Representatives of generation Z in different countries are determined to prevent pollution of the planet and global warming. But what will they use in their struggle – classical education or the advice of influencers?
Global environmental issues are of concern to teenagers: from the activity on the world stage of 17-year-old Greta Thunberg, already called the “voice of her generation” and a symbol of eco-protest, and ending with the speeches of young people at international summits, forums and demonstrations, pointing to climate change and environmental pollution .
Today’s teenagers no longer consider themselves old enough and powerful enough to change the world. “We are not going to wait 5, 10, 20 years to take the actions we want to see. We are not the future of this world, we are the present, we are acting now. We don’t wait any longer,” Salvador Gomez Colón, a 2020-year-old activist from Puerto Rico, said in January 17 at the World Economic Forum in Davos. Despite the fact that many of El Salvador’s like-minded people, like himself, have not yet reached the age of voting, their activities set the agenda for the world media and make politicians of the highest rank react. Young people are given the floor, and they use it: they blog, launch their own projects, participate in TED conferences, organize eco-movements and arrange “green” actions.
Although the “Greta effect” could not but affect the growth of environmental awareness among young people around the world, psychologists and sociologists generally attribute this trend to the entire generation Z (born, according to various theories, around the end of the 1990s). Modern children and teenagers are very pro-social, and everything related to issues of equality, human rights and freedoms, environmental protection is extremely important for them. Among the main fears of the Zetas both in our country and abroad, environmental challenges take the first place. There is even a separate phenomenon – “environmental anxiety” experienced by the younger generation, realizing the scale of the threat.
Eco-anxiety is a chronic fear of environmental disaster. It occurs in people who are concerned about the ecological crisis and the state of the environment. Possible symptoms include panic attacks, loss of appetite, irritability, intrusive thoughts, and insomnia. At the same time, modern teenagers are in no hurry to receive environmental education – they want to become IT specialists or influencers on Instagram or YouTube. Although the latter does not exclude receiving funds from environmental education: many bloggers who spread the ideas of zero waste and environmental consciousness earn money on their accounts. True, there are practically no professionals with any fundamental knowledge in this area among them.
What is the situation with environmental education in schools?
Green education should start at school: it lays the foundation for environmental education and helps to use knowledge from the social and natural sciences to protect the environment.
There are standards for secondary and general education in this area. They take into account the priorities of the global community and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015). But in the “green” movement in our country, the ECA believes that this is not enough.
Elvira Zinatullina, project Manager Ecoclass.rf ECA movements:
The main problem for teachers is the lack of up-to-date methodological and didactic materials. Information about environmental problems in textbooks does not correspond to the current situation in the world. Teachers and schoolchildren do not understand the scale of the problems, they do not know what can be done to solve them at different levels, including at the level of each person. Therefore, teachers face a difficult task: they do not have sufficient knowledge to prepare high-quality environmental classes themselves. They also do not have time to do interesting lessons for schoolchildren.
Now resources have begun to appear that help teachers with environmental education. For example, at Ecoclass.rf, teachers can become participants in the Green Schools in Our Country program and receive instructions on how to conduct and implement environmental activities and practices, as well as access to 30 free ready-made lessons and games on various topics: water conservation, forest conservation and biodiversity, separate waste collection, eco-friendly lifestyle, climate change, new technologies for ecology and others. The purpose of such lessons is to convey to schoolchildren the scale of problems, tell about effective ways to solve them and teach useful everyday habits.
Demanded eco-professions of the future and where to study them
Maria Ramzaeva, author and editor of the Atlas of Emerging Jobs 3.0:
In the 21st century, environmental thinking is a trans-professional skill. It should be not only for environmentalists, but for everyone, in any activity – from professional to household.
Caring for the environment is already part of government policy, companies are becoming environmentally responsible. Therefore, in the future, eco-professions will be in demand in all spheres of human life – from mining and agriculture to tourism and the fashion industry.
Here are just a few of the “green” jobs that will be in demand in the future:
Ecoanalysts in narrow areas
- Who: pharmacological, agricultural, port environmentalists, environmental analysts in construction, extractive industries, etc.
- What they do: monitor environmental safety at production facilities and facilities belonging to the risk group; predict possible threats and prevent them, reduce production waste.
- Who: professionals within companies who want to become environmentally responsible.
- What they do: help to reduce the negative impact of production.
Ecological Footprint Reduction Specialists
- Who: zero waste manager, architect of zero-energy houses, ecologist-logistician, recycling specialist.
- What they do: reduce the burden on the environment, reduce the amount of waste and harmful emissions.
Eco preachers
- Who: eco-producer, eco-leader, curator of conscious ecotourism.
- What they do: help to make environmental thinking a part of everyday life of every person; inspire to care for the environment.
Ecosystem Restoration Specialists
- Who: bioremediator, ecosystem restoration architect, rehabilitation veterinarian.
- What they do: restore the soil and flora, help animals affected by environmental disasters, correct the consequences of environmental damage already done.
Existing programs of classical and online universities and schools offer both familiar areas (for example, “industrial ecology” and “sustainability of natural resources”), and unusual ones (“city farming” and “eco-urban studies”). The difficulty with obtaining new professions is that they are practically not taught directly anywhere. But that doesn’t mean you can’t prepare for them.
“If you want to deal with environmental issues, but have not yet decided which ones, the “ecology”, “ecology and nature management” programs that are available in many universities are suitable, explains Maria Ramzaeva, editor of the Atlas of New Professions 3.0. – If you have decided, then here you can choose a close specialization. For example, the same future eco-guide will suit the specialty “ecological tourism”, and the port ecologist – “integrated use and protection of water resources”.
Career prospects
Despite the increased attention to the problem, in our country, environmental professions do not yet appear on the lists of the most popular and attractive ones. But the need for such specialists is gradually growing. On average, the growth in the number of vacancies for environmentalists in our country is 8% per quarter.
Maria Ignatova, Head of Research at the online recruiting platform
Top 10 areas in which the most vacancies for environmentalists are published:
- construction, real estate, operation, design;
- business services;
- extractive industry;
- retail;
- Food;
- oil and gas;
- metallurgy, metalworking;
- energy;
- transportation, logistics, foreign economic activity;
- industrial equipment, machinery, machine tools and components.
At the same time, the number of resumes of applicants-ecologists has remained almost unchanged for three years.
Who are they currently looking for on HeadHunter:
Is activism the way out?
So far there are not enough modern profiles in universities that meet the challenges of the time. Perhaps that is why young people see more opportunities to help the planet with concrete actions – demonstrations, projects and participation in conferences.
It can take a long time to wait for educational structures to adapt to new realities, and active actions are required now. An active life position and social activities do not prevent getting the right profession in the future, when the demand is more formalized, and universities learn how to train the necessary specialists.
The fact that ecology is now being talked about so actively is not least the merit of the younger generation, and it really works – as long as the problem is being talked about, it is difficult to ignore it.