Ectopic and regular pregnancy after laparoscopy
Laparoscopy is a minimally invasive method in which surgery is performed with a thin optical instrument. If you strictly adhere to the doctor’s prescriptions, pregnancy after laparoscopy occurs in 8 cases out of 10.
How long is the rehabilitation period?
After laparoscopy, it is recommended to refrain from excessive physical activity, lifting weights for a month, and to observe sexual rest. Menses usually come on time, but may be delayed. If spotting does not appear 6-7 weeks after the procedure, you should contact your gynecologist. Lack of menstruation can be caused by ovarian dysfunction.
Pregnancy after laparoscopy in 40% of women occurs within six months
When planning a pregnancy, it is necessary to take into account the reason for which the laparoscopy was previously performed. Full restoration of reproductive function may take:
- after dissection of adhesions – 14 weeks;
- after removal of the ovarian cyst – from 14 weeks to six months;
- after polycystic disease – a month;
- after an ectopic pregnancy – six months;
- after endometriosis – from 14 weeks to six months;
- after uterine fibroids – from 6 to 8 months.
A complete examination is performed 10-15 weeks before the expected conception. At the stage of preparation for pregnancy, you should take folic acid, adjust your diet. Sports loads should be moderate. Frequent walks in the fresh air are recommended.
According to statistics, about 40% of women become pregnant within six months after laparoscopy. In a year, only 15% of patients fail to conceive a child; doctors recommend them to resort to IVF.
Ectopic pregnancy after laparoscopy
In most cases, the ovum attaches to the mucous membrane of the oviducts, extremely rarely – in the ovary, abdominal cavity or cervical canal. The high risk of such a pregnancy is due to the swelling of the tubes after dissection of the adhesions.
Hyperemia of the mucous membrane disappears within a month, another two months of “rest” is needed to normalize the work of the ovaries.
Repeated laparoscopy may be necessary for ectopic pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy is a common complication after tubal laparoscopy. To prevent it, your doctor may prescribe combined oral contraceptives.
The hormonal cycle lasts 12-14 weeks
Signs of tubal pregnancy are lower abdominal pain, dark red vaginal discharge, dizziness, and fainting. The complication can be diagnosed by examination by a gynecologist, blood test and ultrasound of the internal genital organs.
Early pregnancy is terminated by injection or re-laparoscopy. With internal bleeding caused by rupture of the tube, open surgery is indicated – laparotomy. During surgery, suture material or clips are applied, blood vessels are sealed. All these activities are aimed at stopping bleeding. The ruptured pipe is usually removed.
So, the chance of getting pregnant after laparoscopy is 85%. The recovery period after the procedure can last from 1 to 8 months.