Echoencephalography (Echo-EG)

Brain studies, including echoencephalography (Echo-EG), can detect disorders and anomalies, congenital and acquired lesions throughout life, which may indicate serious illnesses. Late detection of brain diseases can lead to complications and even death. Echo-EG is an effective research method, which is based on the use of ultrasound and waves that can be reflected from the tissues under study. In medicine, this technique is also called echoencephaloscopy.

Features of the diagnostic method

The study is completely safe, non-invasive and does not require long preparation. The essence of the study: a special apparatus acts on the plates with ultra-frequency electrical impulses.

The plates fixed on the patient’s head are set in motion and generate ultrasound, which spreads to the tissues of the brain and skull. In areas of media with different densities, signals are echolocated, and the apparatus registers waves that are reflected from the structures under study. A graph of reflected structures appears on the monitor, this graphic image is called an echoencephalogram.

Body tissues react differently to ultrasonic waves: adipose and epithelial tissues are characterized by a specific signal, which differs with pathological changes in tissues and neoplasms. These indicators are recorded on a graph, with the help of which the doctor differentiates health and altered areas.

During the procedure, it is possible to examine certain structures of the brain, assess the state of the periosseous space, and record median pulsations when intracranial pressure changes. Echoencephalography makes it possible to assess the state of blood vessels and the displacement of brain structures. It is advisable to use the technique for making a diagnosis and prescribing the subsequent treatment of identified diseases and lesions. The study is necessary to obtain the most accurate information about the state of the patient’s brain.

There are two modes in which the study is carried out: one-dimensional (internal parts of the brain are examined) and two-dimensional (the brain is scanned in 2 planes and a two-dimensional visualization is displayed on the screen). A two-dimensional examination (neurosonography) is performed for children under the age of 1 year.

The result of the study is a high-quality and accurate echoencephalogram recording of changing ultrasound signals. The study is prescribed for suspected serious brain diseases.

Indications for Echo-EG of the brain

Echoencephaloscopy is indicated when anxiety symptoms appear: migraine, fainting, dizziness of unknown etiology, loss of balance, tinnitus, nausea and vomiting, prolonged insomnia, decreased concentration, constant fatigue.

Diagnosis is needed for people in whom the attending physician suspects the occurrence of lesions and other processes in the brain: intracranial hypertension, cervical injuries, craniocerebral injuries, circulatory disorders of the brain, tumors (benign and malignant), hydrocephalus, idiopathic parkinsonism syndrome, tuberculosis, pituitary adenoma, brain abscess, neurotic diseases, meningitis or encephalitis.

The specialist gives direction to Echo-EG for young children when there is: sleep disturbance (drowsiness or insomnia), neurotic disorders, nervous tics, stuttering, head injuries, hyperactive behavior in which the child constantly requires attention, increased muscle tone, urinary incontinence (enuresis), retardation of physical development, fecal incontinence (encopresis).

The study is also useful for evaluating the effectiveness of a course of therapy.

The indications for the study also include: concussion, memory impairment, neurotic reactions, a feeling of lack of oxygen, fainting, nausea not associated with meals, and others.

Echo-EG is often used to diagnose the brain before a computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scan.

The examination allows you to detect dangerous lesions in the brain: hematomas, tumors, foreign bodies, neoplasms, cysts, disruption of the ventricles.

Advantages of the diagnostic method:

  • security;
  • the possibility of carrying out the procedure for children, pregnant women and the elderly;
  • no adverse reactions and complications after manipulation;
  • minimum contraindications (echoencephalography is not performed if the patient has open wounds on the head, because they cannot install sensors);
  • reliability and accuracy of graphic images;
  • not only the median structures of the brain are examined, but also the periosseous space of the skull.

Echo-EG is prescribed for pregnant women to examine the parameters of the fetus. Be sure to study the state of the brain of the baby. The results of the procedure can be called positive if the cerebral hemispheres in the picture are symmetrical and look like butterfly wings.


There is no need to prepare for echoencephalography of the brain. The study is carried out lying down or in a sitting position. If you need to examine a newborn baby, you will need the help of parents who will carefully support the child’s head in the right position.

Examination of adult patients and children lasts from 10 to 15 minutes. Depending on the examination mode, 1 or 2 sensors will be recorded. During transmission diagnostics, 2 sensors are attached to the head on the same axis (on the right and left sides), when one sensor sends a signal, the second one receives it. Emission research is carried out with one sensor, it is fixed on a certain area of ​​the head.

During the diagnosis, you need to listen to a specialist and not move. The occurrence of discomfort, pain in the head and other reactions during the study must be reported to the doctor. Diagnostics is completely safe and painless, so no side effects and reactions should occur.

Results of the study

The interpretation, analysis and description of the images is carried out by a sonologist.

The duration of decoding takes from 15 to 30 minutes, 3 main complexes or signals are considered: the first or initial one is formed by ultrasound reflected from the bones of the skull and superficial structures of the brain; the second or median – occurs as a result of the collision of ultrasound with areas that are between the two hemispheres of the brain; the third or final is the signal coming from one to the second sensor.

Deviations from normal indicators indicate the presence of pathological changes. To clarify the diagnosis, the patient may be referred for electroencephalography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.

The doctor can detect dangerous pathological changes: meningoencephalitis (inflammatory process of the substance and membranes of the brain), intracerebral hemorrhage (if there is blood in the hemisphere, when multiple echo signals are detected in the picture), hydrocephalus (a lot of cerebrospinal fluid collects in the cranial cavity).

Echoencephaloscopy is an effective and informative study that helps to determine the causes of the patient’s ailments, identify pathological changes, establish the localization of neoplasms and tumors, and, based on the results, make a diagnosis for medical, surgical or complex treatment.

The main advantage of the study is the speed and reliability of the obtained images.

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