Economist’s Day 2022: the history and traditions of the holiday
Economist Day 2022 in Our Country is a professional holiday for representatives of economic professions. We talk about the history and traditions of this date

The word “economics” is a Greek term meaning “the art of housekeeping.” With the development of civilization, the role of this area in the life of mankind grew. Currently, there is an economic science that studies how people in conditions of limited resources satisfy endlessly growing needs.

When is Economist’s Day celebrated?

Economist’s Day will be celebrated in 2022 11 November. This is a relatively young holiday – the date was approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Federation in 2015.

history of the holiday

For the first time the word “economy” or “house building” appeared in the XNUMXth century BC. Housekeeping was an important science of mankind of those times.

Over the years, people have become interested in the purpose of their actions, the ways and means of achieving it. Thus, the XNUMXth century was marked by the beginning of the birth of the first economic schools.

Centuries later, there was a modernization of economic activity. Established production and business. The standard of living has risen.

Until 2011, Economist’s Day was one of the unofficial holidays and was celebrated by representatives of this profession on June 30. Historically, this day was associated with the creation in 1917 of the People’s Commissariat for Finance, which was transformed in 1946 into the Ministry of Finance of the USSR.

In 2011, by Decree of the President of the Federation, a professional holiday was established – the Day of the financier, which is usually celebrated on September 8th. This date was chosen in honor of the signing by Emperor Alexander I of the Decree on the Ministry of Finance.

In 2015, economists got their professional holiday back. On the initiative of the Free Economic Society of Our Country, the Economist’s Day was announced on November 11th. The date was not chosen by chance. On this day in 1765, by decree of Empress Catherine II, the Imperial Free Economic Society was created – the oldest economic public organization in Our Country. It existed independently of the government, hence the name “free”.

The society has great merits to the state: it initiated the abolition of serfdom, the introduction of universal primary education, the development of statistics, and much more.

Holiday traditions

Economist Day in Our Country is a good occasion to congratulate all representatives of this profession, celebrate their achievements and encourage them with a cash prize.

Work groups organize festive receptions. On behalf of the leaders, the heroes of the occasion are presented with valuable gifts, certificates of honor or letters of thanks.

Along with the celebration, organizations hold seminars, lectures, master classes aimed at improving the skills of economists.

And, of course, the most significant award for the economic community of Our Country is the annual All- Higher Public Economic Prize – Economist of the Year. It is awarded in three nominations and is the highest award for work.

Profession: economist

An economist is a specialist in economic science who is engaged in planning, analyzing and forecasting activities in an organization. He can hold the position of a financier, accountant, tax specialist, analyst.

A person who wants to devote himself to this profession needs to get a higher education, as well as have the ability to have an analytical mindset, sufficient mathematical knowledge, perseverance and attentiveness, the ability to work with a large amount of information and computer programs.

Today, this profession is popular in the labor market. But in terms of demand, the number of specialists graduating from universities has also increased, so there is still high competition for a job. Successful career advancement requires self-improvement and work experience. But all this will more than pay off, because. The profession of an economist is prestigious, versatile and well paid.

Interesting Facts

  • In the United States, there is a tradition after Thanksgiving to arrange sales of goods that brought the highest income to stores, which were written in black. This is where the story of Black Friday came from.
  • January 8, 1835 is the only day in history when the United States did not have a national debt.
  • The first credit cards originated in 1950 as a result of an embarrassing situation by Frank McNamara. At the restaurant, he was unable to pay for dinner because he did not have his wallet with him.
  • The expression “money doesn’t smell” comes from a tax imposed by the Roman emperor Vespasian on public latrines.
  • In the 20th century, copper money weighing about XNUMX kg was used in Sweden.

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