Edema of the nasal mucosa

What is swelling of the nasal mucosa?

Edema of the nasal mucosa – This is a swelling of the nasal mucosa, which is caused by excessive blood flow to the nasal area. Often, swelling is accompanied by an inflammatory process.

The mucous membrane of the nose is a barrier that delays the infection that enters the body, preventing it from penetrating to other organs. Edema of the mucous membrane indicates that the body is struggling with foreign elements or damage, which caused a reflex reaction. In response to the threat, vascular permeability increases and blood flows to the organ in need of help.

Causes of swelling of the nasal mucosa

Edema of the nasal mucosa

Most often, swelling of the nose occurs for one of three reasons:

  • allergic reaction of the body;

  • respiratory disease;

  • mechanical injuries of the nasal region.

Allergies occur because the human body perceives certain substances as foreign. What these substances are depends on the individual characteristics of each organism, in total more than 300 allergens have been identified. The most common are animal hair, plant pollen, citrus fruits, drugs and chemicals. Under the action of the allergen, the vessels of the nose expand, the mucous membrane begins to actively produce a secret in order to prevent the penetration of the allergen into the body, this causes swelling.

With respiratory diseases, such as acute respiratory infections, swelling and nasal congestion disappears after 5 days, but this is if the bacterial infection has not spread to the paranasal sinuses. Otherwise, diseases such as sinusitis, sinusitis may develop. If inflammation of the sinuses is not treated, it will entail life-threatening consequences: the accumulated pus can break through the mucous membrane and enter the jaw, eyes or brain.

Inflammatory processes that cause swelling of the nasal mucosa can be the result of hypothermia. Swimming in cold water, or being outside in the winter season without a hat, is especially dangerous for people with weak immunity. Often the cause of inflammation can be the use of cold food or drinks.

In children, the cause of swelling of the nasal mucosa is often adenoids – hypertrophy of the tissues of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. This phenomenon may be the result of frequent colds, poor health, lack of vitamins.

Edema after an injury in the nose is a natural reaction of the body. With a mechanical injury, the integrity of the mucous membrane is violated, and the body’s defense systems try to compensate for the “damage”. The size of the edema and the time required to eliminate it depend on the severity of the injury and the general health of the victim. In people with high immunity, the ability to regenerate tissues is much higher. While those suffering from diabetes, for example, wounds and bruises heal much longer.

Edema of the nasal mucosa can also be caused by hormonal disorders. Pregnant women often suffer from this, especially in the first months of their term. The reason for this is the excessive secretion of progesterone by the body – a hormone that supports the normal course of pregnancy. Doctors have noticed that most women with sinusitis have elevated levels of female hormones.

Other causes of swelling of the nasal mucosa:

  • benign or malignant neoplasms in the nose;

  • cerebral hernia;

  • curvature of the nasal septum;

  • congenital narrowness of the nasal passages;

  • foreign objects entering the nasal passages;

  • reaction to drinking alcohol.

Symptoms of swelling of the nasal mucosa

Edema of the nasal mucosa

Visually, mucosal edema can be determined by looking into the nasal cavity. The mucosa, as a rule, has a reddened and swollen appearance. But, since it is not always possible to examine the mucous membrane, edema can be characterized as a feeling of nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, a feeling of heaviness in this area.

Respiratory or viral diseases that cause swelling of the nose are usually accompanied by fever, profuse colorless or greenish discharge, headache or “breaking” pain in the muscles. As a rule, the nose “lays”, it is almost impossible for them to breathe. Sensitivity to odors disappears, dryness and burning in the nose may appear. Abundant lacrimation begins, a feeling of “sand in the eyes” appears.

If the edema is caused by an infection in the paranasal sinuses, the patient feels a headache and heaviness in the sinus area – these are the “wings” of the nose and the central part of the forehead. A person quickly gets tired, becomes irritable, and his condition can be described as “broken”. Pus forms in the sinuses, some of which comes out through the nose in the form of greenish or yellow discharge, often with blood, accompanied by a specific pungent odor (the patient himself does not feel it), and some accumulates. At the same time, it is likely that a lot of pus will accumulate, and it will break through the membrane, spreading to other parts of the face and head.

Allergic swelling of the nose has the following symptoms:

  • frequent sneezing

  • instant swelling of the nasal mucosa;

  • secretion of a colorless liquid;

Sometimes allergic swelling of the nose is accompanied by a “tickle” in the throat and itching of the skin of the face. Such symptoms can disappear quite quickly, especially if the allergen is identified and removed. It happens that the edema does not go away for days or even weeks, as in cases of seasonal allergies to flowering plants.

If the mucosal edema is caused by other causes – injuries, tumors, curvature of the partitions, then there will most likely be no discharge from the nose. But heaviness, congestion, discomfort and breathing problems will remain. A characteristic sign of swelling of the nasal mucosa is snoring.

How to remove swelling of the nasal mucosa?

Edema of the nasal mucosa

In the event that the edema is caused by trauma, it is necessary to contact a traumatologist to determine the degree of damage to tissues, nasal septum, and bones. In case of allergic reactions, an allergist will help, but if the edema is caused by a respiratory disease or its consequences, it is necessary to contact an otolaryngologist. Of particular danger is mucosal edema in infants, whose body is not yet adapted to full breathing through the mouth. In addition, problems with nasal breathing will cause the baby to refuse the breast.

If a person is sure that the mucosal edema is not dangerous and it is possible to cope with it on their own, numerous medications sold in pharmacies without a prescription, as well as simple procedures that are easy to perform at home, will help get rid of it.

In case of allergic reactions that caused mucosal edema, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of exposure to the allergen on the body and take an antihistamine, for example, Suprastin. To facilitate the breathing process, vasoconstrictor drops can be used. If after a few hours the allergic reaction has not gone away, or the swelling has spread to the throat area, you should seek medical help.

With swelling of the nose caused by respiratory diseases, it is necessary to act on the focus of infection, after the destruction of which the symptoms will also disappear. With relatively mild forms of the disease, which are not accompanied by purulent discharge from the nose, high fever, headaches, washing the nasal passages with salt, inhalation, the use of ointments that facilitate breathing, and sprays that constrict blood vessels will be effective. Regarding the latter, it would be useful to note that they are not a cure, but only relieve symptoms. In addition, the body quickly gets used to such remedies, and this can lead to the fact that it will no longer cope with problems on its own, waiting for help. Therefore, it is advisable not to use drops for more than 5 days in a row.

They take antiviral drugs and inside – in the form of powders, tablets. Such funds prevent the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria inside the body, preventing them from infecting other organs and systems. The effectiveness of such drugs has been clinically proven, but they have many side effects (including delayed ones), and are contraindicated in pregnant women and children.

When the infection enters the sinuses, both local and internal medications are used: antiseptics, antibiotics, immunostimulants. If there is an accumulation of pus in the sinuses, it is necessary to urgently wash them with the use of furacilin or other antimicrobial agents. Washing is best done under the supervision of a doctor, because if the procedure is carried out carelessly, the infection can get into the inner ear.

If there is swelling of the nasal mucosa, but there is no discharge, the cause of the swelling is probably mechanical damage. If the swelling of the nose is due to an injury, the first thing to do is to apply cold to the damaged area. This will help narrow the blood vessels and stop the flow of blood and lymph. Such edema, as a rule, goes away on its own, as the tissues recover. You can help regeneration with the help of healing ointments, and remove the edema with vasoconstrictor drops. In severe cases, surgery is required.

In the event that edema is caused by hormonal disorders, for example, an excess of female hormones, the doctor, after studying the patient’s hormonal background, prescribes drugs that reduce the level of a certain hormone.

home methods

Edema of the nasal mucosa

The use of synthetic drugs often causes damage to the entire body, especially people with intolerance to certain drugs, or those with weakened immune systems. The gastrointestinal tract of a person is seriously affected by chemicals, which can result in various disorders, a violation of the natural microflora of the body, and the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria. Thus, the use of folk remedies is a more gentle and safe method of treatment for the body, however, in especially severe cases, most of these methods are powerless.

For the treatment of edema of the nasal mucosa caused by viral infections, the following recipes are suitable:

  • Washing the respiratory tract with a solution of sea salt. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of sea salt in 0,5 liter of warm boiled water, mix thoroughly. The solution must be poured into one nostril and released through the other. Salt thins the mucus and promotes its release. To avoid damage to the mucosa, the procedure is not recommended to be performed more than three times a day. In this case, the nose should not be blocked before washing. Learn more about the nasal lavage procedure.

  • Iodine solution. Washing the nasal passages with iodine solution is recommended for chronic sinusitis. One or two drops of iodine are added to a glass of warm water and rinsed. Swallowing the solution is highly discouraged.

  • Essential oil inhalations. Boil water in a wide saucepan, add a few drops of fir, pine or cedar essential oil to boiling water. After that, bend over the pan, covering your head with a towel, inhaling the vapors. Inhalation is performed several times a day for 15–20 minutes.

  • Aloe juice. The lower leaves of the plant must be cut, washed, then they are scrolled through a meat grinder, the juice is squeezed out with gauze. This juice is mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio and instilled into each nostril 3 drops 4-5 times a day. Such a mixture will not only relieve swelling and relieve nasal congestion, but also accelerate the healing of the mucosa.

  • Beets from mucosal edema. Freshly squeezed raw beetroot juice is mixed in a 1:1 ratio with water and instilled 2-3 drops into each nostril. However, this recipe is not suitable for everyone – it can cause mucosal burns. This is especially true for small children. In the latter case, you can use boiled beet juice. Also use a mixture of juices of carrots (three parts) and beets (one part).

  • Honey against edema. Those who are not allergic to bee products can successfully use honey to relieve swelling and nasal congestion. Natural unheated honey is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and instilled into the nose a few drops during the day. It is also useful to take honey orally – it has an antimicrobial effect and strengthens the immune system, helping the body fight viruses. An adult can eat 100 grams of honey per day, children – up to 50 grams.

  • Herbal treatment. Decoctions of herbs such as chamomile and calendula will help relieve swelling. Chamomile has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to restore the mucosa. Calendula has an antiseptic and soothing effect, activates the body’s defense systems. To prepare a decoction, you need to take a tablespoon of the dry mixture, pour boiling water and keep in a water bath for about 20 minutes. After that, cool the broth to room temperature and rinse your nose with it.

If frequent washing of the nose caused dryness and irritation of the mucous membrane, you can use sea buckthorn oil, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is enough to drip 1-2 drops of oil into each nostril, it will help bring the mucosa back to normal.

In the event that neither washing, nor treatment with herbs or honey helps, and the swelling of the nasal mucosa lasts more than a week, accompanied by unpleasant symptoms or pain, you should consult a doctor and begin treatment with traditional medicine. Protracted or improperly selected treatment can contribute to the development of a chronic form of the disease.

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