Eating according to the “ideal plate” model

Proper nutrition once and for all: studying the algorithm of healthy eating with the help of the ideal plate model.

Proper nutrition once and for all: we study the algorithm of healthy eating using the “plate model”.

“Plate Model” is a unique, easy and affordable healthy eating algorithm. We owe the invention of this scheme to the Finns. In Finland, it is used in the preparation of a variety of types of menus: from restaurants to kindergartens.

Nutrition instruction

  • Take a dinner plate with a diameter of 20-25 cm.
  • Mentally divide it in half, and then one of the halves – in half again. As a result, the plate is divided as follows: ½, ¼, ¼.
  • Fill the plate as follows: half vegetables and root vegetables, a quarter – a side dish with complex carbohydrates (pasta, barley, buckwheat, potatoes), a quarter – foods with protein (fish, meat, poultry, seafood, beans, soy.

1) Fruit half

  • contains fiber, vitamins and trace elements, a minimum of fats, carbohydrates and proteins;
  • you can impose vegetables with a slide, about 500 g daily;
  • you can boil, stew or eat fresh (the main thing is not to abuse sauces or oil – 2 tablespoons will be enough;
  • if after eating a puddle of oil remains at the bottom of the plate – you overdid it;
  • start taking it with the vegetable part of the plate, because vegetables tame the appetite and promote rapid satiety better than other products.

2) Carbohydrate side dish

  • due to the high content of complex carbohydrates, this part of the plate serves as the main source of energy;
  • whole grain cereals, rice and durum pasta contain many trace elements and vitamins;
  • the optimal portion of a dry product is 100-150 grams;
  • do not season the side dish with fatty sauces, grated cheese or mayonnaise;
  • go to the side dish after the vegetable half of the plate.

3) Protein “second”

  • contains a high amount of protein necessary for the restoration of body cells and the formation of new ones.
  • the optimal portion of fish or meat is 80-120 g (lifestyle – about the size of a deck of playing cards);
  • low-fat meats are preferable – remove the skin from the chicken, remove the fat from the meat;
  • alternate fish and meat, seafood and legumes;
  • do not forget about fatty fish – they contain the necessary fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6.

Positive aspects of eating according to the “plate model”

  1. Power balance If you form a diet according to such a model, then you can be sure that you will certainly receive all the necessary substances and trace elements.
  2. Decreased calorie intake The total energy weight of food decreases due to the abundance of vegetables, and, as a result, leads to the normalization of body weight.

Like any progressive method, the cymbal model has its opponents. Some doubt that it is possible to lose weight, focusing only on the correct selection of the contents of the dish, without limiting the amount of food. But this is fundamentally wrong, since the theory contains clear recommendations related to portion size. Others believe that the plate model is only effective during the weight maintenance phase. Allegedly, with its help you will not lose weight – there are too few prohibitions. This also indicates a lack of knowledge of the subject.

The principle of comfortable weight loss, which is based on our model, has long proved its effectiveness: weight goes off quickly and without pain just when you are not obsessed with counting calories, but try to eat calmly, satiety, choosing low-fat foods.

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