Eczema: causes, symptoms, how to treat?

Eczema is a dermatological disease characterized by skin rashes in the form of papules with serous contents, swelling and itching of the affected skin areas. It can take place in a dry and weeping form, it is distinguished by a polymorphism of manifestations in the form of a rash. The inflammatory process in eczema is allergic in nature, but the causes of the disease can be different – prolonged skin contact with the allergen, metabolic disorders, pathologies of the nervous and endocrine systems. Therefore, in the treatment of eczema, complex therapy is used, which is prescribed by the doctor individually for each patient.

Eczema can take place in acute and chronic form, has a cyclic development with periods of remission, and relapse of the disease is common. Skin rashes and associated discomfort not only spoil the appearance of the patient and cause him discomfort, but can significantly worsen his psychological state. Given the neuro-allergic nature of the disease, this only exacerbates the pathological process, slowing down recovery. Therapeutic measures include different therapeutic directions, from which the most effective ones are chosen for each individual case.

[Video] Eczema. Causes, symptoms, treatment:


For the treatment of eczema, enterosorbents are used – drugs that reduce the intoxication of the body by absorbing and binding toxic substances. The course of their admission is 10 days.

Hormonal therapy

Hormonal drugs are used with caution, short courses and only under the supervision of a doctor, since uncontrolled use leads to serious complications – aggravation of the inflammatory process, reduced immune defense, exacerbation of chronic diseases, infectious process.

Vitamin therapy

Vitamins can be used in the treatment of any type of eczema, as they prevent the development of allergic reactions and reduce inflammation, help speed up the process of regeneration of damaged skin. Vitamin E has an antioxidant effect, improving the absorption of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, metabolic disorders of which can cause eczema.

Vitamin therapy also includes folic, ascorbic and nicotinic acid, injections of B vitamins.


Antihistamines can be used for any type of eczema, the drug and form of administration varies depending on the course of the disease. In the acute stage of eczema, promethazine, chloropyramine and diphenhydramine are prescribed. When the inflammation decreases and the disease becomes less severe, the same drugs are taken in tablet form.


With the transition of eczema from an acute form to a chronic one, patients with impaired immunity can take immunomodulating agents under the supervision of the attending physician. Immunomodulators are taken with caution to avoid complications; they cannot be used at the acute stage of the disease.

With dysbacteriosis, indigestion

In case of inflammation of the pancreas, gastroduodenitis and other pathologies of the digestive system, the doctor prescribes enzyme preparations as part of complex therapy, as well as drugs that restore the intestinal normal flora.

For microbial eczema

Microbial eczema is treated by destroying its causative agent, so it is best to take a smear before starting appropriate therapy to determine the type, strain and degree of resistance of the microbe to antibiotics. Armed with this information, the doctor is likely to prescribe the right treatment the first time, and the macrolides, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, and fluoroquinolones used by the patient will stop the spread of eczema.

diet therapy

An eczema diet is necessary in the treatment process and for prevention, as there are a number of studies proving the direct involvement of the digestive system in provoking this disease (more on the eczema diet).

According to many modern doctors, constant irritation of the stomach and intestines affects the health of the skin, so a patient with eczema needs to deny himself fried, spicy, smoked and spicy foods, high-protein foods (including egg), canned food, sausage products , as well as chocolate, coffee and, of course, alcohol.

Patients with eczema note that when switching to a diet of vegetable and sour-milk products (cereals, vegetables, fruits, herbs, cottage cheese, milk, cream), the symptoms of the disease are significantly weakened.

Anti-relapse treatment and prevention of exacerbations

When remission is achieved, the treatment of eczema does not stop. Additionally, a course of histoglobulins is prescribed, and they also emphasize personal hygiene. It is also important to respond quickly to the appearance of intercurrent diseases, the surgical treatment of which is necessary to prevent the recurrence of eczema.

The remission of the disease is prolonged due to the diet, it is also necessary to protect damaged skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, frost, moisture, aggressive chemicals and injury.

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