Edam cheese

Edam or Edammer is one of the most popular types of cheese from Holland. This product got its name from a small town in the province of North Holland, where it began to be produced more than five centuries ago. Since then, Edam has gained worldwide recognition. Today it is one of the most popular Dutch cheeses.

General product characteristics

Edam cheese is classified into hard and semi-hard varieties. The fat content of this product does not exceed 45%, and the raw material for its manufacture is high-quality cow’s milk.

Cheese mass is obtained as a result of a natural fermentation process. After that, it is placed under the press, which leads to the separation of the whey. At the next stage, the product is dried, its surface is rubbed with salt. After that, the future cheese is placed in brine.

It is noteworthy that the production technology provides that real Edam cheese must ripen for at least seventeen weeks. All this time, it is carefully and carefully looked after, salt is added, and cleaned with special brushes. Manufacturers traditionally cover the elite varieties of this product with a black wax shell. At the same time, for the “ordinary” Edam, a paraffin coating of yellow or red color is used.

The taste of this cheese is well known to gourmets – spicy, with well-marked hints of nuts. In the homeland of Edam, in the Netherlands, two types of this product are traditionally distinguished: young and aged (mature). Young cheese has a sweeter and more delicate taste, with a barely noticeable spicy note. Aged cheese has a drier texture. Its salty taste is more pronounced.

Note that Edam does not have a characteristic cheese pattern. Eyes can be of various shapes, and their complete absence is also not considered a disadvantage. The consistency of quality Edam is as uniform as possible, the color varies from white to pale golden.

Selection and storage rules

When choosing Adam, carefully examine the cut. First of all, there should not be any seals around the edges – they are a sign that the rules for storing the product have been violated. The color of the cheese should be uniform – if light areas alternate with darker ones, this indicates that the cheese has not been aged.

Note that if you bend an edam slice, it shouldn’t break. Only slight crumbling is allowed.

Edam should be stored in the refrigerator, after wrapping it with food parchment. Note that this type of cheese is considered “tenacious”, does not deteriorate for a long time and does not lose its taste. That is why in the period from the XNUMXth to the XNUMXth centuries, Edam was invariably popular with travelers and sailors who took it on the road.

Chemical composition and energy value

It is noteworthy that there is no single production standard for Edam manufacturers, and the Edammer trademark itself is not protected. Therefore, the content of certain components in the product may vary. Traditionally, the calorie content of 100 g of cheese with a fat content of 40% is 300-315 kcal, and with a fat content of 45% this figure is 330-350 kcal.

100 g of Edam cheese contains 24 g of protein, 26 g of fat. Carbohydrates and dietary fiber are absent.

Edam, like other types of cheese, has a high content of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin composition (per 100 g of product)
Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid)6,8 mg
Vitamin E0,4 mg
Vitamin D (calciferols)0,86 μg
Vitamin C0,7 mg
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)1,4 μg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)19 μg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)0,1 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0,38 mg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0,03 mg
Vitamin A (retinol)238 μg
Beta-carotene0,17 mg
Mineral composition (per 100 g of product)
Manganese0,1 mg
Copper70 μg
Zinc4 mg
Hardware0,7 mg
Sulfur263 mg
Phosphorus600 mg
potassium100 mg
Sodium1100 mg
Magnesium55 mg
Calcium1000 mg

Useful properties and contraindications

Of course, such an abundance of useful compounds turns Edam into an indispensable storehouse of substances necessary for the human body. So, the B vitamins included in its composition have a positive effect on the state of human muscle tissue, normalize the activity of the nervous system. Vitamin A contributes to efficient metabolism, and is also responsible for the renewal of the body. Vitamin PP is an indispensable antioxidant that is involved in the formation of immunity, restores metabolic processes, accelerates the healing of wounds and injuries.

Due to its high calcium content, Edam cheese is recommended for people suffering from osteoporosis, as it strengthens bone tissue. The sodium contained in this product helps to normalize blood pressure, reduces tachycardia and develops endurance of the heart muscle.

At the same time, Edam cheese is not a suitable product for people who are overweight, due to its high calorie content. Its use should be reduced for people with a labile psyche – like other cheeses, Edam is able to increase the level of tryptophan in the body, which can cause sleep problems and nightmares.

Use in cooking

Both hard and semi-hard edam are traditionally served as cuts. It pairs well with fruits such as melons, peaches, pears and apples. Remarkably helps to reveal the exquisite taste of this cheese wine “Pinot Noir”.

In addition, this cheese is suitable for salads. Edam melts well, and therefore can be used to make pizza, and its sharp, savory taste makes this product an excellent filling for savory homemade pastries.

Edam cheese at home

Due to the fact that the product recipe includes only natural ingredients, with a certain skill, you can make Edam cheese at home.

For 10 liters of milk, you will need 0,2 g of mesophilic starter and 0,4 g of rennet.

First of all, heat the milk to a temperature of 63º C. In this temperature regime, it should be kept for half an hour in order for pasteurization to take place. After 15 minutes, gently stir the milk.

Place the saucepan in a container filled with ice water. While the milk is cooling, dilute the mesophilic starter. To do this, use water at room temperature (100 ml).

After the milk has cooled to 30º C, pour the dissolved starter into it and mix thoroughly for thirty minutes. All these half an hour the temperature of the mixture should be 30º C.

Dissolve the enzyme in 50 ml of water at room temperature. Carefully pour it into the milk, stirring well. Continue to maintain the temperature at 30º C. Within 45 minutes, the milk should curdle, turning into a thick jelly.

Cut the clot into cubes with a side up to one and a half centimeters. After that, stir the contents of the pan for a quarter of an hour, and then let it “rest” for ten minutes at the same temperature of 30º C. Then heat the contents of the pan to 36 degrees.

When whey collects in the upper part of the pan, drain about 30%, then add boiled water (40º C) to the curd mass. Its amount should be equal to the volume of the poured whey.

Let the curd mass “rest” for 10 minutes at a temperature of 36º C. After that, transfer the curd to a napkin and leave to drain. When the whey drains, place the cheese grain directly into the fabric in the form and leave for half an hour under a load of 15 kg. Then remove the cheese from the mold, moisten the cloth well with hot whey, wrap the cheese and put it under the press again. Increase the load to 30 kg and leave the cheese for 10-12 hours.

Prepare the brine: dissolve 800 ml of 200 g of salt, bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and cool.

Dip the cheese into the brine. At a temperature of 15 degrees, keep it for two days, turning it twice a day. After that, place the cheese in the refrigerator, where it will age for 3-7 weeks. In order for the cheese not to spoil for a long time, it can be coated with wax.

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