Eau de vie – fruit brandy from Alsace

Eau de vie (water of life) is a French fruit brandy made by fermentation and subsequent distillation without aging in barrels. The raw material for the classic drink is any fruit except grapes, this product is included in the line of national distillates, such as German schnapps, Balkan brandy, Turkish raki, Czech palenka, etc. In fact, in France, any distillate is called this term, it is fruit brandy that is called more “pointwise”: Eau-de-vie de fruit, and grape brandy – Eau-de-vie de vin.

Historical information

It is believed that fruit distillate was invented by medieval alchemists who unsuccessfully tried to get real living water, that is, a drink for eternal (or at least long) life. For a long time, brandy was used for medicinal purposes: doctors quickly realized that strong alcohol has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Until the beginning of the XNUMXth century, it was given even to children.

Eau de vie – fruit brandy from Alsace
Pears, raspberries and apples are the most popular raw materials

In those days, each farm had its own alembic and produced au de vie for personal use or for sale. Until 1952, everyone had the right to drive fruit distillate, and if the amount of the final product did not exceed 10 liters, the manufacturer was exempt from taxes. Later, the rules changed, “moonshiners” had to pay taxes on every drop of fruit alcohol.

Haute de vie is not a name regulated by origin, but still Alsace is considered the heart of its production.


Ripe fruits are kneaded into a pulp and fermented, and soft berries with a low level of sugar content, like raspberries, are simply macerated (infused) in alcohol. Then the workpiece is distilled in copper alambika (twice during maceration) or another moonshine still, cutting off the “heads” and “tails”, and bottled, not aging, in order to preserve the freshness and aroma of the drink.

Eau de vie – fruit brandy from Alsace
Traditional moonshine for making au de vie

Anything can be raw materials: raspberries, strawberries, cherries, pears, plums, apples, peaches, etc. Special craftsmen distill “living water” from ginger, mountain ash, rosebuds, pine buds, gentian, even lovage. The result is a clear liquid with a strength of 30-75%. After the second distillation, the drink is left for a couple of months in metal containers so that the taste of alcohol softens and is not so sharp, then it is diluted to a strength of 40%, historically spring water was used for this, today distilled water is enough.

The raw materials used do not have to be local; the technology allows fruit from other regions or even countries.


The type of O de vie drink is determined by the type of raw material. In France, the pear version (Eau de vie de Poire Williams), raspberry (Eau de vie de framboise), apple (Eau de vie de pomme) are the most popular. Despite the fact that the technology does not provide for aging, some manufacturers still send their products to age noble in oak barrels.

In the Caribbean, O de vie is made from tropical fruits: bananas, mangoes, guavas, pineapples, etc. The peculiarity of the drink is its fresh and intense fruity taste. Real “living water” is like an orchard in a glass. Classic fruit brandy does not contain additional sugar, it has enough fructose in the raw material.

O de vie is any product of distillation. That is, this category includes spirits for cognac, calvados and even whiskey before aging in barrels.

How to drink O de vie

Fruit brandy is most often served as a digestif after a hearty meal, as the high strength of the drink contributes to better digestion. They drink “living water” from small glasses with a volume of 30-60 ml, it can also be added to coffee.

Eau de vie – fruit brandy from Alsace

In its pure form, O de vie is drunk after a meal, so they don’t have a snack, in addition, this drink can act as a cocktail ingredient, either on its own or replacing vodka in any classic recipe.

  1. Pashas pleasure. In an ice-filled shaker, mix equal parts vodka, cream, Kalua coffee liqueur and O de vie. Drink from a chilled glass.
  2. Vodka Crust. 3 parts vodka, part Haut de vie, part sweet vermouth, one drop each of regular and orange bitters. Mix everything in a shaker with ice, pour into a cocktail glass.
Eau de vie – fruit brandy from Alsace
Souvenir variant with fruit in a bottle, very popular in India

Famous brands

In Alsace, many local home productions are still preserved, while Mette, Miclo, Massenez, Nussbaumer, Wolfberger and others can be attributed to large suppliers. Traditionally, O de vie is bottled in tall narrow bottles – “flutes”.

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