dam on a stream – a lake on one side and a trickle on the other). This is when some of the “standing” water that is part of the blood flows from the vessels into the soft tissues. And the puffiness is ready!
4/ 9 Drink lots of water!
While this seems like the best solution to you, restricting your drinking is absolutely not going to reduce swelling. Nay. When you limit your fluid intake, you run the risk of dehydration, electrolyte disturbances and even kidney stones. This is dangerous. Therefore, drink about two liters a day, preferably still mineral water (two glasses at a time, not more). But also milk, cocoa, juices, fruit teas … Just give up coffee and tea.
5/ 9 Limit salt!
Its excess may be responsible for water retention in your body.
6/ 9 Wear compression stockings or tights
Such special, for pregnant women. Put them on in the morning when you get out of bed. This prevents blood from pooling around your ankles. Before you buy them, however, ask your doctor which is best for you. But avoid socks and knee socks with a strong elastic band.
7/ 9 Choose the right footwear!
It should be airy, made of natural materials, with low heels, preferably tied or with Velcro. To make the foot feel at ease.
8/ 9 When can they bother?
Unfortunately, edema, although it is a natural ailment of pregnancy, can herald trouble. For example, gestosis – called pre-eclampsia, and in the past, pregnancy poisoning. If the swelling is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, contact your doctor. This one will measure your blood pressure and order a urine test to make sure there is no protein in it. These abnormalities require treatment, or else the mother is at risk of eclampsia: seizures similar to an epilepsy attack, during which the placenta may separate prematurely. When water accumulates evenly in the subcutaneous tissue, swelling may not be visible. This happens when, for example, you gain weight rapidly. How to check if the swelling is hidden? Press your finger against the bone in the middle of the lower leg. Count to five and see if there is a dimple left on the body. Is? If so, see your doctor.
9/ 9 When to see a doctor?
Edema is a minor condition, although it can be really annoying when you are expecting more than one baby. Sometimes, however, they do show that something disturbing is happening. Make an appointment with a gynecologist if: • You are swelling in your eyes and the swelling grows bigger each day • The swelling does not go away after the evening rest • They also appear on the face and the whole body, not only on the hands and legs. symptoms, for example, high blood pressure (more than 140/90 mmHg) • You have gained weight rapidly, ie over a pound a week.