Edema of the labia

Edema of the labia is swelling of the external genitalia. At the same time, both small and large labia can increase. They have a different structure and perform special functions in the body of a woman. Skin folds, called the labia majora, protect the internal organs from mechanical influences and environmental factors. They contain fiber and venous plexuses. In the labia minora, the tissues of which contain venous vessels, arteries, various fibers and sebaceous glands, nerve endings are concentrated. They are part of the vulva.

In addition to the labia, edema is formed on the clitoris, the vestibule of the vagina, near the Bartholin glands. It manifests itself in an increase in tissues and their swelling. The color of the skin and mucous membrane often changes. In some cases, ulcers form. Uncharacteristic watery discharge mixed with blood or pus may appear on the linen. When walking, performing physical exercises, sexual intercourse or mechanical action on the genitals, there is a noticeable pain. Lymph nodes in the groin area may become inflamed. This symptom is determined by touch. The woman experiences discomfort, there may be loss of appetite and weight.

Causes of swelling of the labia

  • Sexual intercourse. In this case, the edema does not require treatment, but disappears on its own after a few hours. Its appearance is caused by the influx of blood, which is provoked by sexual intercourse. It is worth contacting a specialist if the swelling does not subside for a long time.

  • Candidiasis. This disease is better known as thrush. Edema is one of her symptoms, along with itching and pain, especially during urination and intercourse, as well as cheesy vaginal discharge. The disease affects both men and women. It is necessary for both partners to be treated, since the causative agent of the infection is transmitted during sexual intercourse. You can get infected by using someone else’s underwear or through other objects. By itself, the fungus does not pose any danger. The infection develops only when conditions favorable for this develop: hormonal disruptions, weakened immunity, an unbalanced diet, poor-quality underwear made of synthetic materials. As a result, itching is felt on the external genital organs. Constant scratching leads to swelling. You can get rid of it by curing the main cause of the appearance – candidiasis.

  • Pregnancy. This period in a woman’s life is characterized by the accumulation of fatty tissues in the genital area and lower abdomen in order to provide warmth to the fetus. Often these formations can be mistaken for edema. The swelling goes away after childbirth, but if it causes discomfort, you should see an obstetrician-gynecologist.

  • Vulvodynia. This disease is accompanied by throbbing pains. They appear suddenly, disturb for a long time, and then also suddenly disappear. Vulvodynia in some cases leads to edema. It can be caused by sexually transmitted infections, uncomfortable underwear, somatic diseases, and even damage to nerve endings. Pain occurs during intercourse and movement. You should contact a specialist for help, otherwise the discomfort can become so strong that it will not even allow you to sit still.

  • Herpes. It is transmitted during sexual intercourse, and the risk of its occurrence increases several times with frequent changes of partners or weakened immunity. The main symptoms of herpes: the formation of ulcers and vesicles, inside which fluid accumulates, general malaise and fever, itching, swelling and redness of the skin. Pain may occur when urinating. Symptoms of herpes are noticeable only during its exacerbation for several weeks. Then the disease may not manifest itself in any way.

  • Vulvitis. The vulva is the name given to the external genital organs: the labia, the clitoris, the vagina, and the hymen. Inflammation of this area is vulvitis. It can be caused by taking a number of medications, including antibiotics, certain diseases, allergies, non-compliance with basic hygiene rules, and increased humidity of the genitals. Edema is the main symptom of vulvitis, as is redness of the skin, burning and general weakness.

  • Bartholinitis. This disease is an inflammation of special glands located on the eve of the vagina. They are called Bartholins. Inflammation is caused by special microorganisms, and sexual infections accelerate its development. At the initial stage of the disease, an abscess forms in the region of the Bartholin glands. The skin on the genitals becomes an unnatural red color and edema appears.

  • chronic diseases;

  • Allergy;

  • Other diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureoplasmosis.

Treatment of swelling of the labia

Edema of the labia

Trying to get rid of edema on your own is not safe. In addition, only the elimination of the main cause of its appearance will help to cope with swelling. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist who will determine what led to the formation of edema and prescribe the treatment of the identified disease.

With candidiasis, vaginal suppositories and immunostimulating drugs are used. Hormonal drugs are prescribed for vulvodynia. It is in this disease that thrush often develops, if no measures are taken. Vulvodynia is accompanied by severe pain, so it is necessary to take drugs aimed at suppressing them. Sometimes antidepressants and antihistamines are also needed (1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation antihistamines). Antiseptic drugs are used for vulvitis, and antibacterial drugs for bartholinitis.

Sometimes the cause of edema is a disease of one of the major systems of the body, for example, the endocrine system. In the process of treatment, to get rid of the tumor, it will be necessary to suppress or enhance its functions. Only a specialist can accurately determine the causes, and it is important not to postpone a visit to him in order to prevent complications. 

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