Eccrine sweat adenoma – what it is, treatment

Syn.: Spiradenoma eccrinale, eccrine spiradenoma.

Def .: It is a benign tumor of the eccrine sweat glands.

Loc .: Single lesion within the trunk and proximal parts of the limbs.

Clinical: A single, bluish nodule, painful on palpation. There are patients with numerous eccrinale spiradenomas, which are inherited autosomal dominantly and often coexist with other adnexal tumors. The tumor is usually well vascularized.

Hist .: The histopathological picture is characterized by rosettes containing two types of cells. The larger cells with the aquatic nucleus form rosettes, between which are small, dark basal-like cells with sparse cytoplasm. You can find wired components. A thick basement membrane is present, similar to the oblak, but it does not look like a “puzzle”.

DR: There are no other similar diseases. Other lumps, such as a glomus tumor, should be considered.

Treatment: Surgical removal.

Year: Very good.

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Source: A. Kaszuba, Z. Adamski: “Lexicon of dermatology”; XNUMXst edition, Czelej Publishing House

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