Eczema diet

Eczema diet

A diet for eczema must be strictly followed, since the use of certain foods can cause severe itching.

If the exacerbation of the disease was not provoked by any specific foods, a person with eczema still needs to follow a diet.

First of all, it is necessary to note the optimal way of cooking. You have to give up fried foods. In some cases, such a waiver may be temporary and take effect only during exacerbations of the disease. However, the patient will significantly improve his state of health if he excludes fried foods altogether.

Dishes that are included in the eczema diet menu are recommended to be boiled or steamed.

Dangerous Foods + Safe Alternative

Potentially hazardous products

Safe Alternative

  • Milk, cheese, cottage cheese and other products based on milk.

  • Sometimes you can use coconut and rice milk. In addition, use low-fat sour milk: in most cases, bifidobacteria contained in lactic acid products have a positive effect on the condition of the intestines, and therefore on damaged skin.

  • Red apples.

  • Green and white varieties of apples (Semerenko, Antonovka).

  • Wheat flour products (with gluten).

  • Gluten-free products (crackers, cookies, pasta), whole grain breads and crisps.

  • Sweets (chocolate, sweets, cakes).

  • Carob, dried fruits. When choosing dried fruits, pay attention to the way they are processed: a quality product should be obtained naturally (drying in the sun or in the shade), and not by processing with chemical compounds.

  • Fatty meat (pork, duck).

  • Lean varieties of beef, horse meat, rabbit and turkey meat. You need to be careful with chicken meat: in rare cases, it can exacerbate the symptoms of the disease. In such cases, it is recommended to abandon it completely or use it occasionally (and only the dietary part – breast). You can also eat specialized children’s canned food (puréed meat).

  • Meat broths.

  • Vegetable broths.

  • Seafood.

  • In some cases, you can replace sea fish with low-fat river fish.

  • Carbonated drinks with dyes.

  • Rosehip decoction.

  • Tomatoes, spinach, red bell peppers, beets.

  • All varieties of cabbage, except for red cabbage (Savoy, Beijing, white, broccoli, cauliflower), zucchini, squash, asparagus, young green peas.

  • Butter, margarine, lard.

  • Vegetable oils (olive, sunflower, rapeseed).

  • Artificial (chemical) food additives.

  • In very small quantities: black pepper, ginger, curry.

Nutrition for eczema

If you have an exacerbation of eczema, then immediately try to limit yourself to such products as tomato, strawberries, red apples, fatty foods, sweets, potatoes, baked goods from the highest grades of flour refined from bran, biscuit-cream cakes and cakes.

Also, do not lean on such products that deteriorate very quickly. For example, pate and all kinds of meat salads.

During periods of acute exacerbation, doctors recommend eating only vegetable soups, cereals on the water and fermented milk products.

As soon as you get sick, start drinking all kinds of fruit juices. Juices should be light in color.

Also, lean meat is good for you. Lean meats include, as you remember, turkey and rabbit. Lamb is also acceptable, but it is better to exclude it. But do not exceed the limit of one hundred and fifty grams in one day. Yes, and the meat is better steamed, and not fried. Also eat fish.

During an exacerbation of the disease, it is better to eat the first vegetarian dishes, and then on a weak meat broth. The second dishes that can be consumed include boiled meat, steam cutlets, meatballs, various porridges from side dishes (it is desirable to limit potatoes and flour), vegetable stew. Fish should be consumed only from the river – excluding sturgeon, catfish, carp – fresh, boiled.

Every day, eat cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk, acidophilus, yogurt.

Eat more plant foods. Cabbage and peas are very useful, because peas contain a lot of protein, so it must be eaten by patients with summer forms of eczema.

Also, eat carrots every day, as it contains a lot of vitamins B1, PP, B9 and carotene (provitamin A), the content of which is reduced in patients with eczema.

For those who suffer from hypertension at the same time, it is useful to eat beets and beans, especially the lima variety.

Watercress and lettuce contain iron and iodine salts, carotene, vitamin C, so it will also be useful.

Be sure to include turnips and rutabaga in your diet, as they contain twice the vitamin C content of oranges, tangerines, lemons and 12 times higher than cabbages and carrots.

If you tolerate well enough, then you can afford some greens, such as horseradish, parsley, celery, including in the form of salads.

If a patient with eczema also suffers from reduced hemoglobin and diuresis, or if he has sluggish bowel function, then you must definitely eat dill.

If a period of calm has come in the disease, then sea buckthorn, chokeberry, blackcurrant, raspberries, blueberries and blueberries, nuts, watermelons, melons, pumpkins, zucchini will be useful to you.

It is also possible to use gooseberries, mountain ash, viburnum, cloudberries, cranberries, lingonberries. But these berries should not be consumed during the period of treatment and exacerbation of the disease.

Cereals are also useful: eat buckwheat, oatmeal, millet.

If you have an aggravation, then all food that is spicy, salty, smoked, will lead to a deterioration in your condition. Also avoid eating eggs, milk, wheat, shellfish, peanut butter, peanuts, corn, soy, acidic fruits, food preservatives and artificial sweeteners, and onion and garlic salads at this point.

Do not eat citrus fruits such as orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit. Refuse completely from strawberries, crabs, bananas, alcoholic beverages, coffee and all kinds of teas.

Sample menu for one day




Afternoon snack


Oatmeal boiled in water. Weak tea.

Fruits from the list of allowed.

Soup with vegetable or beef broth. Vegetable stew.

Homemade yogurt or low fat kefir.

Salad of permitted vegetables with vegetable oil. Steam cutlet of turkey meat.

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