Eating meat makes you feel male?

According to a scientist from Bellarmine University in Lousiville, consumption of meat results from the patriarchal tradition and is today its symbol. According to her, this “carnivore” helps men to feel simply masculine. Eating meat is especially important for self-esteem, especially when it is combined with celebration. An example is the American Thanksgiving Day. In this context, growing evidence of the harmfulness of consuming large amounts of meat is relegated to the background. The non-ecological nature of “carnivore” does not matter either. According to some reports (including those by the United Nations), animals raised for slaughter contribute much more to global warming than any transport worldwide. Other German analyzes from 2008 show that carnivores produce seven times more greenhouse gases than vegans. Individually, with excessive consumption of meat, the risk of, among others, cancer and heart disease increases. According to Hank Rothgerber’s research, men who enjoy eating meat are less likely to perceive animal suffering. Statistically speaking, this group of men believe that animals are ranked lower in the hierarchy, and that they are destined to end up on a plate. Rothgerber admits that the link between meat-eating and male self-esteem is no revolution. However, so far little research has been done to prove this. Unfortunately, there are also reports that praise the most abundant consumption of meat.


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