The reasons
Some people start to eat in the evening because only then they have time to think about eating. When the stress of the day subsides, signals from the body come to the fore and one big meal begins. Other people relieve stress in this way, and still others reach for food out of boredom. When it comes to waking up at night to eat, it is often the result of an inadequate, too little energy diet. However, it can also be the result of an eating disorder, and these require the help of a therapist who will help you cope with the problem and find its deeper causes.
Nighttime and evening snacking may result from hunger, boredom, stress, BED (Binge Eating Disorder), or NES (Night Eating Syndrome).
It is worth observing yourself and your reactions so that you know what situations the night food is most likely to occur in. A behavioral and well-being journal can be helpful in this regard. It is worth writing down situations in which bouts of eating appear in it. This will help identify the cause and break the cycle of emotions and eating.
The help in mastering eating in the evening hours is routine, rhythm and regularity. When you work out your habits, hours of eating and stick to them, it will bring a little more order to your life. Then you will avoid a situation in which you forget about food, but also hunger pangs. Sleep hygiene is also important. Remember to plan enough time for night relaxation. This is important not only for controlling nighttime eating but also for weight loss effects.
Meal plan
It is easier to control snacking and, above all, to be sure that you are eating properly and eating enough when you have a prepared menu. It is worth to plan your meals every 3-4 hours, then you will keep the state of satiety and the blood glucose level at a stable level. This will save you from feeling tired or irritated, which often makes you snack. Also remember to provide the body with the most energy in the middle of the day, because then it needs the most energy. Thanks to this, you will avoid evening hunger pangs or waking up from sleep because of it. This will also help you avoid making bad food choices, but also stop worrying about whether you are eating too much or too little. Remember that studies show that eating 3 times a day or more is associated with better appetite control and lower body weight, and eating less than 3 times a day with less control over your eating.
Healthy stocks
Try to have only valuable products at home. Stock up on fresh vegetables, fruits, lean and natural dairy products, and whole grains. Throw away any fast food, ready meals, processed foods, crisps, chips, sticks, fries, etc. Thanks to this, even if you wake up hungry at night, you will eat something valuable that, apart from energy, will have additional value for the system. Remember that protein is the most filling ingredient in your diet. It is therefore worthwhile to include a protein product in every meal, especially in the last one before going to bed. This can help protect you from snacking at night.
Plan for the evening
Often snacking results from habit or boredom. You sit down in front of the TV and start eating. Proceeding in this way will take your hands, but the side effects will be noticeable very quickly, for example in the form of weight gain. If you are bored in the evenings, think about what you like to do, what is your hobby and what you enjoy. Perhaps it is embroidery or crocheting that you have long forgotten? Maybe you fulfill yourself in plant care and you could arrange your balcony anew? Or maybe you can sew curtains or a mascot for a child? Think about what would make you a nice time to pass in the evening.
If you eat out of boredom, think about a new hobby, think about what you can do in the evenings to distract your mind from eating.
Discharge of voltage
Stress and fear are some of the most common causes of snacking. Therefore, dealing with them can be crucial to mastering evening or night eating. Often, after a stressful day, the first thing that comes to your mind is to reach for a bar of chocolate. This will only soothe your nerves for a while. She remembers that the surge of euphoria and energy after eating sweets is deceptive. As soon as the blood sugar level which made you feel blissful, it will drop just as quickly, which will make you want to continue to snack. So it’s not a good way to relieve stress. Therefore, if you know that it is your problem, think about what could help you relieve tension. Various types of physical activity are perfect here. So maybe, instead of sitting in front of the TV, you will go for a walk, jog, roller-skating or swimming? Relaxation techniques are also great for controlling eating disorders. These can be breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, but also stretching, aromatic bath or massage.
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