Ecopol for bees

Ecopol for bees is a preparation developed on the basis of natural ingredients. The manufacturer is CJSC Agrobioprom, Our Country. As a result of the experiments, the effectiveness and reliability of the product for bees was established. Mite shedding rates are up to 99%.

Ecopol for bees

Application in beekeeping

Most beekeepers in the fight against varroatosis are wary of using drugs that contain chemical elements for treatment. Ecopol for bees is sold in the form of plates impregnated with natural essential oils. Therefore, it is suitable for adherents of ecological methods for the treatment of varroatosis and acarapidosis. Additionally, the drug is recommended for the elimination of wax moth. It is important to note that honey from bee colonies treated with Ecopol can be eaten without fear.

Ecopol: composition, release form

Ekopol preparation is produced in the form of strips made of wooden material 200x20x0,8 mm in size. Color is beige or brown. Smell of natural essential oils. The plates are hermetically wrapped in foil and polyethylene, in a package of 10 pieces. The strips are coated with an active substance, which includes:

  • coriander essential oil – 80 mg;
  • thyme essential oil – 50 mg;
  • essential oil of bitter wormwood – 30 mg;
  • mint essential oil with a high content of menthol – 20 mg.

Quantitative indicators are calculated for one plate. Additional substance – ethyl cellosolve technical.

Ecopol for bees

Of course, all components of the drug Ecopol for bees can be purchased at a pharmacy, but the resulting mixture will not give a positive result, judging by the reviews. It is important to comply with the technological standards of production, as well as the proportions of ingredients.

Pharmacological properties

The active ingredients of the drug have acaricidal and repellent properties that help to cope with acarapidosis and varroatosis. In addition to the above diseases, Ecopol resists other pathogenic organisms that are dangerous for bees. The tool is considered quite effective in the fight against wax moth. Preventive measures with Ecopol, aimed at the destruction of wax moth from bee colonies, butterflies from the nest, give good results. In addition, antibacterial and antiviral protection takes place at the same time, and the microclimate in the nest is optimized.

Ecopol for bees

Ecopol: instructions for use

  1. Near the hive with bees, Ecopol plates are taken out of the package.
  2. For strong fixation, a construction made of a paper clip and a piece of thin wire threaded through it is used.
  3. The plate is placed strictly vertically between the 2 frames of the bee nest so that there is no contact with the honeycombs.
  4. In the reviews, beekeepers pay attention to the duration of use of Ecopol strips. Basically, the processing process depends on the degree of ticking.
  5. The minimum period of using the strip is 3 days, the maximum is 30 days.
  6. It is recommended to lay out a white sheet of paper smeared with petroleum jelly on a removable tray.
  7. Thus, the intensity of shedding of the tick will be visually visible.

Dosage, rules for the use of the drug for bees Ekopol

According to the traditional scheme, bee colonies are processed in the spring after flying and in the autumn after honey is pumped out. The dosage of Ecopol depends on the number of nesting frames. Two strips are enough for ten frames. One plate is placed between 3 and 4 frames, the second – between 7-8.

Important! If the family of bees is small, then one strip will be enough.

Side effects, contraindications, restrictions on use

When using the drug Ecopol for bees according to the instructions, no side effects, contraindications and negative effects on bees were found. According to Ecopol consumer reviews, long-term use does not provoke the emergence of resistant tick populations.

Additional instructions. Ecopol packaging should be opened immediately before the treatment of honey insects.

Attention! 10-14 days before the start of the main honey collection, it is necessary to stop the treatment of bees so that the particles of the drug do not get into the selling honey.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Ecopol for bees should be stored in tightly closed industrial packaging. If the agent has been in the hive for a short time, it is possible to re-use it. The storage area must be protected from ultraviolet radiation. Temperature conditions for storage 0-25 °C, humidity level not more than 50%. It is necessary to completely exclude the contact of the drug with food, feed. Ensure the impossibility of access for children. It is released without a veterinarian prescription.

The product is suitable for use within 2 years from the date of manufacture. After the expiration date, you can not use.

Ecopol for bees


Ecopol for bees is a safe and easy-to-use medicine for varroatosis and acarapidosis, which does not lead to the reappearance of the mite population. The strips can stay in the hives for up to a month. If the intensity of the lesion is insignificant, then they can be used again.


Yaroslav Aleksandrovich, 38 years old, Perm
I put two strips of Ecopol in the hive. At the bottom I laid a sheet of white paper, smeared it with Vaseline in advance. After 3 hours, the result was on the face. We can say that the entire leaf was strewn with ticks, 70% no longer moved.
Sergey Alekseevich, 42 years old, Anapa
Everything was done according to the instructions. The plates were laid out on 4 apiaries. Works extremely poorly. Did not notice the claimed effect. Subsequently, they stopped using the drug. I do not recommend Ecopol for bees.
Stanislav Petrovich, 55 years old, Ivanovo
I didn’t see a tick at all. Although I understand that it should be. Maybe inattentive. In the spring I put two Ecopol plates in each family. I sprayed the walls of the evidence with an alcohol solution of mint. I’ll probably spread the paper, too, to make sure.

treatment of bees from ticks with Ecopol strips

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