Eating vegetables and fruits gives you a feeling of well-being

Eating seven servings of vegetables and fruit a day has a positive effect on mental health and happiness, according to British researchers. The results of their research will be published on Social Indicators Research.

Researchers from the University of Warwick (UK) have found that the more vegetables and fruits we consume during the day, the happier we are and, in addition, our overall mental health is better. The happiest people are those who consume seven or more servings of nutritious foods a day.

The study was conducted in cooperation with the American Dartmouth College and covered 80 people. Brits.

Researchers analyzed the subjects’ eating habits and measured their level of psychological well-being and mental health indicators.

It turned out that the magic number of servings of vegetables and fruit for a daily consumption was seven, with one serving being defined by researchers as around 80 grams. With this amount of products eaten, people showed the greatest satisfaction with life.

The statistical power of the influence of fruit and vegetables was a surprise. Diet is usually ignored by welfare researchers, comments Prof. Sarah Stewart-Brown from the University of Warwick.

Most Western countries recommend the consumption of five servings of vegetables and fruit a day to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Meanwhile, statistics on the eating habits of the UK population show that a quarter of the population eats only one serving a day or not at all, and only one in ten Britons consumes seven portions of fruit and vegetables a day. (PAP)

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