
The third book of the American psychologist Eda Le Chan is devoted to the relationship between children. Why is initially peaceful communication in the sandbox, school bus or at a children’s party, sooner or later inevitably ends in conflict? How to defend your innocence and not become an outcast in the team? How to understand your own feelings?

The third book by the American psychologist Eda LeChamp (the first two: «When your child drives you crazy» (Pedagogy, 1990), «When these adults drive you crazy» (Prime-Eurosign, 2007) is devoted to relationships between children. Why peaceful at first communication in the sandbox, school bus or at a children’s party sooner or later inevitably ends in conflict? How to defend your case and not become an outcast in the team? How to understand your own feelings? finds clues as to where to look for the true cause of peer unfriendliness, and learns how to overcome their own fears in order to resolve existing conflicts and prevent their occurrence in the future.

Prime Eurosign

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