Ecotourism in Armenia

Feeling like an ecotourist in Armenia is easier than anywhere else: you do not need to climb into the lost corners of the country or look for untrodden paths. It is enough just to leave Yerevan.

Perhaps the most hospitable people in the world live in Armenian villages. They greet you with a smile and immediately start making coffee. It may seem strange to someone that a tourist comes to someone else’s house and starts a conversation about life. For Armenia, this is in the order of things.

Welcoming hosts

People here are open to live communication, ready to talk about life and traditions, share old culinary secrets and take a tour of the property. If you wish, you can help the hostess cook the thinnest pita bread in the “underground” stone oven – tandoor. The taste of freshly baked hot cakes cannot be expressed in words. It is no coincidence that lavash is included in the UNESCO Cultural Heritage List.

And you should definitely try dolma, khash, kebabs, kebabs, sweet gata pastries and amazing homemade jam. It is made from everything that grows on the territory of the country: apricots, plums, dogwood, figs, quince and even walnuts with the addition of cinnamon and cardamom.

In holy places

But to get the most out of it, you should not sit at the table. Armenia is rich not only in daily bread, but also in spiritual food. It will not be possible to visit all the temples and monasteries scattered in different parts of the country. Distances are short, but public transport does not reach all interesting places. It is wise to rent a car, and even better – find a guide with your own car.

Usually tourists go to Etchmiadzin – the residence of the Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of all Armenians with a cathedral. It was founded in 303, two years after Armenia was the first in the world to adopt Christianity. Another must-see place is the Noravank monastery complex in the red canyon. The road winding between the picturesque rocks is an attraction in itself.

You can make a stop to see the caves of Areni and taste the products of the local winery. An option for those who are not afraid of a long journey is the Tatev Monastery, 250 km from Yerevan. The creation of the masters of the X century grows out of a giant cliff on the edge of a cliff. Previously, it could only be reached by serpentine, which took at least 40 minutes. And now the world’s longest cable car “Wings of Tatev” (the record is registered in the Guinness book) delivers to the top in just 11.

Need to know

Coffee can be found here at any time of the day or night. Armenians do not recognize latte and cappuccino, but drink only a fragrant drink freshly brewed in a Turk.

Wherever you go, everywhere you will meet khachkars – slabs with carved openwork crosses. This is a symbol of faith and a kind of prayer immortalized in stone.

Alpine Lake Sevan, which the locals call the sea, warms up only by the middle of summer and only up to +20 °C.

Find treasure

It is impossible not to fall in love with Armenia. This country leaves a strong feeling of belonging to something ancient and very pure. And it is impossible to list all its treasures. After all, these are juicy pomegranates, and the purest Lake Sevan, and the many-sided Mount Ararat, and carpets of stunning beauty, and ancient legends, and most importantly, very sincere people.

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