In the summer, the skin gets a lot of challenges. Heat burns, irritations, lack of moisture, age spots, and pimples are just a few of them. Avoid all these misadventures and breathe life into the skin will help products that are sure to be in your kitchen.
Ironclad argument
Foods high in iron are the staunch allies of healthy skin. The unattainable record holder here is the liver. For the skin, it is also useful for B vitamins, the lack of which often causes painful inflammation and dermatitis. Doctors recommend paying special attention to chicken and beef liver. The combination of active substances in them best slows down the oxidative processes, due to which early skin aging occurs.
Marine procedures
Cosmetologists tirelessly pay homage to fish and seafood. No wonder, because they contain a huge complex of micro-and macronutrients, which the skin needs every day. But especially the gifts of the sea are valuable for their large reserves of zinc. Thanks to this element, collagen is more actively produced, the skin is continuously renewed and blood microcirculation is improved. And zinc prevents the appearance of pimples and blackheads.
Color matters
Seasonal vegetables are essential products for healthy facial skin. Do you want it to be soft and velvety? Lean on the red and orange vegetables. They are rich in vitamin A, which smoothes wrinkles and gives the skin an even natural shade. Green and leafy vegetables saturate it with anti-aging antioxidants. Purple fruits lock moisture in the cells, so that the skin remains smooth and elastic even in the most intense heat.
Notable overseas fruit
Avocado contains a generous storehouse of especially valuable substances for the skin. Oleic acid is responsible for the regeneration and deep nutrition of cells, which is extremely important in adulthood. Niacin, or vitaminB3, gently relieves irritation and allergic reactions. Numerous antioxidants fight free radicals, which drain the skin’s vitality and can even cause heart disease and cancer.
Berry transformation
Fresh ripe berries contain everything that the skin needs in summer. Raspberries stimulate the sebaceous glands and narrow the pores. Currant softens the skin, lightens age spots and freckles. Blueberries create an invisible protective barrier and even out the complexion. Cherries and cherries dry out oily skin and relieve inflammation. Cranberry restores and deeply nourishes the cells. Lingonberry tones fading skin and slows down the formation of wrinkles.
Drops of pure gold
A great gift for the skin will be all kinds of vegetable oils. Olive oil reanimates dry, rough skin. Flaxseed oil contains the most anti-aging omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Corn oil eliminates stretch marks and sagging skin. Sea buckthorn oil heals wounds and irritations. Grape seed oil makes the skin firm, supple and smooth. Sensitive skin will be protected from negative factors by apricot oil.
A little children’s secret
Many consider cottage cheese exclusively children’s food. And yet it is also an excellent anti-aging product. It’s all about the combination of vitamin E and selenium-powerful anti-aging antioxidants. Their combined efforts make the skin velvety and radiant. Live fermented milk bacteria have a beneficial effect on the cellular structure of the skin and its color. This is another reason to love cottage cheese breakfasts, especially in combination with sour cream or yogurt.
The treasure in the shell
Nuts belong to the products for healthy skin. This is due to the same vitamin E, which rejuvenates the skin cells, saturates them with moisture and protects them from the effects of ultraviolet light. When paired with it, coenzyme Q10, which is part of most anti-aging creams, works more effectively. And another important role for the skin is played by zinc. This trace element stimulates the production of lipids in the right amounts and is involved in cell renewal.
Beauty in chocolate
Contrary to popular misconception, chocolate can dramatically improve the condition of the skin. However, only if it is a natural bitter chocolate without additives with a solid proportion of cocoa beans. The flavonoids present in this sweetness improve the blood supply to the skin, improve its texture, saturate with moisture and give a natural blush. But this is not an invitation to consume chocolate bars — 20-30 g per day is enough.
Drink of eternal youth
Among the drinks, the palm belongs to green tea. The amount of antioxidants in it is off the scale, which means that the skin is provided with a rejuvenating recharge. In addition, tannins gently tighten the skin, causing puffiness and swelling to disappear without a trace. It is noticed that green tea lovers almost never have pimples and blackheads. To enhance the effect of freshly brewed green tea, a slice of lemon will help.
Summer is a good reason to give your skin a healthy reboot. The products from our rating will help to restore her strength and return her irresistible appearance. As often as possible, include them in the diet, do cosmetic procedures with their participation and do not forget to share your personal secrets of healthy skin in the comments.