Ecology of the skin

A deeper understanding of the mechanisms of aging leads us to the need to solve environmental problems … our own skin.

Thesis: toxins are one of the causes of aging.

The idea: stimulate the natural mechanisms of “debris disposal” in the skin.

Young skin is characterized by elasticity, elasticity and good tone – collagen and elastin, structural proteins, are primarily responsible for this. Most anti-aging products are designed to support the production of these proteins and protect them from damage. However, the effectiveness of these funds is consistently lower than expected. According to Dior Laboratories experts, this happens because our internal “ecosystem” does not have time to cope with the accumulated garbage.

Clarify the reasons

“Collagen and elastin have a fairly long life span of 10 to 30 years,” explains professor of biochemistry Bertrand Friguet. “Their fibers don’t replicate as fast as most other proteins. Over the years, the number of damaged protein structures is growing – this is due to both external factors (free radicals, ultraviolet radiation) and internal ones. For example, a by-product of metabolic processes in tissues is often highly reactive “garbage” that “sticks” to protein fibers, disrupting their structure. Cells have a kind of “atomic reactors” that provide them with energy – when a “leak” occurs in such a reactor, this also damages proteins. Of course, the body has a “repair” system, but if it is overloaded – which is what we usually see in skin over 40 years old – visible signs of aging appear. What happens when the body does not have time to restore damaged protein structures in time? They are grouped, rolled up, and their “repair” becomes impossible. In addition, like a grain of sand caught in a gear, they block vital processes in tissues.

Remove all unnecessary

To restore the functioning of the tissues, it is necessary to eliminate what is “not repairable.” In our skin, there is a natural mechanism that utilizes proteins at the end of their life cycle: special enzymes, proteasomes, literally “disassemble” the protein into its constituent parts (amino acids) in order to further use them for the synthesis of new proteins. It was on the study of this phenomenon that the scientists of the Dior laboratories focused their efforts. It turned out that with age, the activity of proteasomes decreases: at the age of 70 they work four times less efficiently than at 20. If you find a substance that enhances the activity of proteasomes, then the process of repairing damaged and synthesizing new protein fibers will become more efficient, and the return of youthful skin will become achievable.

Opinion of an independent expert

Dmitry Gutkin, PhD, dermatologist at the European Medical Center.

“The effectiveness of care is greatly influenced by the immediate sensations of the product, the way it is perceived by the skin. When you apply this product, there really is a feeling of transformation of the skin – both in appearance and in touch – which makes this serum worthy of the highest praise. As for the destructive effect of toxins, it should be understood that their formation is due to malnutrition, lack of movement and fresh air. These are the factors that need to be influenced in the first place – and this is absolutely in our power. Only those who take full care of themselves can count on the XNUMX% effectiveness of cosmetics declared by the manufacturer.”

The birth of a pearl

As a result of many years of searching, such a substance was found and became one of the components of the innovative One Essential serum. Extracted from kelp algae, this substance is part of a complex of 21 active ingredients that triggers the skin’s repair mechanism. The complex, named the “Pearl of Longoza” after the Madagascar Longoza (a plant of the ginger family), which is part of it, starts a “chain reaction”: getting rid of protein slags leads to an improvement in all cellular functions, an increase in cell life, restoration of structural proteins, synthesis of new protein fibers .


Under the influence of the “Pearl of Longoza”, the enzymatic activity of the proteasomes responsible for “garbage processing” increases by 35%, and the level of toxins in the skin drops by 41%. As a result of the subsequent improvement in cellular functions, the lifespan of cells is increased by 47%. In addition, due to the high penetrating power of the components of the serum, the effectiveness of the care products applied over it is significantly enhanced. Clinical studies in 42 women who used One Essential serum twice a day for two weeks, in combination with Capture Totale day and night care, showed a doubling of the anti-aging effectiveness of the cream.

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