Eating Behavior: 5 Types of Girls Who Never Gain Weight

Surely you have such acquaintances. One eats cakes at night and still falls out of the smallest pants. Another does not eat almost anything for the sake of an ideal figure, but from somewhere finds the strength to lead an active lifestyle. It’s about metabolism, eating habits and character traits. The eating behavior of girls who never gain weight is analyzed by psychotherapist Gerard Apfeldorfer.

If you ask slender girls what they do to maintain their figure, most will brush it off – they say, nothing. But in reality, of course, this is not the case.

Some of them limit themselves in nutrition, but simply do not want to admit it. Others unconsciously eat in such a way that the body does not have time to store fat. Let’s take a closer look at five types of girls who “never get fat.”

Double agent

She eats almost nothing. Picking a lettuce leaf in a restaurant. He comes to visit with his own dietary bran cookies and “holy spirit”. Eats one with tea. Just for the sake of decency. Surrounding people wonder how she even finds the strength to stay on her feet. Do you know her secret? And he is! She eats, like all people, more or less reasonably. But only when no one sees it. And sometimes, of course, she eats more than she needs, for which she then punishes herself with severe restrictions.

There is another extreme – girls who eat a lot in public and with pleasure. The combination of their insatiability and slender figure can only be envied. But you don’t have to do this. The rest of the time they torture themselves with a strict diet, which, of course, they will never admit to. Real secret agents!

Expert opinion: “The actions of these women are dictated by the principle of cognitive limitation, better known as the motto “all or nothing”. They strive to control their diet, but the slightest deviation from the rules provokes them to extreme measures. Having violated the ban, they stop restraining themselves and eat more than usual, but then they return to strict limits. This behavior has its own psychological consequences. Under the pressure of their obsession, they ignore their inner world. Alienated from themselves, they live in dependence on the external world and the opinions of others.


“I was so full at breakfast that I won’t be able to eat anything until the evening,” she replies in response to a colleague’s suggestion to try her signature pie. “We ate heartily at home,” he declares from the doorway, having come to visit. Listen to her, so she only does what she overeats. Ice cream – with the children, pies – with the mother-in-law, chocolate – to relieve stress. Meanwhile, no one has ever seen her eating. In fact, she deceives others and perhaps even herself. Mostly unconsciously, without realizing it.

And the current slender figure she found thanks to an obsessive desire to lose weight. In addition, she likes to exaggerate. In her eyes, a spoonful of rice turns into mountains of pilaf, and a spoonful of jam into a cake. She probably considers herself three times as fat as she really is.

Expert opinion: The “liar” is obsessed with an obsession and often loses touch with reality. Even when her weight is within the normal range, she wants to lose weight. Relatives and friends of such girls should not lose vigilance. It’s only half a step from this state to a serious eating disorder.”


She is constantly chewing on something. Her diet – chocolate, croissant, nuts and pies – an insult to the elementary rules of dietology. However, her thinness is explained by a simple mathematical calculation. This girl, by never sitting down to the table and not eating a full lunch or dinner, consumes the same amount of calories as a supporter of three meals a day.

True, endless piecework opens up rather sad prospects for her. For an unbalanced diet with an excess of fats and sugar, sooner or later she will have to pay either overweight or some kind of ailment caused by a lack of minerals and vitamins.

Expert opinion: “A lover of tasty and unhealthy food eats according to the same system that she lives. Unable to obey the rules, she flutters through life, works when and how she pleases, does not recognize the schedule and established rules. She likes to live unorganized. This form of being is no better or worse than others, but life without rules leads to the fact that the “anarchist” herself becomes its victim and hostage. The further, the more difficult it is to start leading a different lifestyle.

Perpetual motion machine

Such a person gets on everyone’s nerves. She was and remains slim, against all odds. Even if he begins to absorb pasta and potatoes in butter three times a day. These girls can afford a lot of frills simply because their bodies burn thousands of calories at the speed of a turbine engine. In the eyes of ordinary women, such thin people are the living embodiment of injustice.

It remains to be consoled only by the fact that girls with a genetic inability to accumulate fat have become the standard of beauty only in the last 50 years. Prior to this, the stronger sex preferred ladies with appetizing forms.

Expert opinion: “Women whose thinness is due to the constitution often suffer from a lack of feminine forms. And the efforts they make to get better are never rewarded. Such thinness is genetic, so it remains only to accept and love your body, if the absence of seductive curves suddenly causes certain complexes.


This girl loves tasty and varied food, although she knows when to stop. And she regularly burns extra calories in the gym. As a result, no extra pounds. Only muscles and a taut figure.

Expert opinion: “Physical activity is the best option for those who like to eat hearty, but do not want to be overweight or have health problems. The main thing is to keep a balance. Do not think that you can eat as much as you like, since you are training. Just as you should not starve if you suddenly missed a lesson. The main thing is that both sports and food bring pleasure.

About the Developer

Gerard Apfeldorfer – psychotherapist and psychiatrist, specialist in eating disorders. Author of the bestseller “Weight Loss Starts in the Head” (“Maigrir, c’est dans la tête”, Odile Jacob, 1997).

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