Eczema on hands and fingers

Eczema on the hands is a serious inflammatory disease of the dermis of a chronic type. Often this disease affects the middle layers of the skin. As a rule, manifestations of eczema are expressed in the form of a rather small rash. At the same time, cracks and vesicles can be seen on all affected areas of the skin. The bubbles burst after a certain time, which entails the formation of an extensive wound surface. Such a surface can easily become infected, instead of a serous fluid, a purulent secret will appear.

There are different types of eczema: microbial, seborrheic, true, children’s and professional. To date, the main root cause of this dangerous disease has not been studied enough. However, it is believed that malfunctions in the nervous system provoke the appearance of eczema in most cases.

[Video] Eczema. Causes, symptoms, treatment:

Local therapy for eczema on the hands

Eczema on hands and fingers

If a patient is diagnosed with microbial eczema, then he needs to lubricate the crust on his hands:

  • Brilliant green.

  • Creams and aerosols: Panthenol, Polcortolon.

  • If the disease has a chronic course, then lotions with a solution of Resorcinol or ethacrynic acid are recommended.

Boric acid solution, tannin solution, galascorbin solution help to eliminate skin edema, reduce weeping, remove redness.

To speed up the healing process at the stage of extinction of inflammation, you can use methyluracil ointment.

It is important to adhere to a therapeutic diet with the refusal to consume large amounts of salt, with the exception of spicy, fatty fried, smoked foods. You should not consume chocolate, coffee, alcohol, eggs, as these products are potential allergens. Preference should be given to a dairy-vegetarian diet.

10 years of torment – a real story of victory over eczema

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