
General description of the disease


Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in body tissues and organs.

Causes and types of edema

Depending on the causes of the appearance, such types of edema are distinguished as:

  • hydrostatic edema – occurs due to increased pressure in the capillaries (most often appears in people with heart failure and other diseases of the cardiovascular system);
  • hypoproteinemic edema – the fluid accumulates due to a low level of protein in the blood and due to a decrease in the oncotic pressure of blood plasma when fluid leaves the bloodstream into the tissue spaces (edema in liver cirrhosis in the later stages refers);
  • membranogenic edema – appears due to various disorders of nervous regulation and increased permeability of the vascular wall and capillaries (occurs as a result of toxic effects due to the inflammatory process in erysipelas, boils, burns).

Depending on the place of manifestation, edema is to local (edema appears in a limited area of ​​the body or on a separate organ) and common (determined by general probing and examination, after pressing with a finger, a dent remains).

Other causes of puffiness:

  • hormonal disruption (especially malfunctions of the endocrine system);
  • long fasting;
  • violation of the outflow of blood and lymph;
  • overweight;
  • allergic reaction;
  • disorders of the autonomic nervous system, endocrine glands, liver, kidneys, heart;
  • insufficient amount of protein in the body;
  • venous thrombosis;
  • high temperatures outside (especially in summer);
  • phlebeurysm.

Symptoms of edema

Swollen arms, legs, or other parts of the body increase in volume; the skin becomes loose, like a dough. If there are no inflammatory complications, the skin may have a pale or bluish tinge; in inflammatory processes, the skin becomes red-purple in color. If the skin is taut, shiny – this is a sign of pronounced edema (in such cases, the skin may crack and fluid begins to ooze from the resulting wounds).


The appearance of symmetrical edema on the ankles and legs (in patients who are able to move independently) and the formation of edema in the lumbosacral region (in bedridden patients) indicates diseases Cardiovascular… Also, fluid can accumulate in the peritoneum (ascites).

In case of problems with by the kidneys, edema, first of all, appears on the face (the greatest number of edema was recorded under the eyelids), then on the lower extremities, genitals, abdominal wall and in the lumbar region.

Useful foods for edema

With edema, it is necessary to adhere to a salt-free and fruit and vegetable diet. It is recommended to eat more baked or boiled potatoes, eggplants, beans, dried apricots, lemon, cabbage, cucumbers, parsley, and garlic. It is best to drink green tea or a decoction made from watermelon peels. Also, the food should be rich in protein and potassium. Protein can be obtained from meat, hard cheese, cottage cheese, eggs, sour cream, fish. Apricots, melons, rice, orange and tangerine juices contain potassium. Soy is an indispensable product for a decongestant diet.

These are the general principles of nutrition for edema. Each patient is separately assigned his own diet therapy, depending on the cause that caused this phenomenon.

Traditional medicine for edema

Treatment of edema first of all begins with identifying and eliminating the cause of its appearance.

To relieve puffiness, patients are often advised to drink decoctions of medicinal herbs that have a diuretic effect. These include: birch buds, calamus, elder flowers, burdock, knotweed, parsley (and useful crushed dry seeds and the greens themselves), strawberries, pine buds, adonis, parsnips, heather, highlander. Take 4 tablespoons of the infusion three times a day. Herbs can be combined into fees.

Pumpkin juice also helps to relieve swelling. You need to drink it every day, 100 milliliters.

Turnip peel will also help with edema. Turnip peels (you should get a handful, the size of a glass) pour 600 milliliters of boiled water, cover tightly, place in the oven or oven. Simmer for 4 hours (you cannot boil). Drink a glass of juice throughout the day.

Take a small handful of beans, dry, grind into powder, place a liter jar of wine in the floor. Put in a dark place and let it brew for 3 days. Drink 3 tablespoons per day in three doses. Stir well before use.

Burn the stalks of the horse bean on an iron sheet, collect the resulting ash. Add half a teaspoon of ash to a tablespoon of water, mix. Drink such water four times a day for a tablespoon. After taking it, be sure to drink it with water or carrot juice.

Dangerous and harmful foods for edema

  • salt (it is necessary to exclude its consumption altogether or limit the intake to 1,5 grams in 24 hours);
  • a large amount of liquid (you can consume from 500 milliliters to 1,5 liters per day);
  • all fried, spicy foods;
  • conservation;
  • dried, dried fish, meat;
  • sauces, marinades, mayonnaise;
  • heavy cream, desserts;
  • alcoholic beverages and any other drinks and products containing caffeine;
  • Wheat flour;
  • any product that contains artificial additives or fillers.

All of the above products should be excluded from the diet (except for liquid and salt – you just need to comply with their daily rate).

If edema occurs on the background of an allergy, it is necessary to exclude from consumption the product that provoked it.


The administration is not responsible for any attempt to use the information provided, and does not guarantee that it will not harm you personally. The materials cannot be used to prescribe treatment and make a diagnosis. Always consult your specialist doctor!

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